10 things about long travel, about which nobody told.

in travel •  8 years ago  (edited)

Romanticism of long travel attracts each of us. But everything isn't as healthy as travelers tell, and the negative side of a medal is available too. We will tell about it. Many of us represent long travel as something madly unusual and romantic. Travelers always have a heap of crazy stories about the adventures, but reality such is that many of them don't speak about negative sides of such travel. And they are, and we have decided to share them. 

Travel won't help to escape from responsibility 

There is a belief that people who sell all the things quit the job and go to round-the-world travel, turn in carefree, and they have nothing to lose. The truth consists that they still care for a set of things every day. For example, how to find money for the travel, to reduce costs to a minimum and to look for the place for a lodging for the night. These decisions differ from what you should accept, but they also have real consequences. Eventually, you are simply responsible for the safety, and on travel of the reasons to endure about it much more, than sitting at work. 

It is not one big party 


If you dream that you stop in hostel and you meet new people, don't think that you will be able to have a good time and hang out with them every night. You should think of money, debts and of how to stretch for the fixed sum till the end of travel. Forget about fantastic stories how travelers come off every night as last time. Perhaps, someone can afford it, but whether you can? 

Everything isn't always as beautiful, as on the picture 

You have no shower, there is no toilet, you miss flights aboard the plane or the bus which goes time in three days. You have got stuck for the night in the middle of the nature under a pouring rain. Sounds romantically, isn't it? But in practice everything isn't so healthy. However troubles and misfortunes are part of travel too. 

You not always have a company

 To what type of people you carry yourself? Whether you love the noisy companies or you prefer to remain alone with the thoughts? Regardless of it, you will not always have an opportunity something to change. Want to be alone, and where to disappear to your roommates in hostel? Want the noisy company? Try to find it in the unfamiliar country which language you do not know. Not all will also not always go according to the plan, and you should be prepared for it. 

Diseases on the way can take unawares 

In the city you always have a doctor near at hand, and he near at hand has a heap of drugs for all diseases. The problem is that on travel this doctor with you won't be (of course if only you don't invite him with yourself). If you travel alone, then such diseases as an allergy, cold, stings of insects, infections and poisonings can become very big problem. And it is better for you to be to them ready if you are ready seriously. 

The food isn't always tasty 

Photos of food which you see in magazines for travelers or on the Internet don't display reality. Not only that many dishes can seem to you very specific, to eat constantly at local restaurants you will hardly be able to afford as it is rather expensive. In addition, poisonings and an allergy to local food become reality for many travelers. 

You begin to look at the house in a different way 

It is possible to look at it from two parties. The positive moment is that you will become less dependent on the civilization benefits. Life in a small village and an ice shower from a bucket will lead you to thought of that, water is how valuable and that she needs to be saved. But also relatives who stand under a shower within an hour will begin to irritate you. And such examples it is possible to bring much. 

You always need an insurance

Even if you already burned traveler, a thing about which it is impossible to forget and save is an insurance. Can happen to you anything, and believe, you don't want to be a patient, without insurance and in others country. 

Not everyone wants to listen to your stories when you come back home 

Yes, we have already understood that this travel has changed your life, but, maybe, we will switch a subject? Your stories will force people to feel uncomfortablly and for this reason they won't want to listen to you. Thoughts that they have important issues which don't allow them to make what was made by you will torment them. Therefore you remember: in spite of the fact that you have got experience which units have, it isn't always reasonable to share it. 

At you it won't turn out to travel long if only you not madly want it 

All tests about which we have told is a negative side of travel. Of course, there is also positive: experience, culture of the different countries, new useful abilities and interesting people. If you aren't ready to all these problems, then it will be very heavy to be reconciled with them. You will be sorry about every day and to dream to come back home somewhat quicker. Whether it is necessary? To solve to you.

Whether you had an experience of long-term travel and what it has ended with?

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Nice @grandmother
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