Traveling through Europe #10: Danube stories

in travel •  6 years ago 

Good day steemians,

Today has been a quite interesting day and I felt like sharing this amazing experience with you guys.

First of all, we went to have breakfast to this amazing place called Szimply. In this cozy restaurant, we could enjoy a lovely július breakfast in the middle of Budapest. We ordered two different toasts for breakfast and I couldn't be more impressed about how beautiful and creative the dishes were:

IMG_20180709_125630_736 (1).jpg

Vinetta (top):

Sült fokhagymás és rozmaringos padlizsán, kovászos rozskenyéren, aiolival, ecetes uborkával, konfitált paradicsommal és gombával - Aubergine with roasted garlic and rosemary on sourdough, aooili, pickles, confitted cherry tomatoes and mushrooms.

Avo k dó (bottom):

Avokádós pirítós, kajszibarackos édesburgonyakrémmel, uborkával, répával, és friss petrezselyemmel - Avocado toast, apricot-sweet potato cream, with cucumber, rainbow carrots, and fresh parsley.

After having this amazing breakfast, we decided to go for a walk next to the Danube river. Around Budapest you can find a lot and different types of sculptures. Today one captured my attention, despite the fact that it wasn't one of the most interesting or important sculptures in this city. I am taking about the sculpture in the image below. There you can see the statue of Ignác Roskovics, a Hungarian painter. I just thought when I saw it that the statue was perfectly located, and I just loved the composition of the painter next to the landscape of the Pest side of Budapest from the Danube.


Just a few meters after this sculpture, we saw the Shoes on the Danube Bank monument. The monument is a memorial o the victims shot into the Danube by Arrow Cross militiamen in 1944-45 in Budapest (during World War II). The victims were ordered to take their shoes. After taken their shoes off, they were shot in the edge of the Danube river. I took some pictures to capture the monument and the moment.




Next to the Hungarian Parliament Building, there was an exhibition called In Memoriam: 1956 Revolution. The exposition examines the events of 25 October 1956 , 'Bloody Thursday'. Soldiers opened fire on a peaceful crowd on the square, killing hundreds of people.


I hope you liked our trip from today and that you find it interesting enough to come visit Budapest. All pictures are original and taken with my Huawei P10 smartphone. If you have any comments about the pictures, the story behind, or any other type of suggestions, please leave a comment!


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liked the last shot ...

soldiers always behaved like psychopaths on orders ...

sometimes i pity them for surrendering themselves being in poverty ... around 75 % of soldiers will join military due to poverty ...

and the rest will be sold the rage of nationalism and national integrity through staged atrocities which is purely Bulls**t ...

unfortunately though we are advancing in many areas we are still very uncivilizedly civilized and uneducatedly educated in the name of military, borders and wars ...

orchestrating wars to sell the over produced weapons or for war profits and to steal resources from powerless countries ...

ENjoy The free vote @cuchicucha as promised

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