Yeah but... People are People

in travel •  7 years ago  (edited)


Last night, I was invited to this little farewell house party by a friend of a friend of mine. Little did I know, there were uhmm... more people in it. And not just any people, the people I have been avoiding these days. Not that I want to sound too misanthropic. Not that I want to label them. Just the typical horde of tourists and the 'yeah but...' people, there you go.

After traveling and living in other countries for the past few years, I have decided to settle down for a bit and take a break from meeting the 'yeah but...' people. The intermingling of 'yeah but...' people give them a chance to bitch about each other. I can't see the goodness in people because people are the worst. I'm now on constant red alert for disappointment. As I continue to breathe and stay alive amongst the living in this used-to-be paradise, I realized that I haven't escaped them totally. 'Yeah but' people are everywhere. Me against them.

I think it would be too politically incorrect to specifically name the 'yeah but' people. So I'm not going to say that they are the conversation energy sucker Germans, entitled French, obnoxious Americans, arrogant Dutch, Weird Eastern Europeans, Jumping Japanese or the uber machismo womanizer local men. Nobody's better. God, if you are from some weird country like Djibouti or something, I would probably still have something to say against you. Say that again? You mean I'm rude and politically incorrect? Naaaa, it must be my uncivilized upbringing due to neglect caused by borderline poverty. Or my insecurity due to the catastrophic colonization and bastardization. Naaa, I'm over it. Truly. I don't care what you think. I'm over the over politeness, pretense, and pleasantries because let's face it, it's hard to get along. At the end of the day, John Lennon still thinks you are a peasant and nothing more. So revel in your new-found gangsta freedom, it sure feels good, isn't it? But please, spare me this perpetual otherizing question 'Where are you from?'. Don't pretend you don't know how to judge. I guess this is what happens when you live in an overly touristic area amidst the neverending battle - locals against the intruders. The madness. Travel is indeed subject to the stranglehold of bigotry and prejudice.

Yeah but...people are people.

Poor me, heroes, victims, preys and predators. They are all people.

Endless justifications and rationalizations of why people behave the way they do. From the upbringing, environment, cultural conditioning to centuries of oppression. You name it, there are many reasons. Reasons? Humans are irrational to the bone. I included. Me too, poor me.

Since when my mouth has become unstoppable? Not in kissing or God knows what, in saying one harsh word after the other. Since when did I become brutally honest with people without a slight care about their feelings? Feelings? Yuck.

One more shot of Pálinka, a so-called fruit brandy from some weird expat Hungarian that was about to bring out the worst in me. Fuck you very much. No animals were harmed. Oops, I heard the magic phrase again...'yeah but.' Do you require me to repress the alcoholic effect until such time that I can go run around and stab random people? Of course not, so truth be told now.

Naaa this is not Anarchy in the UK or something. Thankfully, I'm still not that overly patriotic, God-forbid I hate those types. Nationalism is a disease, really. God I even hate my neighbors. Is there a God? Love thy neighbors, is what I'm going to imprint on their headstones. Not before they bury me first.

Yeah but in Germany, we care about the environment...

Yeah but we don't have that in America...

Yeah but I'm vegan.

Yeah but in France we have better this and that...

Yeah but I'm better than you.

'Yeah but...' is the real diabolical phrase, don't you think? It makes the point of all the conversation and intermingling of people about that typical I am right and I am better than you. We have it better.

Ahhh that must be your typical Nazi-complex, I finally told the German guy in the room, God knows what's his name. Who cares? I felt so free being drunk sometimes. I can say whatever I want in a bad way. It must be that I-don't-give-a-shit-about-what-you-think complex. The young tattoed English girl must have liked me, I think she's Lesbian. I'm paranoid that people like me. Other people, me, and alcohol are such a bad cocktail mix. Chaos. All the mess that has been forcefully-injected in my system when I got stuck in this forever congested travelers' route.

I went back to the conversation with the weird Hungarian guy who lives here for a while now. And no, I don't have a number, no social media...nada. I drunkenly told him, you only feel like a Messiah because you are on the island. If you go live in the capital, the educated, radical and middle-class snotty people will just ignore you. They patronize white people in the countryside because they make money off you. Walking goldmines. There you go.

Oh, by the way, thanks for the Palinka, I finally said in my sweetest smile.

See you all, never!

Is this my time to shine and forcefully let out my self-esteem issues to other people. Or am I imposing my own Goddess-complex to make myself feel better? Am I now resorting to the level of their psychopathic brokenness and becoming one of those 'yeah but...' people.

Yeah but...people are people, right?

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Yep that’s people we’ve all met them and will all continue to have to meet them as we move through life! People who are too caught up in the mordern gamification of life and always trying to 1 up one another! Always looking to compare themsleves to much better they are than the lower end of the spectrum but won’t compare themsleves to high insignificant they are in the grand scheme of things if we include the higher end of the spectrum

People who love to complain and attract people who complain and they create this vacuum where they all live in this self riotous bubble!

I’m glad you handled the situation so well and took the high road! More power to you

The freedom you find when you finally figure out that folks wont like you regardless how much lipstick gets put on the pig is truly liberating, i havent shaved with a razor since, my hair was long before that because f 'em, but now that i have accepted my being natuarally frowned upon by 'the good people', i dont have to shave, either.

Born to lose!!

The freedom you find when you finally figure out that folks wont like you regardless how much lipstick gets put on the pig is truly liberating,

True words.

When using the word "but" in conversation or writing, there is an indication that whatever the person said before "but" is trivialized and thrown away as if it has no value. The only part that a person hears is after the "but". So the "yeah" part is considered meaningless in the statement.

It's a learned skill to have a conversation, disagree with someone, and not give the other person the feeling that you've devalued their opinion. When you use "but" or "however", you're perceptually undercutting the first part of the statement where you may have discussed what you learned from the other person's side of the argument / conversation.

I don't think that you're imposing your own Goddess complex to make yourself feel better. It's just a product of people not understanding how a simple word like "but" can change the whole tone of a sentence and probably a bit of the fact that people want to make themselves feel important by imposing and justifying their views to others.

We all want to be accepted. Some people need to be accepted more than others, and those people are often trying to surround themselves with people who agree with them.

"Yeah, but" is not a positive conversational phrase. It's a "No, you're wrong, and I'm right and I'm going to tell you why." If that's all you're hearing from people around you, you're possibly surrounded by some self-absorbed individuals. Don't let them get you down .. there are better people in this world!

When using the word "but" in conversation or writing, there is an indication that whatever the person said before "but" is trivialized and thrown away as if it has no value. The only part that a person hears is after the "but". So the "yeah" part is considered meaningless in the statement.

It makes sense.

yes people are people. Majority of people don't care about your clean heart. People judge you mostly by the wealth you have. People of different origins are different They behave differently. so forget about people just give yourself importance if no one really respect you what you deserve. Just keep yourself happy. have a nice time. If you are pretty bore you may read my latest post behind the mystery door. keep sharing @diabolika

Yeah but is a dark lens but a powerful mirror.

Oh surely, you know better...

Maybe it requires a diabolic nature to know better. I'll leave that to you.

Awww aren't you part of the diabolic race with diabolic genes, and corporation? So you tell me. Sigh, your history is diabolic too, nevermind.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Of course: we are all diabolic to a degree. Incidentally, this I got when reading this yeah-but post; everybody is a yeah-but person to a degree.
Maybe it's time for me to be a bit more diabolic. This post, in particular, grated me for its stunning lack of charity. Charity, in the context of discussions, is to assume the best possible meaning from what people say and discuss from there. The reason is because communication is always imperfect and charity avoids projecting strawman viewpoints onto others. I'm not denying your lived experience - we all make our own judgements. Though denigrating the yeah-but is setting up an impossible standard for people to meet. Any nuanced point, including your own, can be rephrased into a yeah-but. That's why I said yeah-but is both a lens and a mirror. Such lenses are useful for finding where to explore further with people because usually, I find that apparent hypocrisy is actually a sophistication and I'm missing knowledge of an important part of their value system. It's also a mirror because you too cannot, except by willful ignorance, escape your own yeah-buts. Which is why I suggest a bit more charity for both self and others. At least it'll make for a more enjoyable evening and it might even change a mind or two.

Yeah It will never change, people are always people. But when talking about people, there are many kind of people :)

It sounds like you don’t like people disagreeing with you? When it comes to religion and politics your lucky to find anyone who agrees. Good luck finding what your looking for.

Good thing I'm not looking for something or someone?

You got to be your own person and stick to it. Don’t allow others to sway your opinion. They probably are not looking out for your best interest.

Great prespective,thanks a lot thats a great research on people.

good post I like the same post you, if I may ask you please @ mydiabolika is again very difficult, again need a lot of money for the cost of my sister hospital that is more seriously ill in the hospital, I hope you can help me. thank you

Hi postingan kamu sangat bagus ya... Saya sangat menyukainya.
Oh ya jika kamu berkenan silahkan kunjungi blog saya @rizazulmi terimakasih teman...