in travel •  7 years ago 

I'm currently in New Zealand! More specifically, Wellington. Three years ago I lived here for 8 months with my now husband, (he's a kiwi native). We are here to spend time with family and to wait out the visa process before heading to the U.K in a couple of weeks.
We've been trying to keep ourselves busy while we've been here; hikes, tourist traps, eating, movie-going. We are doing it all.
We love to hike so my husband suggested we walk to Red Rocks on the Southern coast of Wellington, great idea!

Not only was this walk surrounded by beautiful rugged coastline but it's also the home to a colony of fur seals! Protected since the 1970's after years of being hunted the colony has increased to approx 300 seals. They are very at ease with humans being around too, though we were careful not to get too close for obvious reasons!

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Nice. Loads of seals in NZ hey. I can't remember what I did in Wellington when I was there that is worth doing, besides the tourist traps you would of done. Surely you have been to the museum on the waterfront too.

We’ve been lucky and had nice weather up to this week. Yeah there was a great exhibition on at Te Papa. Otherwise we’ve been to lookouts and hikes around the coast. There’s a lord of the rings film location further out which was awesome. A lot of usual city tourist stuff but it’s the surrounding landscape I love about Wellington. We’ve been here a few weeks now so we are running out of things to do Hah.