Apu Ausangate is sacred, is a mountain spirit and when you are here
you have no doubt that that is exactly what it is, it is so powerful Ausangate (Mountain colors). And the Quechua people living around them, they have this relationship with him, which are connected with the wind and thunder and you never know from year to year, when you return, what will have changed in the mountain Ausangate (Mountain of colors).
1 ausangate colored mountain tours machu peru Mountain picchuAusangate 1day colors: Ausangate is the fifth highest mountain in Peru, its maximum altitude is 6,372 meters above sea level. It is located about 100 kilometers southeast of Cusco.
Mountain Rainbow colors or proper name that local people use to locate their territory (beniqunqa), is so called by the beautiful mountains of very bright color that gives us this place. The colors change according to the climate of the moment, when this cloudy colors are more subdued or dark and when this very sunny colors are vivid and clear on this tour AUSANGATE have the opportunity to appreciate the varieties of camelids, own birds of area as the Andean condor, the Killichu, the Huallatas and the Andean Puma.