A Couchsurfing Dilemma: Don't Break My Heart

in travel •  7 years ago  (edited)

I wrote about my Couchsurfing experiences in my travels, and probably 90% were all good. I had been welcomed by humble families, students, friends, couples, and people from all walks of life. I had nothing but gratitude for letting me stay in their homes for a night, two or three. I host people in my own country too (if I can and if you don't claim to be holier than I) because I believe in paying it forward.

I understand it is not for everyone, some people would not prefer to stay with strangers, which is fine because the hosts don't prefer to welcome strangers in their homes too, so you see, it is not all about you - it is more about if they will accept you. After all, you are the stranger staying for free in their space. You are a stranger in a strange land.

If you don't have a lot of money to travel and you still want to travel the world, then this community is for you. Now, if you don't like the idea and you have money, then by all means - PAY. If you don't have money and you don't like to stay in local people's homes so they can shower you with love, give you their extra room, open your mind, live their lives, then - just stay where you are. Life is easy.

Although I can attribute my awesome travel experiences and my thinking to all the people I've met from all over the world through this community, I also had bad experiences just like in anything else in life. Wherever you go in this world, people are people after all.

I am not going to hide my bad Couchsurfing experiences with my male hosts. Don't get me wrong, I have heard horror stories of men staying with their females hosts too, and it's basically just the same. But let me talk more about my own experiences.

I stayed with male Couchsurfing hosts in the past and they became my good friends, because why not? There are really just good people not asking for anything in return (like you know what I mean), only like the typical exchange - cooking, language practice or cultural exchange. I try my best not to hold these gender stereotypes and probably that's why I get into a lot of trouble. But yes, there are some people who want more. Sometimes, I can't blame them for blatantly trying and oh, wow, I also thank them for not forcing me to do things that I don't like. Women, as we all know, have the power to decide.

I flew to Rio de Janeiro alone for the first time in South America - full of hope, good expectation, and excitement. I read the feedback of my Couchsurfing host in Rio and they seemed all good. I can only rely on his Couchsurfing profile and feedbacks from past guests because that's all there is at the beginning. He seemed to have earned a good reputation and had an extra room in his condo close to the famous Copacabana beach. What more can I ask for from the goodness of people?

At the beginning, it was all good. You know how things are sometimes with the male species if they are hunting for something. I will not omit the story that he was being touchy and all that while he showed me the nightlife in Rio. I didn't like him so he did not get any responses from me. I was already feeling uncomfortable, trapped. He was recounting his story of how he was making out with another Couchsurfer in that same spot where we were that night. It was my first night in Brazil - big country! I didn't know anyone, in short, I was helpless. I didn't know where to go. When he asked me to smoke marijuana with him in his bedroom, I said no. I'm pretty sure it was clear. That time, I was also made aware of the consequences of breaking a man's heart.


I was already planning my escape after that night, it was hard. Can you imagine being alone in Rio and confused with everything? I was crying because I wasn't expecting to have such a horrible experience here right the first time (which all changed later and Brazilians became my favorite people). He was already treating me like shit the next day as we tried to bike around the city. We failed to continue due to my ADHD and clumsiness (I was locked inside the house when I was a kid). It was all my fault and of course, he got mad. He overreacted, started shouting at me, judging me and all that. Oh geez, I didn't mind him eating his sandwich alone in the kitchen nor did I mind leaving him asap.

Thank goodness I met someone who helped me and let me stayed in his friend's family's house which was really awesome because it was away from the city. It is kind of like la favela neighborhood, which means people are more humble here.

I still had some similar experiences which lead me to my own dumb conclusion that men can be like that, don't break their hearts or expect wrath. Payback time ooooh! And women's ego can be just as fragile as men's when it comes to rejection. We all know it, rejection stings, it is like suddenly, we don't feel that special anymore.

My bad experiences in Couchsurfing didn't stop me from giving humanity a chance, like I said, I had 90% good experiences to focus on. It is just these days, I prefer my own space. I kind of balance it now, I might still be Couchsurfing in the future but just more on meetups because sometimes, I don't like this unspoken obligation. However, for the first-time travelers or those who are traveling without that much money and want to have genuine local experiences, a fresh perspective of the world and life lessons, then this community is for you.

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That is scary. Glad nothing bad happen. But yeah latinos tend to be very touchy. Specially Brazilian they are very friendly and liberal for what I know. It is something cultural. But no is no. And that guy just crossed all the lines.

I'm glad it is just him, you know, there are like bad people anywhere. Yeah, latinos can be touchy, but like you said it is just cultural. I have many good friends in Brazil.

It just happened I didn't like him lol, if I like someone I'm sure I don't need to be forced hehe.

Yeah. That's the spirit 😉

hey Sister!!!! You can tell me no anytime :P ahhhh, rejection is hard. but at least it gives the good opportunity to be honest friends if one can suck it up afterwards.

because, even though you get rejected, your attempt is still a great compliment :P a gift even...so I think there is no shame in that.

easy for me to say...maybe not always so easy in practice!

Thanks for sharing, I fucking love couch surfing, I've never shared any intimacies with FEMALE couch surfers though, lol! just the other side, which is funny, not usually how I roll

Hahaha, you won't even believe I heard about a story of a man with his couchsurfing host who was undressing in front of him, but he rejected her right there and then. She ended up crying in her bed. How can a man make a woman cry like that? lol

So I guess, we get very emotional with rejections hehe.

awwww! That is sad =( I'm such a sweetheart though, I've definitely told people no, but unless they are complete assheads, they usually get lots of hugs and maybe a backrub from me just for trying :P

...I guess couch surfing is part of the adventure. Takes more courage than most are willing to admit. You were targeted for favours from women as well?

I didn't have experience with women asking me favors hehe, yet.

Thanks for the story. Still a bit sceptical of humanity. I know there are good people but few around. At least you found 90% of them.

I can understand you being skeptical but I think 90% has been reduced now.

Thanks for sharing @diabolika .

No worries.

Well done
Amazing, i have never seen Photo like this
Another beautiful piece! I don't have any names that pop in my head yet. Love the colors too. When I look at it I feel that all my senses are affected. Smell, sight, sensations, sound... You have captured the essence of witnessing this awe inspiring place.
How are you?, diabolika
@diabolika! am following you. And Here is my little upvote
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Upvote this comment as I just upvoted your post
And please find time to check my post here @beulahlandeu.

Thanks for sharing you highlighted the pros and cons well 👍


That's scary! As you said people are people and sometimes you will have bad experience like in anything else in life, and luckily it doesn't represents the entire community

Yeah, sometimes we get unlucky but in the end, we should always focus on the good things. 😊

There are no safe spaces when you are living reality.
And that's the way it is.

There are nice people and wankers, and the gender, age or country doesn't make any difference.

I have never done couch surfing, but seem like a cheap way to stay places.

I would out to a girl for free nights accommodation, no problems what so ever! lol'
(With my history, it would be hypocritical for me not say anything else).

It is true, when you travel like the real travel, you'll know that everywhere is not safe.

Sorry that happened to you @diabolika, but I'm glad that you still retain your overall faith and trust in people in general.

I've never couchsurfed - I'm thankful that I can occasionally afford a hotel because I hate 'paying" for my stay in currency/smiles/conversation. I think I'd rather sleep in the woods, haha.

I know what you mean. I'd rather sleep in the woods too!

There are good friends I met through this community, where I stayed with them for so long and I was allowed to be myself, so they were treating me like a friend. But the fact that I might become unlucky again is something that I have to risk and is hard for me to face.

I slept rough in Europe, for over 4 months, and never had problem (while sleeping, I mean).
When i had access to a bed again - I couldn't sleep properly for 2 or 3 days!

It's a good thing to get used to discomfort.

I remember in my trip, a nice comfortable bed was happiness for me! And also clean clothes lol, it does not take that much to make me happy since then.

yup - comfort is the road to decadence - which in turn is the road to ruin.

hey @diabolika I see what you were talking about now in @lucylin story. https://steemit.com/blog/@lucylin/defining-a-whore-and-defining-yourself
A shame to have that be your first night in Brazil. I love Brazil...Rio was cool...but wow brazil has this vibrancy i have not felt in a lot of countries. It was over 10 years ago now...but even then i could see the relentlessness of some of the men with female travelers. The whole country felt sexually charged...but i was young and it was all amazing...even the shitty bits. thanks for the great post.... that brought back memories. How far North did you go?

I know what you mean!

Yeah, it was too bad that time but now I just look back, taking with me the lessons and putting it in a travel memoir.

I was only until Arrial do Cabo, Mineas Gerais and then to the south going to Uruguay.

Thanks for stopping by.

Nice....i fell in love with the north of brazil...i ended up managing a hostal in a beach town called Jerricoacoara for 4 months.
that time and experience i attribute to my current life...which is owning my own hostal in Guatemala.
then it was a dream...now a reality. but dreams and realities are funny things. sometimes guests come up to me and say...wow man..your living the dream...and im like...yeah...but i just didnt know the dream had so much to do with septic....literally. Tourist poo..where and how...who knew that my dreams would be so shit oriented.

I heard so much about northern Brazil.

I almost went to Guatemala when I was in Colombia but I guess 2 years in SA was enough.

Funny enough, I was also thinking of hostel but I guess I wasn't ready enough to be settled into a place, and I don't have the financial capability to manage one.

I hope to travel again soon, and I hope I'll visit Guatemala too.

if you ever make it to lake atitlan....look me up...it would be fun to make a real life steemit connection.

I used Globalfreeloaders a couple of times and forgot all about it. Then after two years got my first request out of the blue!
That was five years back when I was 33, and the email was from a 21-year girl, who wanted to live in my house in India when I had moved to England.

The point I want to make:
She was the type who loved to sleep with older men. Initially, it was nice staying in touch by email for a month, but then I ignored her.
So, yes, I get you that even if one needs a physical relationship, not everyone will fulfill that. I guess it applies to both men and women. We must all respect that.

Yes, both men and women can reject anyone asking for favors, especially if we are not really into only a physical sort of relationship.

But how did you know that she is the type who likes to sleep with older men if you don't mind me asking?

That was from the chain of conversation that followed.
She returned home after her stay in India and lived with a man in his 50s and slept with him: shared her experiences with me.
Then told more about her past, so could make a few conclusions.
My catchy title 'Contemplative Psychologist' on Global Freeloaders pulled her, she told me. As far as I remember, the site also displayed the age and sex of the host and users.

Pretty interesting that girl. I haven't used Global Freeloaders and actually even couchsurfing for a while now. There are weird people everywhere I guess.

Of course, and Steemit is no exception!