When Artists Can't Pay the Rent

in travel •  8 years ago  (edited)


They will be forced to unimaginable slavery or homelessness. Because bad music, bad food, bad films make it to the top these days. Don’t know what is bad? Too bad, so sad, only you can define that, and I’m only here to rant,

about the days of our lives.

Just because things are popular don't mean they are good, some people just have mediocre taste. It's more convenient to hear what we want to hear and go where everyone goes to. It's easier to conform than to think for yourself, that kind of freedom is a burden for most.

Even when I was traveling, I went off-the-beaten track. The real off-the-beaten track and not those advertised by travel agencies. I like to search for rare gems and be proud when I discovered it myself.

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

The photo above was taken in Mount Monserrate in the City of Bogota, with some friends I met in the hostel. We were just goofing around the tourist area to see what it's like to be crazy in a foreign country, it is actually easier when nobody knows you. I don’t have his permission to post this photo.

The starving artist is not a myth, though I’m not an artist and not starving, times are hard for the dreamers these days. But we never stop. Our craft is sophisticated that we can’t just go around begging people to buy our work. We continue to create anyway, it is called the mad perseverance in a face of total rejection.

When artists can’t pay the rent, they can just pack their bags and go. Wow, it sounds easy to say. But it is actually cheaper to be a nomad than to pay the bills, depending on the lifestyle you choose. I repeat, it depends on the traveler’s lifestyle you choose.


I went to the supermarket today and I was reminded of the starving artist myth, I was actually choosing the cheapest thing I can buy, the cheapest roll of toilet paper, the cheapest soap, the cheapest things. The dreaded bills are soon to come and I’m not going to touch my startup project fund yet, that will hopefully liberate me in the future. I’m looking for other gigs after losing my job last month, but nada! Adult life is hard.

I'm a driver. I'm a winner. Things are gonna change. I can feel it.

Update on my startup project, so far I have just written the website content and I have the domain and all. I still have to buy a camera to put HD photos on the website, my camera was stolen in Ecuador. Just when you are struggling, you lose things! Losing things sometimes is not really freedom. It’s a pain in the back.

I really hope I can move forward, I am just waiting for the sunny days. Things are slow in the society today. I want to fast-track without having to sacrifice my spirit. I actually forgot my Linkedin profile is still out there, and a bank emailed me saying that I have the qualifications and experience they need. Oh, the corporate pull is here again, it is actually too tempting to go back so I can easily buy cryptos. Work in a bank so I can buy cryptos, ha! Does it mean moving back to the city? But just to think of the work environment, the people, the 9-5, it’s already making me throw up. The stress brought by these for years was one of the main reasons I traveled. My friend once told me that I should have already learned how to deal with people when I was traveling, so I should take it. He was actually just asking me to move back to the city so we could spend time together. I definitely want to be with my friends. I just don’t want the city and the job.

Enough with the rant about the days of our lives. What is your takeaway for today? When artists can’t pay the rent, they make more art. They don’t stop. Their work is the foundation for their beliefs and philosophies.

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This is easy to relate to. I keep going back and forth between regular work and trying to "make things" hoping that one of these days "making things" manages to pay rent. It hasn't, mostly because I don't want to work with people who see my art as a product. I also don't want to appeal to people's socialized impulses, so I've tried to avoid becoming a YouTube personality and just let my art stand alone. So far steemit has been the best success I've had sharing the ideas I'd love to share. Patreon is really hard because there is no community. You basically have to be social-media-savvy which to me is just marketing, something I'm ok with a little bit of but nothing I want to get too tied up in. I want to build a community, not a fan base. So I used the little money I had to open a community space/studio/cafe, I guess we were a bit too idealistic with our pay-what-you-want model and now we have to give up the space. It seems there isn't really much of a place in this world for people who don't want to do BUSINESS but I'll keep working to make s place for us. It seems steemit is full of potential allies.

I'm also struggling with that "do I go back to regular work?" question. It seems like do that or constantly be pushed around by market forces, landlords, and things that are out of your control. But finding balance inside makes it all easier. At least I feel that I'm always getting closer and if I go back into regular society, it'll be for the purpose of building something real that will actually last, not to get stuck there.

I hear you, I guess this is what the artists, writers and all people who create out of passion and love for work feel, there's this having to put something on the table and at the same time, keeping our principles and beliefs. Marketing our work can be annoying, but then life gets in the way.

I appreciate your words, you have my full upvote. Keep creating.

Just because things are popular don't mean they are good, some people just have mediocre taste.

Completely agree here.

But just to think of the work environment, the people, the 9-5, it’s already making me throw up.

I understand the feeling. I want to be able to bring in some steady income, so getting an actual job would be good in that regard. I just really don't want to go back to that world that got me burned out twice before. I'm now looking for part-time atleast, but that just makes it harder to find something good. Until then, I'll just try to earn a bit on Steemit and decide what to do for myself if I get the chance...

Let's start the a 9-5 burnout club, I'm still healing from back problems caused from stress, negativity and neglecting my health while doing the whole 9-5 . Almost better now after two years :-)

I'm glad you're better now, know that you are not alone.

Yeah, seems many people are having these kind of problems. It's so annoying. I understand how easy it is to have the same person around 24/7 as an employer, but looking at what effects this has on the workforce (lots of unemployment vs a stressed out workforce), I wish part-time work would become the norm.

I know what you mean, I'm also trying to earn a bit on steemit, it's helping at least. Yeah, I'm also looking for some part-time work, more time to live is more important for me these days.

Goodluck on part-time job-hunting!

more time to live is more important for me these days.

Exactly! Thank you very much, good luck to you too :D

Popularity in the main stream culture is mostly just propaganda. If they only play the same 10 songs on the radio, one of those 10 will likely be the most popular song of the times.

The German's were very clear about how this works, just keep repeating the same lie and it will become truth.

Don't go work for the bank to buy cryptos. It's too much of a paradox.

I won't work for the bank.

Popularity in the main stream culture is mostly just propaganda.

Sounds like this community lol.


I hope you read my new post, you inspired me to go back to the other side lol.

I hope that by inspiring you back was a good thing for you. I read your latest post and I had 42 responses ready, but they all merged together and I've had a few beers, so I'll have to respond in a better fashion tomorrow.

Oh yeah, I just hope it will reach all corners of the steemit world. Ok, take your time.

this is where man is tested by his beliefs can pass it but must prayer can not be life this is an exam but if we remember the creator then all the test becomes its own pleasure greetings from me in indonesia continue pursuing dreams come true

Excellent post! Working in a bank to buy cryptos <- oh the irony. I hate to always sound like the grumpy contrarian. You're right; art is hard. Good art is not rewarded. I'm vary of institutionalising "Good" since the Vienna Secession is so fundamental in the formation of my own discipline (graphic design). Though many artists and entrepreneurs tell me that UBI will help them so much. Luckily I live in a country rich enough to consider a UBI. Good luck with your startup.

Luckily I live in a country rich enough to consider a UBI.

lol quite the irony too.

. I hate to always sound like the grumpy contrarian.

P.S. I appreciate you trying hard not to.

Thanks as always!

Keep moving forward. I am sure in future there will be more and more places like Steemit for you to monetize your art with as we head towards a more decentralized world. Just my two cents. Bad films and music make it to the top these days because people are constantly and repetitively fed with rubbish consciously and unconsciously. Repetitiveness makes something feel familiar and likable.

Thank you for your encouraging words.

Bad films and music make it to the top these days because people are constantly and repetitively fed with rubbish consciously and unconsciously. Repetitiveness makes something feel familiar and likable.

I agree. It also sounds like the trending page, and the people who upvote the same thing being recycled.

Yup, to really change, you need someone with big pockets to promote unique content, music, films, etc. At the moment, the ones with big pockets are spending their money to promote rubbish and manufactured contents.

Or be really good friends with them to be regularly supported/upvoted, but I'm just not like that. Like I said above, I consider my wordcraft sophisticated that I don't need to beg those big guys to upvote my content.

Maybe my pride won't make me rich here, but to feed me is enough.

As long as you are happy. That is the important thing. Your work will be appreciated by the right person.

Right, I love what I'm doing and that's what's important. Thanks!

No problem!

with big pockets to promote unique content

There are some potential tech solutions that might help. Better curation and personalisation tech can help. We keep talking about media mainstream as if it is a monolith, but the trend is for more fractured and personalised services. Change is happening - albeit slowly.

it's true. as a writer, i'm fortunate to have picked up a medium that doesn't require me to put much money into it (unless i need a new laptop), but there are plenty of other artists who have to pay for materials before they can ever create anything.

the nomad life isn't one i could live, but i respect it.

I understand, nomadic lifestyle is hard.

@diabolika I loved every word you've written above, and could totally relate to every emotion that's coming out of them. I somehow feel the same, except the fact I'm a Chemist who's struggling not to fall in the same PhD crap like everybody else. I understand the problems won't stop. Probably, this is the beauty of life, and somehow it's helping us making a better artist by giving us pain, happiness, thrill, fear at the same time. It depends on us how we take it further. Either, ranting about it or putting all those emotions in one art.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. I SECOND that.
Wish you a wonderful journey ahead. Keep sharing!

Problems will not stop I agree! But we just smile and do whatever we can today. The uncertainties are hard to face, but like you said, can also be a thrill.

Thanks for the comment!

I love and totally understand your rant. This sounds a lot like me...

I graduated from University in 2007 (film theory). It's now ten years later and I only held one job for 2.5 years (2013-16). I have been struggling as a filmaker, writer, teacher, storyteller for most of the past 10 years.

I have been kind of a digital nomad for quite a while, but officially/ truly since this month. You might like to read my stories on a project I called 'The A to Z of Creativity'. I am aiming to create some kind of database for struggling creatives/ artists.

A hug and creative greetings from The Netherlands!

Awwww thanks, now I can feel that I'm not alone in this rant. But cheers to the struggling artists and writers from all over the world!

I'm following you back, and you'll be added to my growing list of having to read and upvote. It's hard, as there are many of us here. I will check it out soon.

Muchas gracias! You're definitely not alone in this rant. I appreciate being added to your list. I know how hard it is to keep track. So many distractions and we need to focus on ourselves too. Ciao!

I was lucky - I gave up 'real jobs' when I was 22 (lots of weird casual work tho).

The thought of a 'real job', would drive me to places I can't even think about, to be honest.
It's just downright uncivilized!

I know right.

Btw I apologize, I forgot to tell you about tagging your posts to NSFW.

Just that, we have some kids here too.

OK, cool. cheers - what are the rules on this - are there any? So I know where I stand -is it words, as well as images?
NOT very comfortable about kids seeing my stuff - I never even though about that to be honest.

Yay, I don't think there's much, but you can check out or ask other NSFW posters around here.

This post has received a 1.56 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.