10 Things You'll Regret Not Doing On Your Next Adventure

in travel •  6 years ago 

Change often leads to new opportunities but it might surprise you to hear how altering your travel habits can directly affect your holiday experiences. Whether it's embracing a bit of culture, sampling street food or braving to opt-out of planning an itinerary altogether trying something new can be liberating as well as incredibly rewarding.

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  1. Seize the (whole) day

For most us, holidays are an opportunity to relax and let loose but when travelling it is easy to fall into a week-long cycle of letting our hair down in bars and clubs, late mornings and lazy days spent by the pool heads pounding from the night before. Waking up early is the best way to ensure making the most of your time off. Nothing is more peaceful and relaxing than listening to the dawn chorus whilst catching the breathtaking views at sunrise not to mention there are fewer tourists around to compete with for a perfect spot at breakfast.

  1. Try local cuisine.

We are creatures of habit who know what we like so when it comes to eating abroad we often feel safer choosing typical dining in an effort to avoid dubious delicacies. However daunting it seems local restaurants and street food can provide some of the tastiest samples of a country’s cuisine. In many European destinations,​ you can order tapas, a small enough portion for a taste of some of the things the menu has to offer, in addition, many places offer combination platters providing a similar way to try many things. Take your time deciding where to eat, learn the language and ask the people nearby for recommendations, above all, be adventurous you never know, you might be a fan of honeyed crickets.

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  1. Push your Boundaries

Travelling offers a perfect excuse to venture outside of our comfort zones, live a little more on the edge. We don't all have to be adrenaline junkies, but we could all do with challenging ourselves, pushing our limits, and just saying “yes” a little more often. Whether it's all day mountain trekking rather than just an afternoon or skydiving out of an aeroplane, have the courage to throw caution to the wind and grasp every opportunity for an experience of a lifetime or you may end up never getting the chance again. Have you ever chickened out only to regret it later on? Do something different.

  1. Travel without an itinerary.

Admittedly, the majority of us do our research, scroll through a few online reviews and recommendations so as to travel with a rough idea of places to visit, sights to see and restaurants to try. Some of us micromanage down to the smallest of details but walking the unbeaten path and exploring further afield can present unimaginable benefits. Often steering clear of typical tourist attractions in favour of adventure gives you the mind-expanding privilege of experiences that many other travellers miss out on, up-close culture, hidden gems and little-known locations.

  1. ​Accept it when plans go awry.

Flexibility when travelling is important. Even the best-laid plans can fall apart. Being able to accept things we can't control is key to enjoying travel. Your vacation might not be at all as you expected. Focusing on the positives rather than stewing over the negatives is important you can't let a bad hotel room spoil the entire experience. Accept the rotten weather, cancelled events and fully booked restaurants. Remember opportunity knocks in the strangest places cancellations leave space for spontaneity, flight delays bring the​ ​ time for conversations with people travelling to the same place, perhaps you will learn of a lesser-known unspoilt beach cove from someone who has been before. Strive to stay calm and optimistic remember it is okay to go with the flow. Travelling is about the journey rather than the destination.

  1. Forfeit the five stars for an authentic adventure

Sure, Egyptian cotton and luxury spas are more inviting than a lumpy mattress or jungle floor, but occasionally remote villages with rural dwellings and rustic living are the gateways to genuine encounters and real adventure. Commit to participating in a different way of life, observe customs and engage with locals. Take a chance, turn down the tourist package for a “real” slice of culture. You can sleep under a blanket of stars with the security of knowing your bed awaits at home.

  1. Ditch the non-essentials.

Travelling solely with your carry-on luggage can be an emancipating experience. Whilst we all want to look our best in holiday pics all we really need in our bug-out bags is a toothbrush, camera, a few simple outfits and an open mind​! Restricting luggage is a great way to make certain we are travelling with the items we really need. Research the facilities... Are towels provided? Do you really to pack your own hair-dryer? Not only does it unshackle us from the constraints of modern society but its less cumbersome and a smarter choice for cost-effectiveness​ as many airlines offer free hand luggage. Who needs shoes for every outfit? Accept your natural beauty whilst exploring the Earth's natural beauty.

  1. Going gadget free.

It's rare these days to leave the house without your smartphone stashed and whilst technology brings us closer together and keeps us connected, it can also encourage us to live life “through the lens” and miss out on really experiencing the here and now. Opting to take a camera rather than a phone allows us to better spend our time (and roaming data) when travelling. Do your Facebook friends need hourly updates of your travels in real-time? Do we have to Instagram 3 meals a day? It's tough to go cold turkey where tech is concerned, but the abandonment of mod-cons can free us for a more in-depth present experience. We can always bombard the news feeds when we get home.

  1. Document your experience

At the end of the day, we travel for new horizons and to make unforgettable memories. In addition to buying keepsakes and souvenirs photographing landscapes, locations, and the friends we made provides a quick and long-lasting​g visual memoir to reflect upon our experiences and relive them. You could also keep a short travel journal listing a few key moments from each day to remember beautiful moments, or create a scrapbook but be sure to take it all in, live it, breathe it, don't just document it, you might find a wealth of wonder happening just outside of the frame. Keep a memento​ of your travels like these Push Pin Travel Maps.

  1. Vacation without hesitation.

With thousands upon thousands of worldwide​ destinations it's easy to choose yourself a dream holiday for your next vacation and convince yourself to book it soon- but why not seize the moment and book right away? Travel encompasses escaping the 9-5 work environment and swapping your regular day to day experiences for completely different ones, stepping away from the known and into the unknown. So free your self-follow​ your impulses get picking and packing today.

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