Come on a Date With Me! The Famously Beautiful 60Km "Great Walk!" New Zealand

in travel •  7 years ago 

I wanted to do something crazy. I wanted to push my limits. I wanted to do "a great walk" and so, I took off into the trail that lead 60 km across South Island New Zealand (but it didn't turn out how I expected!)

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It was already afternoon, sometime around 13:00, the sun was shining and the water was glistening... more than that, my guidebook was calling me into the forest. How could I not go?

I drove down to the ranger station to ask about the famous "Kepler" track, knowing it was 60km long and was meant to be traversed over multiple days exploration.

The ranger showed me the way. She gave me a map and told me the best place to start.

If you don't know about Great Walks, they are kind of a big deal in New Zealand and sell out quickly when the season opens. What that means is that the huts along the way to stay in (because these hikes are meant to be done over several days) are usually booked solid well in advance, leaving it nearly impossible to get a space for somewhere to camp if you're not quick to the draw.

Of course being the day of, this was the case and so she told me I couldn't get a bed and couldn't camp outside of the DOC (Department of Conservation) registered huts so, I was left standing at the desk, disappointed with not very much time to play around with and decided to go do as much as I could for the day.

Anyways, I got a little nudge from the young attendant I was speaking with to go for it, and feeling ambitious, I got a recommendation from her for a great coffee joint and I ended up at this cute little cafe called Sandfly that surprised me by serving organic coffee and juices and also had a vegan feature menu posted on their chalkboard! I was pretty impressed and left with a happy bounce in my step and a large Americano in my hand. (I don't always drink coffee but when I do, I make sure it's organic and fair trade!)

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I took off for the trail with a coffee in hand and a water bottle in the other. On second thought, I better chug said coffee to make sure I don't have to cart around the container for the whole time since there is an all trash in is all trash out rule on these trails usually (and why not give myself a little boost?)


Well, I was flying with newfound energy and so I set off for the trail following the shoreline because I told the lady at the counter that I love water so she suggested starting from this end (you can start from either end of the track.)

I stopped dead in my tracks! LOOK AT THAT VIEW!

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I could still see my van from the car park at this point and I was already in la-la land! I came down to the water's edge to take a peak around the corner at the dam and what was beyond, through the forest and on the other side!




I was just sitting down to admire my surroundings, OK? I wasn't tired! ;)


Lake Te Anau was so full of life! I desperately wanted to get picked up by this boat but they were having so much fun they couldn't see me waving my hands around franticly ;)


This is the very first look into the forest once you start through the path!


An opening back to the beautiful lake called me to check it out and spend some time mermaiding out on the water watching the waves ;)

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This is a look back to where I started from- you can see along the coast that I have actually come along quite a ways even if it seems like I'm just lolly-gagging along taking photos (though, I definitely was also doing that!) ;)


Back into the woods... on the way to Sandfly Point


This was the first recorded stop on the route's map with toilet facilities and a small beach where some families were picnicking and launching their boats from (but as the name suggests, sandflies littered the whole area looking for a meal!)


As I was crossing this bridge, I looked over the side of it and saw that blue wonderment calling out to me again!

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I stopped to play with my hair and collect seashells but the sandfleas wouldn't hear of it and ran me back up to the bridge!



I was on the path for a couple of minutes I swear! But then, I saw another opening and some friends were hanging out in the lake, beckoning for me to come join! I couldn't resist!

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It might not be obvious, but due to all the off-roading and playing in the waters, time was passing by faster than I realized and I knew I needed to be back to my van before sunset so I started to dart into the mossy forests that had suddenly just appeared!


It was here, when I was bent over checking out these mushrooms and feeling very intuned with nature that I met the most lovely elderly English couple out for a day's walk!

The woman who was very much a chatterbox like myself, ended up telling me the horrors up ahead- sandfleas by the millions she said. She rubbed my bare arms and told me if I wanted to keep my skin, I best come back prepared another day for another adventure or risk scratching myself to sleep.

I took her advice and decided I'd start walking backwards towards the carpark after I was finished taking in the freshness and pureness this pristine forest was offering. We talked for so long that her husband finally interjected to ask if they could carry on their romantic trip through the forest before the sun came down and so, I watched them make their way through the green, out of my vision and continued studying what was around me.

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When there is no noise, you can actually think.

I cannot tell you how powerful this was for me! I had been searching for answers to my life's challenges for months but with a scattered mind! Not here, not in the middle of the forest where all that was around were chirping birds and the occasional rustle of the trees.

I stopped and thought and thought and thought and then, I stopped thinking and just existed there with the fresh air in my lungs and cool wind blowing through my hair and found such beautiful happiness in those moments, it filled my heart with song!

I walked slowly, very slowly back out the same way I had come in, knowing the sun was setting behind me and that the insects would be looking for dinner soon.

It was such an enchanted, inspiring experience being there in those woods. Of course, I have these lovely photos which I felt compulsory to share with you, but I also have that bliss still within me. When I close my eyes, I still feel that wind, hear those birds, feel that joy!

Our planet is an extraordinary place with such magic! We must protect and value her. Nurture her, learn from her. She is our mother and provides us with all that we need. The love I was given this day was far more powerful than anything I could get in a store or online. This was pure magic from the Earth and I hope you get some of it transfered onto you through this share!

I thought that if a walk was sold out, it meant it was off limits but I found out in late 2017 that you can generally walk (there are some exceptions as some walks need transportation to access) the Great Walks as long as you don't try to spend the night outside of their huts. They use the money collected from these huts to maintain the trails! From what I have seen, NZ does a really good job at creating safe and easy to follow routes for people so, if the huts weren't sold out, I would have purchased a bunk in a heart beat! Since I couldn't, I also didn't want to miss out on one of the most beautiful sights in the country so I decided to walk what I could in the time I had! Point is, don't panic if it's sold out!

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Next time I am in New Zealand, I am going to ensure I book my spot in the hut and complete the whole 60km, obviously this time I was unable to. Despite that "fomo" I LOVED my journey and wouldn't have it any other way. I'll definitely be back though and hope you get a chance to experience this incredible journey as well!

Sending you love as always!
(All of these photos were taken with my 'One Plus 5' smartphone and are of course, are 100% original, taken by yours truly and shared with love!)
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Sounds like a beautiful journey! I used to live in the forest. I traveled from one to another staying as long as i could in each one. What you said about being able to think and center is very true. The deeper you go into the forest, the further from human society, the closer you get to mother and the deeper your mind is able to think.

If you go deep enough, for long enough, it's only love that exists. Thought and emotion become not only clear, but pure as well.

Your connection to our beautiful planet and all of her wonderful creatures becomes nothing short of magical.

Your understanding of all upon her becomes synonymous with your understanding of self. Self discovery becomes immanent and your inner being becomes a child at play. Free from the inhibitions that have kept her silent.

Beautiful sister, thank you so much for this magically heart felt reminder...

It's been to long for me, I believe it's time to go see mom.

Wow what a wonderful message to receive 💖

Live in the forest? How magical! I lived in a rain forest at one point but it was more scary than tranquil with jaguars and constant snake and spiders on threat. I love New Zealand because there are no predators, gives my anxiety a chance to enjoy the bliss of the nature around!

I completely agree with you, it's something we're becoming far too distant from and I think it's important to be reminded and return to the source, our mother.

I wish you a healing and loving journey back to her 💖

It really is becoming distant.

Here there are far fewer predators, bears mostly. some jaguar and gators.

They are not there to hurt us though. Jaguar have even let me use their sight to protect friends in the forest that were far off before.

Gators are cool to. Grandmother alligator sat me down and told me that those of us that are not connected to the chainsaws will never be harmed... but our dogs were fair game lol.

It really was a magical experience. I miss it, though i've built a life outside the woods now.

Oh wow, I've had a jaguar experience as well though it was hard to concentrate whenever my brain was so afraid of its big teeth ;)

So amazing to hear of your healing and encouraging journeys with the animals. We have become far too far away from them. I witnessed first hand the difference between believing they are there as friends and seeing them as something that can cause harm!

Happy you have these memories to pull from my friend, not everyone is so lucky 💖

Thank you for sharing with me!

You bet!

Keep being awesome!

You too my friend 😍

Glad you went for it, even when it was sold out! I also enjoy silence in nature. Helps you to come to grips with difficult decisions!

Just add that trip on my TO DO list 😋

Hahaha you know, no matter how much I keep crossing off my to-do list, it keeps growing! It never ends! I strongly recommend this trail though! ❤

Thanks Chris! I don't like being told "no" ;) I will have to go back to do the whole thing for sure though because as I was sharing, it's just beautiful every step of the way! I can only imagine what it would get into in the forest after it crosses along the coast! I completely agree with you as far as the silence aspect. It's so needed after long days of busy and noise! :)

Hey, I host a challenge. Would be happy to see you participate: Where Is This
Guess the location and win 0.1 SBD every week.

Cool! Thanks for letting me know about it :) I will definitely look into it ;) ❤

Wow! I like this story of you;p my dream is to move to New Zealand, so I guess I enjoyed seeing this beauty through your eyes! thank you for that:p

New Zealand is wonderful! If you like nature, it's a dream! Where are you from?

Thanks for your reply! I'm from Romania! hopefully not for long:p

Why is that!? I would love to visit!

Ohh no. I'm not saying Romania isn't beautiful!! It's the oposite!! But I really really would love to move to NZ. That's why I said that, not for long. 'Cause we dream to NZ :p

Ohhh haha well I hope you have an amazing time in NZ, it's gorgeous :) I can give you some tips if you need just let me know 💖

The views are absolutely stunning! I agree with you, nature is magical. 🌍 We are blessed to be on this earth with our amazing human bodies.

It's great that they had some vegan options for you, the world is quickly becoming a much more compassionate place!

I love being able to step into nature like this, though sometimes it is not as easy as it was on this trip. NZ is a playground, full of pristine forests and waters, I love it there!

Everywhere I have been in the last year or so has had options now, sometimes harder to find but everywhere has them. It's amazing to see it growing ❤

The view is amazing, new Zealand you call it?
Look at all the pebbles and the grass,hiw about that leap from you?
Just like you said we must protect nature and value,
I wish I had a spot as this in my country

New Zealand is just below Australia, very far south :)
We really have to protect our wonderful home, New Zealand does a really good job at protecting the environment, I think we should all come together and try to do the same in our countries :)

Looks incredible. What a beautiful journey . Thanks for sharing 😊

Hey, it definitely was and has left me with tons and tons of photos so I will happily share the journey :) ❤

There are many beautiful places, really good to be traveling, my friend @heart-to-heart

It's my dream to keep seeing as much as I can (and I'll share what I see with you) :) ❤

very cool.
I love to go around the world like you.

You should go! I was always afraid to do it for many reasons but I did it anyway and it's working out :)

I will try. I want to follow the trail of adventurers like you

After looking through quickly, laying in bed with strepthroat....I felt liberated walking with you through those wonderful images and joyful moments. I will take my time now to read your story as well!

Hi @mammasitta ❤ This trail was incredible. I mean I have been all over the world and have seen a lot of beauty that is for sure, but there was something enchanting about those woods. I really want to go back and finish the whole track next time I visit :) I hope that the healing of the forest managed to reach you in bed and that you're feeling better! ❤

You are very beautiful and very possible to communicate

Reconnecting with Mother Nature is the key for happiness and fulfillment and your experience is truly a wonderful example. I really enjoyed reading your story my Dear and I felt like part of me is there with you. Thank you so much for sharing it with us XOXO

Awww ❤ I totally agree. I wish we had more nature in our worlds so people could just stop and reconnect, heal and feel the energy of the earth. It's so powerful and that's something I really like to inspire as I know people are very busy and don't feel they have time to just go take a walk in the forest (might be better than medicine in my opinion) :) Sending you love! I watched a movie the other night based in Canada (called The Healer) and it just made me miss home so much! I might end up having to come this summer after that! ❤❤❤

beautiful natural beauty, may be a pleasant journey @heart-to-heart

What a beautiful place. It's amazing that you're on this great hike and we're preparing for snow tomorrow here near NYC:) Thanks for giving us a nice taste of summer and New Zealand!!!

Oh no! Snow! That's why I moved out of Canada haha I don't like the cold at all! ❤ Sending you sunshine as best as I can across the ocean! My dad lands in NYC next week, maybe I can have him bring some sun back for you? :)

Yes please:)

What a lovely story. I absolutely love the thunderous sound of silence. I spend as much time there as I can. I get at least some every day in the desert with Sam.

And what a wonderful adventure the whole walk would be. There are trails here that have 'town access' at regular intervals, and some (particularly in the mountains) that have a network of 'shelter cabins' but nothing anywhere near that formal. What a great idea.

Thanks for a great share. I really appreciate it.

Awww and you get to bring your wonderful companion with you, that's all that was missing on my walk. A trusty stead ;)

New Zealand has these titled walks kind of out of the way so they remain unscathed by our over-presence. I want to do them all one day as they all have different features but like I mentioned, you have to book far out in advance to get a spot so it's tricky.

The dessert is a whole different experience, one I miss. I love that you get time out there to experience the thunderous silence I had to use your words because I loved the imagery. ❤

A lovely day. Just goes to show you don't have to do the whole official walk to enjoy what nature has to offer.

Exactly! You never have to do anything as long as you allow yourself the opportunity to enjoy the moment ;)

Thanks for the sweet date I think the crux of the adventure was the quiet time and getting time to think I also enjoy these moments as a solo traveller whether it be in a secluded lanndscape, hotel room or coach ride in the dead of night. Some people run away from their thoughts but travelling solo and having moments of reflection and unwinding all your thoughts is so theraputic. Dropped my first 2 posts in dischord check em out when / if you want to

Oh yes, you are so right. Just stopping during the going is sometimes the best part :) I checked out the fun you're having stateside! I missed home slightly after reading it ;)

But your Canadian you cant miss state side hehehe, I know what you mean , Here is some more misery to heap on you with a side of nostalgia . In this one I get cultural and then party

insert douchey quote about dating you here

Awww of course I'll go on a date with you- next time I'm in Singapore ;)

awww. can't wait then.

Wooooooow! What an adventure. You know i have been waiting for this a long time. Haha. You had all the fun without me. Don't worry, you have me to be playing with your hair from now on.

Hahaha well you're welcome to come along whenever you want :)

Yeeessssssssss! Super excited.