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Your daughter is following your path! She made a nice video while you were experiencing another delicious meal!


thank you theguruasia, yes they are learning about steemit at early age

Your girls did good job! They deserve a better camera in your next trip:)

thank you emilymichelle, yes every 2 years need to change new ones

That's an interesting style for a puppet show never seen it before, thanks for sharing

thank you bitcoinman, it's a traditional story of monkey king and his friend the pig

At that age I was playing in dirt and baseball’s amazing the confidence and intelligence of the young.

thank you floridanow, they really enjoy taking photos and have asked for a digital camera each

Haha...yes they ask for expensive toys :-)

Hi @djohan
Watching the Wayang show is fun.
The Chinese puppet in my country is the art of culture, which is widely played. and included in the museum's cultural collections. And I also have that photo.

thank you amuchtar , yes it is similar to Wayang show i think, just different the language and music

This is very entertaining. I like the sound in the background. Its really nice. I have always heard in Chinese movies. Am glad to hear it here as well. You must have enjoyed the show. It was very innovative to see these puppets throwing in some entertainment to the audience.

Thanks for sharing @djohan

thank you yohan2on, the kids insisted to watch this puppetshow, and they really enjoyed it, i was outside enjoying the BBQ

What refreshments were available? tea? candy? other than BBQ, of course.
北京戲 Beijing drama

thank you freedomshift, there was none, but there is a cafe just outside and the BBQ on the street

wow nice puppet show friend and i really enjoy watching this performance, thanks for sharing your traveling moments with us friend, Stay blessed

thank you adnanrabbani, the kids really enjoyed it and decided to take video of the show

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Your daughter can, single-handedly, pump out content for your steem channel then >:D

thank you kevbot, yes they have learned about crypto at early age through steemit, much easier than to introduce crypto to some of my friends, some of them just full of fear when it comes to investing and new technology

95% of my friends have left the space after having entered.

Good video of puppet show, I see this show in Chinese movies .

thank you spiritualpower, yes it was like going to the cinema in the old times

Hehehe while you daughter enjoy watching this show you eat some good food that's what i call a family plan. Regards

thank you dim753, yes i enjoyed the BBQ more and i waited outside the puppetshow

Nice video taken by your daughter , good job

thank you pardeepkumar, yes they are practicing a lot

@djohan, I never seen Chinese Puppet show before and now I see it better. It's nice one. Please tell your daughter I would say thank to her.

thank you madushanka, they really enjoyed the show and wanted to record it

When I was young, I watched with my grandma in every week. I like its.

thank you pasnobodyyee, yes many children were watching and enjoyed the puppetshow

Wonderful Chinese Puppet show. its a really. excellent video
Thanks @djohan
Have a great day

thank you goldcoin, have a great day

Awesomeness puppet show video of your daughter. She has powerful skills for doing some tasks.

thank you templeflower, yes they like taking videos and photos

Hello friend nice too see again, I try to see the video, great is very well

haha your daughter is enjoying look like very good scene

Shadow Puppetry is a miraculous art form of moving images and it shows aantique and traditional art forms in China .

aah! that's so cute.

Wow...Impressive puppet show video creation @djohan. I'm totally inspiring now.

This is a chinese tradition show. Nicely uploaded Dtube video @djohan. It has most attractive level to me.

It's cultural show of china , good video

that's something so great to see so many memories relieved of past :D

This is kinda something new for me and I just enjoyed it a lot and very very interesting also.

excellent place...@djohan