Neela kurinji flower

in travel •  7 years ago 

In the Western Ghats, strobilanthes kunthiana is found in the grasses that mix over 1,500 m above sea level. neelakurinji-in-eravikulam-national-park-kerala-AHMGKE.jpgIts unique feature is that it blooms every 12 years. The flowers were last bloomed back in 2006. Neelakutty's arrival had been demonstrated in May and May, but due to the heavy rains lasted for September. neelakurinji-in-full-bloom-in-munnar-AHMAW1.jpgThe highest ever deworming Eravikulam Park was opened on September 4th after the rains.Nilgiri hills, Palani hills, and High ranges in and around Munnar have buds. In Munnar we can see the blue barking plants that are spread across the Eroclimate National Park. Neelakurduji is also famous for the nearby Kavarvar, Kanthallur and Kumbakal. In Tamilnadu, Kodaikanal and neighborhoods are the center of the nursery. Kurtsunnhi is found in Mookurthi hill in Mookurty National Park in Ooty.neelakurinji-in-full-bloom-in-munnar-AHMATC.jpg


It is a unique flower that is found alone. The season is widely bloomed in an area where they are a hearty sight. This view is reminiscent of the valley of flowers in the Himalayas. The seeds are sown in ten months after flowering.

Some tribal groups believe that blue blossom is rare. Others like these flowers have a devilish view. This plant or flower has not been found to have medicinal properties. The horns collect honey from these days after flowering.

The tribal age of the tribal age is considered to be blue bloomingIn the bloom

The picture taken in MunnarNeelakurinji_and_Nilgiri_Tahr_66.jpg

It was discovered in 1838 by the blue bloom once in 12 years. A group of three German scientists had done serious research on decades before decades. Scientologic Strobilantus was determined by the Strobilanthes kunthiana after several changes. The name Kunthiana is derived from the German Kunt (Kunth). Neelakuriyil in Munnar and Neelakuttiyil in the nearby region of Kanthallas is different. The plants that are taller than Munnar are seen in Kandallur. This is due to climate change.Turismoneelakurinji-E89R3P.jpg

It is time for the development of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. In the 2006 season, more than 3500 visitors arrived in Eravikulam National Park a day.Protect protection

Special attention is paid to protecting the forests of Kerala Forest Wildlife Department. In the 1994 season, there were many instances where people watched by pedigree snoopers had gone out of the plant. In 2006, the deworming of the drops was punished.neelakurinji-in-full-bloom-in-munnar-AHMARF.jpg

Organizations such as Save Nothi Campaign Council in Thiruvananthapuram are spreading hate protection messages. photos

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