11 Things You See in Argentina but not the US

in travel •  8 years ago 

After living in Córdoba, Argentina for few years I’ve put together a list of 11 things you never (or rarely) see in the United States that are all but commonplace here in La Docta.

1. A grown-ass man eating an ice cream solo

A little bit of backstory: the ice cream in Argentina is delicious. Each parlor has an assortment of flavors that would make Baskin Robbin himself insanely jealous. And each flavor is delicious. The ice cream shops are also everywhere. As plentiful as Starbucks are in San Francisco, so are the Gridos in Nueva Córdoba.

So with the cheap, easily accessible, and delicious ice cream available its not uncommon to see a grown man walking down the street by himself wolfing down an ice cream cone. Every time I see this it strikes me as funny because I don’t think I’ve ever seen this back at home.

2. Bags of milk

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In the US milk is always in a carton or the plastic jug. Here you can get it in the bag. I guess pouches might be the correct term but its still weird to me every time I see it.

Also in this category – bags of yogurt, bags of mustard, bags of ketchup, and bags of mayo.

3. Fernet with Coke

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Coming from San Francisco, I’ve had my fair share of Fernet. But never with coke. That is THE drink here in Córdoba. And nowhere in the US will you see Fernet mixed with Coke and consumed on such a massive scale.

Every bar, every supermarket, you'll always find your fernet and coke. It's a really an impressive devotion to a single alcoholic beverage.

4. Recent graduates covered in egg, paint, flour, etc.


There is a tradition here where friends of recent university graduates join together for an intense shaming. Eggs, flour, paint, anything appears to be fair game. Clothes are torn to pieces so the grad is left half naked.

I’ve seen hair clippers chop off full chunks of hair to celebrate. Then afterwards everyone goes to a bar or restaurant to eat and party.

Awesome. I only wish I had a friend graduating soon.

One of my girlfriend’s friends recently finished a doctorate degree in Chemical Engineering. I tried to convince everyone that we needed to shame her with the eggs, flour, paint, etc. but sadly I was overruled.

5. T-Shirts with poorly worded or bizarre English expressions


T-shirts with English expressions on them are in style here in Córdoba. What’s not in style is hiring a fluent English speaker to proof-read those shirts before they are printed.

I see a comical one everyday - no joke. It's now to the point where when I see a shirt from away that I can tell is in English I get a little giddy because I know something great is coming once they get closer. I had to start whipping out my phone to take notes so I wouldn’t forget them. Prepare yourself for a great list of T-Shirts coming soon.

And always remember – Yes, when in doubt pizza.

6. Sidewalk mopping


Exactly what it sounds like. Most business owners get a mop and bucket and clean their little section of sidewalk.

I’ve obviously seen sidewalk sweeping in the US but I can’t say I’ve ever seen the sidewalk being mopped.

7. Skeleton Keys

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Argentina’s standard key system that always makes me think of old horror movies.

I also wrote a funny post involving these keys here are SteemIt: Argentina Story: 60 Keys

8. Bidets


Next to every toilet here in Argentina is a bidet - which is something complete foreign to me as an American.

I was completely perplexed as to how to use this animal while my Argentine friends were completely disgusted that I didn't use it - Como se limpia el culo?

With zero bidet experience in my life I was a little hesitant to jump on board. For the first 6 months of my bathroom experiences here in Argentina, my bidet remained idle. Then, realizing that real growth only happens outside of your comfort zone, I decided it was time to start living a bidet-filled life.

Suffice to say, I’m starting to use it more and more. I still wouldn’t say I’d miss the bidets if they were taken away from me because during a recent trip back to the US, they were taken away from me. I did fine.

The bidets have yet to catch on in the US but I guess when or if they do, I’ll be the George Washington of bidets, ready to lead the proud Americans into battle. #bidetlife

9. Eggs/Milk NOT refrigerated in supermarkets

I’ve had some intense conversations with my girlfriend about this. Apparently milk and eggs do not need to be refrigerated here. I was extremely confused the first time I saw this in the supermarket.

I even went to the internet to verify that milk and eggs really don't need to be refrigerated. Turns out they don't if treated (or not treated - better said) a certain way.

10. Plastic Bags on a Massive Scale

There is no paper or plastic alternative here. It’s plastic. And plastic bags are everywhere.

Sure, some places in the US probably still have plastic bags but not with the sheer quantity that Córdoba does.

Interestingly enough I don’t think there is a garbage bag market here. Everyone I know uses the extra plastic bags as garbage bags. In years of living here I've never once bought a pack of garbage bags. I don't even know if they sell them to be honest.

11. Old beat up bills


I’ve never seen any US paper money in the state that many Argentina bills are in. The $100 peso notes are typically in great shape, I’m talking about 10’s, 5’s and of course the 2’s. If some of the $2 peso notes could talk, oh the stories they would tell.

These notes are often on life support with several rounds of scotch tape keeping them going. Not to mention, they’re so old they have zero stiffness. Grabbing the note in the middle, the ends will not stay straight but will droop down.

So that's it. 11 things you see on the regular in Cordoba but not in the US of A.

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Great post! I live in South Korea and also see my fair share of great Engrissh T-shirts.