My 5 Favorite Things to Do When I am Jet Lagging

in travel •  9 years ago  (edited)

First, I need to set the scene.

On Wednesday, August 24, 2016, my wife and I (along with our 5 children - yes, I did say five) will board a plan in Indonesia headed to the US. We are from the US, well, at least my wife and I. Only 1 of our 5 children was born in the States.

If I am not crazy now, I am pretty sure I will be by the time we land, and not for the reasons you may think. Our children travel well. Even adults deserve a good cry after the trip we are about the make, so we expect a few minor breakdowns. Honestly, I am concerned about all the passengers who will give those "I can't believe you are boarding the plane with 5 children" stares. The flights attendants, too. I totally get it, but I regress.

Second, we are gonna jet lag. Fact of life, we know it.

So these are the things I expect to do while jet lagging:

  1. Go to a 24 hour Walmart Super-center (or two or three). I am sure we will avoid most of the long lines between 4 and 5 am. Again, we fully expect the "why did you bring 5 children to Walmart at 5 in the morning?" stares.
  2. Eat cereal at 3 am. For a full week we will wake up about 3 am. Bellies will be hungry so we will snack on the cereal we bought at Walmart the day before.
  3. Eat again about 6 or 7am. I know it sounds crazy, but that is how it has worked in the past. When all else fails we like to visit a 24 hour IHOP. My wife loves breakfast.
  4. Binge watch a series on Netflix. Any suggestions?
  5. Try to take an "afternoon nap" at 9am. We have been up for 6 hours already. Not a great idea to get over jet lag, but it sure is tempting.

What do you do to get over jet lag?

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