Let me tell you a true little Christmas story...

in travel •  7 years ago 


It was on my snowshoe tour. I was slowly heading for the parking lot, when I heard voices and some noise in the woods on the mountain near Garmisch-Partenkirchen.


Suddenly I saw them: a man and a woman standing in the snow next to some fir trees. And before I could even say hallo the woman yelled: "We have a license by the forest ranger! It's in my pocket!"


It took me some seconds to understand what was going on. The couple was about to harvest a Christmas tree. The man held a saw in his hands, while his wife stood some meters ago, telling him what to do.


I assured them, that I believed that everything was completely legal. And so we started a chat. It's a decades long tradition for them to pick the Christmas tree.

Whilst the man worked, the woman told me a little story about two trees standing close to each other in a forest:

The one tree was very majestic, beautifully shaped, without gaps. The other tree was buckled and a bit aslope.

And the handsome tree always bad-mouthed his poor neighbor. "I'm so perfect, I'm so beautiful. And you are just disgustingly ugly."

One day a ranger came along and chopped down the boastful tree for Christmas. The second one was spared and lived a long an happy tree life for centuries. 🙂


As the short story ended, their "timber" fell. We wished each other merry Christmas and parted. Such a lovely encounter at the end of my hike.


And I wish all of you just the same: Happy holidays, nice presents, some rest and simply a great time! ❤️


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Thank you for your wonderful posts today, I really enjoyed reading them all. And beautiful photos as always! 😊

I believe you, because here in Romania the tradition is to have a natural christmas tree in your house. It is more beautiful and the smeel feel like Christmas :D