2017 In Pictures | My Journeys through the year

in travel •  7 years ago 

2017 was a year of lots of ups and downs. Personally and professionally, it didn't turn out to be as fruitful as I expected it to be. But on the travel front, I managed to travel to some far off places that I had always wanted to. I even managed to ride my bicycle to places I had wanted to see but could never muster courage to.

I traveled to Madhya Pradesh, a culturally rich state in Central India, at the beginning of the year and that set the tone for the rest of the year for me. Here's a pictorial representation of my journeys throughout the year.

1. January - Orchha and Batesar Temples
A group of 200 temples resurrected by one determined man at Batesar. It was emotionally an overwhelming journey for me as these temples were believed to be demolished by dacoits and rabble-rousers.

2. February - Masked Dance Men of Jibhi
Fagli (Phagli). The festival when masked men dance all day long and visit homes in the village during nights to share blessings for the upcoming harvest season. Not to mention, unlimited supply of drinks keeps them going while they dance on the psychedelic notes of traditional trumpets and drums for hours and hours.

3. April - Cycle Ride to Kasauli
Riding in plains is entirely different than riding in mountains. While in plains one can ride long distances just by strengthening legs and back, mountains demand the best from the rider. The back, legs, quadriceps, and above all one needs to be mentally tough to be able to achieve success on mountains roads.

I managed to ride 100 kilometers in the mountains and that was the highest point of my riding career in 2017.

4. April - A Veteran's Homage Journey
Major General Somnath Jha retired from the Indian Army and decided to pedal all across the country on his bicycle to pay homage to his lost warriors to the menace of war that India has fought since its independence. It was great honor to be a part of his incredible journey.

5. May - Mountain Ride Again
Kasauli ride strengthened my belief in myself and I decided to bite the bullet again. This time I rode 168kilometers solo in a day, within a span of 8 hours and not to mention, it was a great achievement for someone like me who had started cycling just a year ago.

6. June - Manimahesh Kailash Yatra
This was my annual pilgrimage and my 7th visit to the holy mountain. Every time I visit this place, I learn a lot more about myself.

7. July - Srikhand Kailash Yatra
A dream come true. Something I had been wanting to do since 2011. A high point in my trekking career. A much relished memory.

8. August - Kinner Kailash Yatra
Kinnaur Kailash was the high point of my year. Unarguably the best thing I had achieved in the whole damn year. And I can't explain it in words how I felt after accomplishing this task.

9. Novemenr - Hometown Cycling Excursions
A perfect way to end the year. A cycle ride to Rohanda, a popular tourist destination near my hometown.

I wish my 2018 turns out to be equally rewarding in terms of travel, if not less :)

I wish @aburmeseabroad, @sanjay91422, and @devilonwheels also write about their travel experiences in the year gone by.

Consider it sort of nomination guys, let's hear your experiences too :)

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Enjoyed reading the summary. Lot of cycling and trekking in a single year. I remember your fb post about 200 km ride towards Haryana and another somewhere in Punjab.That was this same year or previous?

That was towards the end of 2016 Sanjay. Thanks for your comment.