
in travel •  3 years ago 


Halo steemit..
Halo semuanya

Hari ini saya berlibur ke rumah nenek saya yang berada di pedalaman desa yang sejuk .
Dikelilingi pegunungan indah dan sungai yang jernih airnya
Suasana disini sangat nyaman, udaranya pun masi terbilang alami ,jauh dari lingkungan peekotaan,
Ayo lestarikan alam di bumi kita bersama .
Salam steemit Indonesia

hello steemit.. Hi everybody Today I am on vacation to my grandmother's house which is in the cool interior of the village. Surrounded by beautiful mountains and clear rivers The atmosphere here is very comfortable, the air is still fairly natural, far from the urban environment, Let's preserve nature on our earth together. Greetings steemit Indonesia Thank you

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