The chairman does not like opprobrious, exclusive writer vehicles module run in the city

in travel •  7 years ago 

The chairman does not like opprobrious, exclusive writer vehicles module run in the city

Recovered, architect coloring is also considered as a coloration of ataraxis and know, but whatever group equivalent this distort that they essential to buy and buy everything in their popular flag.

But if the forepart of a tell likes whatever color, and if you impoverishment to buy and buy all the colors in the aforesaid rationalize, then what should you do?

Region Denizen region Turkmenia presidency likes too such covered apologies, which is why he wants everything at his grapheme Ashokabad to be multicolor in appearance.

Due to the interestingness of the grace of the covered rationalize black-colored cars in Ashkabad soul been illegal.

According to the Analyse Halfway, contraband work vehicles were illegal without the proclamation from the source of the period 2018 in the Turki capital of Ashkabad.

According to localized media, referring to the local media, from Jan 1, 2018, guard love occupied black-handed vehicles of Ashokabad to bear out their guardianship.

The personnel is willing to elect the anesthetic citizens to vehicles on the consideration that they testament coat color on Caucasoid.

According to the Turkic authorities sources, black-colored cars are existence banned in the graphene because the region's Presidentship Qurbani Muhammedudov likes writer rationalize, and wants that the cars in the port are also the selfsame decorate.

Tho' the Turkic governing has not officially freed the notification of this firmness, nevertheless, the force got concord of black-colored vehicles, which are beingness returned to the owners at the minute when they Write the commendation.

According to sources, the provision is reportable that the citizen's gift metamorphoses their object into individual form.

Early in 2015, customs officials from Turkmen illegal dishonorable cars from foreign.

It is believed that most of the Ashkhabad buildings are also decorated with a white-colored rock, it is said that educator rationalize is a symbolization of orderly and peaceful.

Withal, according to authorities officials, an artefact of metropolis buildings, roads, and all kinds of mentation is decorated with journalist stone on Chairperson's wishes.

Separate from this, women's swing in Turkomen is also reportable unofficially illegal.

The Country Medium Office (AOL), referring to anesthetic media in Turkmenistan, said the president banned women's driving.

According to the reports, Chairwoman Qali Berdzhimov said this ban when he saw reports of ascension moving accidents in the country.

In these reports, most of the route accidents revealed that soul drivers were reported, after which the presidentship illegal women's dynamic.

Instead of taking otherwise instrument measures to desist means accidents, the regime thoughtful it redress to ban women's driving.

According to the collection, the ban on women's swing was put in mid-December 2017, since the source of Jan 2018, the constabulary started a series of licenses issued by human drivers to them.

Turkmenia's mind to ban mortal drivers is at a experience when the exclusive land in the grouping Arab Arabia also allowed dynamical women.

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its amazing.thanks a lot for sharing..
carry on.

good post my friend..