RE: Austria - The Beast and Beauty - Österreich das Biest und die Schöne

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Austria - The Beast and Beauty - Österreich das Biest und die Schöne

in travel •  9 years ago 

I love Austria ! Been to Tirol - lovely place - one of the warmest people - love the food!

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Yeah people are nice - food is great and Ladys in their "Dirndl" are hot ...
I 100% agree

the steemitphotochallenge #6 is about landscape - I think your pics have a chance - read the rules here goodluck!

Thank you for the hint but I don't think I could stand a chance there ... these are really just snapshots

if you read the rules you actually do. You can still post till sunday so go out take a pic of a very beautiful landscape without human traces nor manmade stuff on it and good luck!

Which pictures wohl you recommend for the challange ?