How To: Walk Away From A Crash Unscathed

in travel •  9 years ago 

Driving is one of our most dangerous activities and on a daily basis most of us put our lives at risk without thinking much about it at all. Yesterday I was irritated that I have not made much on Steemit, today I am thankful to be alive after a nasty crash on Interstate 77.

While some accidemts such as mine are unavoidable, there is a way to dramatically reduce injuries by 'crashing smart.' 

Let your body go limp....

Letting your body go limp just before impact is the best thing you can possibly do although it may not seem like a good idea at the time. Bracing your limbs for impact is a sure fire way to get hurt.

I was driving south from Pennsylvania to Georgia yesterday when I hit some thick traffic at the NC/SC border on I-77. Traffic was flowing fast and almost bumper to bumper. I was in the fast lane following a box truck and an SUV driving roughly 65mph. While cruising around a slight bend where the highway was seperated by a short concrete barrier I noticed the vehicles in front of me which were also blocking out my line of sight start to abruptly swerve, and then I saw it... 

What I saw was a DOT truck parked in the fast lane at a dead stop with no flashers on as well as no lane closed ahead warnings. The box truck and SUV in front of me swerved at the last second, but I was in a 1-ton lifted pickup that I knew would roll, so I decided to commit to the crash instead. 

The only thing I could do was mash the brakes and slightly cushion the impact.I pressed the pad, slowed from roughly 65mph to 60mph, aimed my truck so I would hit the dead center of the solid steel utility vehicle parked on the road, let my body go limp, and SMASH! I opened my eyes and was completely fine, no whiplash, chest pain, bruises, nothing. The seatbelt had held me in the place, and my airbags came out and pillowed my torso. The only scratch was to the leg I had braced which I had to do as I was pressing the brake pad. 

My truck was fucked. The front end was as flat a pancake. The engine block cracked, cab smashed, bed smashed, frame twisted, transmission hanging down, everything was done expect me and my dogs who also werent bracing for impact (because they didnt know what was happening). 

How I was not rear ended was a miracle, the car behind me was able to swerve into an opening in the next lane or I would probably be out of life.

I knew it was the right decision, if I would have swerved right I would have surely rolled as well as side swiped vehicles beside me, most likely killing someone. If I wouldnt have hit the DOT truck exactly as I did I would have also rolled. Why the damn DOT truck was even parked in the fast lane of a highway during rush hour traffic beats me. What's worse is the guy int the truck I hit wasn't even doing anything! He was also unscathed, because he was reclined back in his seat relaxed! Too bad taking the DOT or any Gov't entity to court is fruitless or I'd be getting another truck at minimal...

Today I woke up in a random hotel room in a town I don't know killing time because I'm actually scared to drive now. Hopefully that passes soon. I also woke up up with so much less than what I had yesterday. My truc, motorcycle on back, most of my personal possessions, gone. But that's okay, because I'm not gone, and I'm not injured, and that's all that matters. 

While going limp will not work in all crashes, it is your best bet if you can do it before impact. No matter how hard your body wants to instinctively brace against your dash and floor, fight it. You might get lucky like I did.

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Wow. Glad you made it out okay.

Thank you! Pretty sure I used my get out of death free card on that one. Lol