A What Photos Did I Take??- A PhotoStory! | Our day in the City for @Teamhumble's Birthday Celebration!

in travel •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Ah the internal struggle of a blogger, there are SO many things that I want to share with you all, little moments, meals, views. Not to say that our lives are glamorous or extravagant, but the thing about @teamhumble and I is that we’re moment makers. Maybe because we love sharing so much with each other, with the world. There’s something about a perfectly crafted moment- or better yet a completely spontaneous one that makes you want to share.

SO! Yesterday we traveled by bus to @teamhumble’s old stomping ground Nottingham (yes the Robin Hood one) for drinks and lovely food and whatever the night would deliver to us.

I have to be honest. Even as I write this blog, I have no idea what photos I took. There’s an interesting balance you have to toggle when you’re out, especially enjoying an important event with a loved one, between being fully engaged and present, and being in “documentarian mode”.

That being said, there were multiple pubs, drinks, food and although I know I took photos. I haven’t had a look until now. So, in the spirit of breaking the 3rd wall- and sharing “THE REALNESS” here they are, unedited, for your viewing pleasure. Hopefully we’ll both have a laugh…

Ok, I’m back. And I’ve had a look, along with multiple LOLS as I type this from a coffee shop sipping my second flat white, hoping it will bring me back to life- It’s a bit fragmented, as any good adventure is. I warn you, these photos are NOT GOOD. And that’s ok. Let’s go!

First thing's first, Cat cafe. This would have been a great photo if my stupid finger wasn't in the way...why Dayle why!


Birthday boy ordered himself a Vanilla Unicorn Milkshake, as you do, and although I failed to capture its glory here, I can tell you it was exactly as magical as you'd imagine a unicorn milkshake to be.


Interest in the Unicorn shake was universally desired across all creatures, including feline, but @teamhumble's guard was vigilant!


Cat-friend Allan plotting an alternate route to the shake that may not be thwarted...


It wasn't long before we were sharing Steemit with the manager of the place. I really hope they start blogging here and sharing the stories of all the cats they rescue and take in. This cat cafe in particular is 100% non-profit, aimed at caring for and rehoming strays.


Seems the manager wasn't the only one learning about steemit and Cryptoz!


"Wait for real? Paid to blog-- AND curate!!?!"


"Are you guys hearing this??"


"I shall become the greatest Cryptoz blogger of ALL TIMES."


Unicorn looks down upon the birthday boy, as if to say...

"Great choice on that milkshake friend!"

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We hit the road and saw... THIS!


Look familiar anyone?? ;)


Sure the spelling is wrong but you can't deny that logo, once we realized we couldn't buy, any we moved on--the bus awaited!


And before we knew it we were in Notts!


Drink 1.


And then some DELICIOUS japanese for dinner. Our home made sushi is great, don't get me wrong, but nothing beats the real stuff...


Stoked that @teamhumble is as much as gyoza fan as I am- its one of my favorites of the dumpling kingdom...


And then zee main attraction!- Oh! And also I tried Sake for the first time. It was like a warm sweet hug, I'm a convert.


Everything was mega fresh and perfectly balanced- it made me realize how sub-par my rice is for our sushi-venures. Gotta work on that... ;)

Next, (and this was one of my favorite parts) @teamhumble pulled me into THIS storefront... we walked through the "STAFF ONLY SIGN" And were lead into another room that had a secret door into..




My drink was served to me in a TV-Dinner box on ice- Their slogan is"Drinking is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." Reading through the menu was a riot- also @teamhumble had a masala-spiced bloody mary that was DELICIOUS. Kinda blew my mind in fact- as I'musually not the bloody mary type...


We wanted to fit in as many places as we could. so we soon were off to THE OLDEST INN IN ENGLAND-- The Date of 1189 AD is a date so old its a bit difficult for my American brain to process..


Ok, let's play a game-- comment below with the name of the landlord who was in charge the year you were born- Mine is... J. & G. Ward & J. Marshall


This place had an old-as-dirt vibe like there was buried treasure nearby, or that by pulling on the axe of a suit of armor, a secret chamber would open up and we'd be well on my way to a Goonies-style adventure... It was really cool.


Then I took this STUNNING shot.... ;) Sums it all up really...I mean, wow Dayle...


Unfortunately, that's the last shot I have of the night, but we did hit one more pub that had live music- it was the perfect place to wind down in a cozy little corner and enjoy our last drinks of the night...

I have to say, @teamhumble 's post on our day is much more comprehensive and specific, so if you're looking for names of places, or for his side of the story- you can read his post HERE!

All-in-all it was a success! Mouse said he had a great birthday, and I enjoyed our time together as well, also, other than a glove on my part we didn't lose anything in transit. WINS ALL AROUND!

Happy Birthday Mouse!

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Hey, I can see it was fun! And I wouldn't mind a unicorn milkshake in my bday either. Gonna give @exyle this hint.
Once again, happy birthday @teamhumble

thanks @bkdbkd was nice to take a few a few days of down time like that.

hahaha who WOULDN'T want a sparkly unicorn milkshake any day! ;)

Ooooh, looks good! Sounds like a wonderful day. Would love to get my hands on such a milkshake - sounds delicious!

And I've been on an Asian food roll lately and boy, it does look tasty!

i love asian food. i have yet to learn all it's waaayyyyysss.

I'd love to be able to cook it properly!

yeah me too. i'm clueless with that stuff apart from ramen stuff and even then i'm super basic.

My knowledge goes as far as instanoodles, so you win!

I could eat japanese, chinese, indian, filipino food EVERY night of the week, it's hard not to love!

That sounds like a dream come true!

Haha we've been on the wrong continents all this time huh

I guess so. My inner DNA is craving it's roots!

yayayy, all of the good times. i had fun, it was nice and mellow and i like mellow, not eating for the 'sake' of it and getting around all those nice breweries. yes. 45. unlocked! :)

lol ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED all zee XP coming your way dear <3

hopefully his journey pleases my friend yes


friends please log in my blog once my good friend ya


you had more drinks after that last shot? Wow! hardcore!

I'm a bit sceptical about that 1189 date - traditionally, anything before that date (which was the beginning of the reign of Richard I) was considered "time immemorial" - I wouldn't be surprised if people said it had been there since time immemorial and that somebody in marketing decided to take it literally.

Or I could be being a smug old clever clogs and be totally wrong! Glad you had a good night and got to know ye Olde Cittie of Nottinghame better :)

Everything after the 1600s is completely mindblowing to me, but yes could be! I was wondering however, if it's a bit like the "Ray's Original" pizza in NYC- wonder how many places claim to be the oldest lol

Wow! What an adventure! I love the unicorn drink and the cat café is awesome. Happy Birthday @teamhumble!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Was certainly magical ;) In fairness, he's got much better photos of the shake than I did haha- i was distracted by the kitties

Haha I would have been, too!

Love the concept of photostory <3 I might try it too :D

Thanks! I love doing them- also, if you go on a walk, we'd love to have you in our little #walkwithme group started by @lindsaybowes ! There's a lot of great folks there :)

Nice birthday! Just the two of you and a lot of laughs. May you have many more!

Thank you sir! Fingers crossed!