RE: 7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge - Australian Monday week #45 - the absolute winner takes 200 SBD!

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7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge - Australian Monday week #45 - the absolute winner takes 200 SBD!

in travel •  7 years ago 


While traveling through Australia from Perth to Melbourne we also enjoyed the Great Ocean Road and its Twelve Apostels shown on my photo. While only eight apostels remains due to landclaiming of the ocean this is still a magnificent wonder of mother nature.

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magnificent ~ ❤️ ~

Thank you 💙

This place looks amazing! Nice pic @gococonuts

Thanks a lot @rinawonderlands 😘

I just love that place!

@czechglobalhosts It's great isn't it?! And if you time your visit right you can avoid the tourbusses and get some magical shots. Did you know that after sunrise you can see these tiny pinquins coming on to the beach? So cool to watch!