Do Chinese People Eat Dogs & Cats? 中国人吃狗肉&猫肉?

in travel •  8 years ago  (edited)


Hahaha, this is a really funny topic. I still remember that I got asked by my foreign friend that "why do Chinese people eat dogs and cats?", "So cruel!", "These animals are the best friends of human beings". I say STFU, lol. My friends, let me explain it.

First of all, China is big. We have our modern part and rustic part. In modern cities, most of the people there are just like us, who DO NOT eat dogs or cats and consider it humanless to eat them. In rural areas, it is more common for people to eat dogs or cats. It is understandable because maybe they are poor and do not have our luxurious options on food. Maybe they believe in the traditional Ying-yang theory which says that dog meat warms your body and helps you make through the freezing winter. For me personally, I had dog meat when I was little. My parents told me that was rabbit meat, and after I had my taste bud satisfied, they said oh it was dog meats. I am not sure if it is legal to eat dogs and cats in China but my family does not eat dogs anymore.

Some people claim that it is cruel to eat dogs' and cats' meat. I also personally think it is somewhat disgusting if I see their bodies hanging up in a meat market, however, I do not oppose eating their meat. Dogs and cats are just like all other animals. If you are eating any other animals' meat, then please STFU. What? You think dogs and cats are our pets and they have thoughts? STFU, all animals have thoughts and feelings! I had a chicken as my pet before, I talked to him, gave him a name, and loved him so much. However, he was killed and eaten by my family, and I was quite sad for a while. So now, let me ask you, have you had chicken? If yes, you are a cruel person and stop eating chicken and all other animals. If no, may I ask if you are eating any vegetables? vegetables have lives, thoughts, and feelings too! Why are you eating them? You lacking the ability to understand the plants does not mean that they do not have their feelings! I suggest you stop eating anything, not even water because there are lives in the water. lol so my point really is, in China, it is not common for all of us to eat or see people eating dogs and cats. Especially, the younger generation in modern cities mostly hates the idea of eating dogs and cats either. On the other hand, it is also not wrong for some Chinese people to eat them if they like.

What is your thought about this?








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They do, in some provinces. But it's not really a common occurrence on the whole, considering how big the Chinese population is. I wouldn't judge them all based on a small population of people.

Very wise. 😝