RE: Caring for Memory | Merawat Ingatan

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Caring for Memory | Merawat Ingatan

in travel •  6 years ago 

I forgot to write down the details of the existence of the village of Punge Blang Cut. Punge Blang Cut is a village under the administration of Jaya Baru District, Banda Aceh city, Aceh province. When the tsunami occurred on December 26, 2004, many people in this village died. Among the residents here were also declared missing to date, including my mother. Not a few have suffered injuries due to the disaster. In addition, thousands of people were also displaced because after the tsunami, nearly 90% of the buildings in the region were leveled.

Saya lupa menuliskan detil keberadaan desa Punge Blang Cut. Punge Blang Cut merupakan sebuah desa yang berada di bawah adminstratif Kecamatan Jaya Baru, kota Banda Aceh, provinsi Aceh. Ketika tsunami terjadi pada 26 Desember 2004 lalu, banyak penduduk di desa ini yang meninggal. Di antara penduduk di sini juga dinyatakan hilang hingga saat ini, termasuk ibu saya. Tak sedikit yang menderita cidera akibat bencana tersebut. Selain itu, ribuan jiwa juga mengungsi karena pascatsunami terjadi, hampir 90% bangunan di kawasan ini rata dengan tanah.

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