Challenging Love to Be Unconditional - Part 39

in travel •  6 years ago 


Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Birthday Intermission Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20Intermission No. 2 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30 Intermission No. 3 Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Part 34 Part 35 Part 36 Part 37 Part 38

Together we were quite the couple to attract attention.   On many of our travels we were the only white skinned people around.  It seemed we were magnets, pulling in people to notice us.  Many of the white skinned people were intrigued by our relationship, and engaged us to satisfy their curiosity as to whether I was Quinn's mom or his lover.  And of course, we had recording devices which really peaked their interest. 

No matter where we went, Quinn was however still the biggest draw of all.  It is true that he was about 6’5”, with blondish dreads, walked with a smooth gate as if he was walking on water, and often carried a didgeridoo, so he really did stand out in a crowd.

But it wasn’t only that people would notice him, they would point at him, talk about him, follow him, and the brave ones talked to him. Even if they didn’t speak the same language, they would find a way to let him know he was incredibly cool, tried asking a bazillion questions, wanted to be near him, hug him, and have their pictures taken with him as if he was a celebrity.  Men, women and children alike were attracted to Quinn, which paid off in many ways in our adventures.

People could somehow feel there was something quite different about him, and it wasn't simply the way he looked.

All these boys so excited to have their picture taken with this modelesque, charismatic man. They just couldn't get enough of the unusual white people with cameras and video equipment, and jumped into the picture in every opportune moment.

In the school courtyard, we were quite the surprise for these people to see. When they realized we had cameras they timidly approached us for a photo shoot. It became a very powerful and intense session, capturing the beauty and essence of innocence.....I love how they are so fearless of eye-to-eye connection.

These women walking down the street, laughing and chatting with each other alongside the crazy traffic rush. One of them spotted us, and started sharing her awareness with the rest. This became quite the giggle session!

Intrigued are they by this unusual looking, tall, blond, dreaded man with an iphone video . . couldn't get enough of that!!! I love how they are so free to act on their curiosity...jumping right in on the action and engaging eye-to-eye with great pleasure.

Giddy girls playing in the in tune with our presence and loving the camera. Not many foreigners were here, so we're a really unusual site for them to see!

These women could not stop staring at Quinn.  They giggled and nudged each other, then calmed down to a widely grinning, silent gaze right at him as they drove into the distance.

It was more the way he carried himself and the energy that he put out that drew so much interest.

Even the chicken rider didn't fail to notice.

Quinn's epic motorcycle ride behind our 3 wheeled auto. It was the perfect combination to be capturing the people and sights. Quinn drew a lot of attention we are the only 2 white people we have seen yet. Check out this next pic. Everyone noticing one of us, staring at us, and not afraid to really connect with their eyes. So beautiful the raw innocence and pure intrigue without intimidation of being seen.

He's looking at me....they're looking at Quinn!

These people stopped in their tracks to watch him.

I shared with these children who were so excited to see themselves in photos on an iphone.  Many times we took videos and they didn't even understand that it was a live shot, as they had no frame of reference for understanding.  They just stood perfectly still smiling while the video rolled on.

Boys of this age seemed exceedingly interested in Quinn.  They loved getting his attention and letting him know they were seeing him!

These school girls riding in a group were delighted to come across our path.  They began walking their bikes instead of riding, and from the moment they saw Quinn grinned from ear to ear until they eventually got back on and rode out of sight.

We spent the afternoon feasting with this family in their home.  They all came out to bid farewell as we walked away.

Curiosity relieved.

Traveling with Quinn was one of my favorite things to do.  He showed me how much freakin' fun it was to just go with the flow, not even always knowing where to spend the night by sunset.  Our experiences were vast, and every moment was a surprise.  We trusted the Universe to provide, and synchronistic moments unfolded where all of our needs were met in grand abundance.

A group of people we met in a park who invited us to share in their birthday cake and celebration!

And in true Quinn-style, he made sure the needs of others were met too.

In India when this dog went to eat from the plates in the trash (which were all just thrown to the ground), he was shooed away. Quinn snuck off to find the dog and shared the small morsels left on his plate. How sad that the dog was not allowed to eat what they were tossing out as trash. This little guy wanted to get him some too!



Rainbow Bear - Quinn carried all through New England.  Lol

We really got in with the locals, immersing ourselves in their customs, culture, food and environment. When getting so up close and personal with people, it is easy to see how ridiculous imaginary borders are, and how much we separate and divide ourselves from each other simply by where we had the luck of the draw to be born.

I'm grateful to have had my camera to capture these and a bazillion other moments.

Me taking a picture of myself in reflection!

In the U.S. it is said that it's rude to stare.  People here are more likely to sneak peaks at you out of the corner of their eye, pretending they're not really looking at you--having to be sneaky about their ways. In some parts of the country people don't hardly even look at or even acknowledge each other at all, as if the other weren't even there.  Feeling guilty or shameful for wanting to connect with each other is how we're conditioned to be. We're often so closed that we never even give ourselves the opportunity to experience the joys of each other, though we are right here in each other's faces.  But in some other countries, looking at what one is curious about is common.  Especially in India the people will look at you---really look at you--without shame, making way for divine connections to be made.  It does seem to give rise to a lot of incredible moments....and lots of giggling--oh so much giggling--at least as I experienced  on these adventures with Quinn.

Thank you for reading my blog and for going on this journey with me toward Unconditional Love!

Stay Tuned for Part 40

Get in on the series from @saramiller about her own intriguing  personal experience at the @gardenofeden.

Check out the @gardenofeden website too.

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Your an amazing photographer, a great writer and I love you.
Grateful for our extraordinary adventures and eternal love 💗🙏🏼💗

Grateful to have your comments, appreciation, presence and love @quinneaker. We are infinitely blessed with such potent eternal connection! <3

I am thoroughly convinced that I need to meet Quinn now. This was the most fascinating story and, admittedly, I was sucked right into it.

Huge kudos!


@quinneaker is indeed a gem of true light. May you also be blessed to meet him! I'm grateful that you are reading my has so many facets that really are quite profound. I hope I can at least give you a taste of the magnificence--my words I know do not do it justice! Thanks for being here. I appreciate your comment @dswigle.

Another amazingly told story. I found this one particularly interesting. You touched on all the right points.

It is uncanny how much Quinn's energy draws people in. Glad you could feel this one @osodreamer.

🎁 Hi @everlove! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: The Passion Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

Thanks for the ip!

gamers rise up

your mirror have poop smear on it...

And here comes the post that actually brought about our connection on steemit..... Smiles

The post about your traveling to India happened to be the very first post I read and commented on in your blog. If you still remember, I told you about your skills at handling camera that is second to none. I also said in that comment that with camera in your hand, you make every ordinary situations looking extraordinary.

Reading about it from another perspective now gives me more joy for it shows your love for humanity not minding the colour or race.

I do remember that and we have been connected ever since! It's funny that I actually know very little about the camera, except how to bring energetics through the lens. It's a super delight, as though I'm not technical, I get to tune into the frequencies which is so much more fulfilling.

Glad you're getting an added perspective. There was a lot going on in these times.

It is not always about having the special skill or not, it is about you giving so much attention to things other would consider less important. I can feel it from this part too.

So insightful you are! You have something real sweet going on there @ekkakkayluv.

Smiles thanks dear....