Tourists are Shit

in travel •  7 years ago 

< rant >

Let’s take a little boat trip along the Danube, the weather is great and we don’t have any other plans. Just a nice relaxed hour, don’t have to walk, just sit and take some pictures along the way. Sounds great right!?

Think again!


We are stuck on a boat full of all the idiots we do our hardest to avoid in every possible situation. Clearly there was an error in our judgement...

Even when we tourist, we are not tourists. Yes we take photos and go to tourist sites, but we act like normal functional humans while doing that. Is it too much to hope that other people could do the same!? Clearly it is...

Why the fuck does everything have do be done while shouting and looking like an idiot at the same time!? Do you put on a ”funny” shirt, shout and jump up and down like a maniac at home too?

Add a little (read: an extensive amount) of alcohol to the mix and yell prost, cheers and kippis before every sip! I’m gonna stuff that shot glass and miniature booze bottles down someones throat real soon... Want it shaken or stirred!?


Why the fuck we thought this would be a good idea!?

Oh, fantastic, the captain just put on some way too loud 80’s music... and not the good kind.

I’m just about ready to sink this fucking boat and swim to the shore while the drunken idiots drown....


Matkailu avartaa vittusaatana!! (Use google translate for that..)

< /rant >

And YES, this reguired that me and @escapist BOTH made our own rants about this shit, so enjoy reading her’s too!

The rewards from this post will go towards botox for me and the bff because this extensive frowning just made us look 10 years older in under an hour.

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Guess you are more suitable to get a private boat 😂 it’s even worse when you have to be with the infamous ‘chinese’ tourists.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Oops 😂 I’m small too. Hahaha but they usually come in pack

Not sure if I liked the post more or the comments that followed :p


Shit, you are right.

behave yourself please. I found this really offensive.

Get off my internet if you get offended by jokes.

It's not your internet, it's everyone's internet. If your joke offends other people, you should stop it.

No, you should get a sense of humour, might do you good.

Don't do that, there are many of them with too many cameras

Hell, is other people.

True true.

Chinese tourist packs are the best :)

to hell with the boats! I thought that you already knew that riding a barrel is a right way to go...

I should have known that...

Is it too much to hope that other people could do the same!

Obviously, it's impossible.

Ha ha, it's reflecting as you don't had an enjoyable time on the boat. In my opinion it happens because sometimes environment becomes so boring and we feel to run away from the crowd. Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

Well no shit sherlock, this is hell! You clearly didn’t even read the whole thing.

Apologies, i think i misinterpreted it.

Just checked it up for you, that at the current state of 58.81 $ you can afford a syringe filled 4 ml of botox, clearly with low quality.

Thanks man! Would you be interested in administrating it? 😂

Nope, not with that low quality stuff :D

We can double our budjet, because the food was so cheap in here 😝

One of the perils of joining the general public, dear. That's why I stick to online porn. The outcome is much more predictable. :)

Happy ending always!

lol! Looks like tourists act stupid everywhere. But what was up with the unicorn hoodie guy in the first photo? whats the story i wonder with that nutcase.

I'm pretty sure it was a bachelor party kind of case, aka idiots. Some of the guys had unicorn and star stickers on their faces too.. and glitter!

We get a lot of those in my town too. They're so annoying that now nowadays a lot of local bars refuse to even let them in!

Good for them! If I had a man that I wanted to marry and he had a bachelor party like that, I’d call off the wedding, no joke.

Haha good choice :)

you could've just asked for a shot ya know....

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I don’t appreciate spam.