Above only God

in travel •  7 years ago 

I hope you will agree with me that the view of the clouds from above is more beautiful than from below ..
And a terrific puzzle that can be solved only sitting at the window of the plane is: where do the mountains end and the clouds begin?












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its true.. this feeling is very beautyfull ..

have a nice and safe journy. @fedrarosi

Thank you dear friend 🤗❤️

Nice photography .... comments , upvote , resteemed friend @fedrarosi

Thanks ❤️💝🤩



Best thing about air travel is when u get to see mountains cladded with snow

Yes ))) true ))

The view above are so beautiful.

Yes )) thanks

accomplishment & exuberant!


breathtaking & wonderful!

Thanks )))

Waow nice post.These photos are very beautiful👍

Thank you friend 💛

friend steemitmau know interesting things about the tour, visit my blog, thank you best friend steemit

Ok thanks ))

Great photos my friend. For the moment I do not agree with you, I hope to see them soon from above to see if you are right or not :D

I hope u will agree with me )))

I try to solve this puzzle every time I fly on a plane! Thank you for photo)

So we are similar )))

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I agree with your words my dear friend @fedrarosi

The mountains look better when everything looks white white


Yes )) but in general , dear friend , mountains are always beautiful , as and sea ..and covered by snow and covered by forest .. )))

yes friend u r also right .............................