Hello! This is a short summary of my recent trip to Israel and Palestine. I will try to keep this as short as possible but alot of things happened and i cant talk about it all without boring you ;P
We arrived in Tel-aviv after a farily long flight and a stop over in Poland. We spent a few days in Isreal to just wind out and relax after the trip.
We had amazing food and the city might be the cleanest and best smelling place ive ever been.
[This was a super nice place to eat and have coffee, its a secret so shhhhh]
Off to Jerusalem!
First of Jerusalem has the most beautiful old city i have ever been to. It is so amazing, sandstone walls and all types of religious old buildings.
After a few days i Jerusalem i was kind of reluctant to leave, but i had no choice:( we drove for 1 hour to get to ramallah. The place we stayed at was super cool; Area D hostel. Now im not a hostel type of dude but this was nice and the people were awesome. They are really helpful and will really make sure you have a good time.
First of all if you're anything like me and love food Darna resturant is your place(traditional wood stove dishes in the menu) Best lamb casserole ever. I wish i had pictures but i was enjoying a bottle of wine and amazing food with my girlfriend and got kinda lost in the moment.
The Dead Sea
Go there.
It was so nice, i made new friends my skin felt great and its really beautiful there.
[Sorry for horrible quality]
I spent a good hour playing with these children making figures, animals and monsters with mud that was also all over me for cleansing, it was fun!
In Bethlehem the Israeli wall stands long and tall with all the peoples frustration spray painted on it.
When we were going along the wall stones slid across the street, teargas, rubber bullets and rubber grenades were shot into a crowd of protestors by the Israelis. as l took a peak around the corner I almost got hit by a rubber bullet and tear gas is awful folks. I get that the Israelis feel they need to protect themselves from heavy stones flying thru the air, but how would you feel if someone stole 2/3 of your water? Hard to grow crops, livestock and a family. I would be frustrated too.
make tea not war! Peace
Please tell me how horrible my writing is in the comments, would like to improve:)