Krakow Left Me Hungry

in travel •  6 years ago 


I have a love-hate -relationship to travelling, in more than one way. I love seeing new places, but I hate that I feel like I have only scratched the surface by the time I leave. I usually take quite short trips, a few weeks at max, so I never have time to see more than a little bit of what ever place I am visiting.

If I were to stay at one place for months, I know I would get to know it a lot better, but I would also get a little bored probably. In a way, only seeing a fraction is good, because then if I ever go back, I know I won't be bored because I still have a lot to explore. Its nice to be left hungry and wanting to see more, and I never want to feel like I'm home when I am abroad, I like the feeling of exotic and exciting when I travel. I don't really see the point in travelling if it starts to feel like home.

Even on a short trip, it is possible to see quite a lot on a new city, depending on its size. You can take a hop on/off tour bus and look at the nice colourful tourist map, trying to cross off all the ten sights marked with big red dots. Wake up early in the morning and run like headless chicken from sight to sight. Selfie in each to mark the visit and run to the next one, ending up being exhausted by the end of the day. I know a lot of people do this on their travels, but for me it sounds absolutely horrible!

I'm not saying I never go to tourist spots, because of course I do, but I prefer to find them myself and go outside the peak hours. I rarely plan on what I want to see during a visit in a new city, I usually just start walking around, starting near what ever place I'm staying at. I'd rather concentrate on getting to know one area better, than run around seeing a little bit of everything.

During Steemfest in Krakow, I hardly got the see the city at all! I was really left hungry because what little bit I saw, was absolutely beautiful and I would have loved to see more. It's not that big of a city, felt quite homey and warm, besides the actual temperature. I mostly saw the Kazimierz area, because that is where our Airbnb was. I would have loved to spend a day or two in Old Town, because I only visited it really briefly, and spend most of that going in or out of a bar. In the pictures is the only bit I saw of the magnificent Wavel Castle, which I would have loved to spend a day exploring too.

Maybe next time!


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Just a few hours before my flight, I had a chat with a group of teens kids who came on a college trip to visit krakow. It was then that I realised I haven’t even started to visit this place. There was so much left to see. Fortunately I got a cycle on rent and and these people to cycle around the city for a couple of hours.

But still krakow deserves another visit 🙌

Maybe next time!

Lucky you! I bet you saw a lot more of the city than I did in the five days.

Travelling is exciting, Type and location of travel, depending on the time you have. Your vision of travel and tour type is very interesting and Reading your content is very interesting to me.
I hope you will travel to my city one day.

Nice you @eveuncovered

Posted using Partiko Android

Definitely place worth visiting in Poland, on of, if not the most, beautiful polish towns. I told You it is nice :)

Sounds like a plan ;-)

Plan, I don't plan, I'm winging it 😝

Those of us who took the bus tour on Saturday probably sw even less. Still, it just leavs that taste for more for our next visit.
It dosn't matter where the next Steemfest is, with Steemians there it'll feel like home :)