Dear Ruthlessly Insensitive Media; Re: Fears of Bali Volcano Eruption Spark Exodus of 75,000+
We've clicked your insanely difficult not to click, articles, congratulations! I hope that click bait got you an extra buck on your built-to-order paycheque!
I'm not going to be as nice and friendly, butterflies and glitter as normal because I am quite frankly too exhausted from being dragged through piles of stress this week. Why? because you're capitalizing off of our panic and it's not very nice-like, I have to tell you... from the heart.
Have you checked your stats and seen how many people clicked on your article? Will you calculate or do you know how much money you made off each of those clicks? Where are those people 'tuning in' from? Are they here in Bali or are they elsewhere? What motivated them to click on this article do you think?
I think you should draft a spread sheet! I think you should give a little bit of time and attention to the people you're scaring the SH!T OUT OF!

I got a distress call from my mother today who has been checking the news as fast as her screen can refresh to see if I am OK as 'imminent natural disaster looms.'
I am of course OK since I am writing this (though, obviously grumpy to have to be having this heart-to-heart but since that's what I'm here for, here we are!)
However, if you didn't know what was going on and you read those catchy-beyond-nightmare news titles, you'd be questioning and stressing out of your mind too! Hell, I'm here and those titles give my heart rate a run for its money!
Media, I get it. My degree is in Organizational Communications. I sat through so many lectures on this subject matter but for &%$# sake's... could you tone it down a bit?
You're giving me a heart attack over here. Shoot. I am living here, fully able to see and hear everything around me and your twisted truths have got me all confused and terrorized.
Today, I drove an hour and a half away from the volcano to extend my visa! That's right extend as in, stay here, in Bali longer! As in, not leave! As in, I know there is this threat and I still want to stay in my sanctuary, paradise home. That happened after turning off all of my electronics and paying mind only to what was actually going on, not what you are reporting.
See you, you are painting this grandly perfected vision of our worst fears, aren't you? We've got images of Dante's inferno and Pompeii driving everyone's imagination wild.
Today, I found myself falling into the hazy love affair that this paradise brings, after falling asleep under the luminously enchanting sun at one of our island's gorgeous beaches...

I got home and had just walked into Wifi to be met with a startling text.
"They say it's gunna blow in the next couple of hours!"
Well, that's incredibly alarming for someone like me with as intense anxiety as I have. I went from pleasantly walking on sunshine to sitting at my computer, trying to book an immediate flight out of here!
What happened?
Your damn fear mongering is effective and it's dangerous!
I ended up going from being calmly aware and prepared for our unpredictable possibility of natural unrest to having a panic attack in a matter of one article!
Guys, come on! That's not loving, nice or caring!
Getting people drunk off of fear is so unhelpful! In cases of natural order like this, where we have little to no control over what happens, why are we not trying to be more supportive and calm about it?
I have spent the last few days being drawn in like a zombie to the irresistible titles of the talented press out there, reading a whole lot of over exaggerated and manipulated information.
At one point I got so wrapped up in all of the negative gossip, sucked in by all the fear porn, terrified and convinced my life was over, I wrote a post about how my anxiety was wreaking havoc on me and my uncertainty concerning Agung.
Here's the thing, I am not able to blame you all. You could be misinformed. You could be nervous too for all I know.
I am even going to be sweet and kind enough not to call anyone specifically out for their BS, you know who you are! If you're one of the journalists guilty of this, I hope you find yourself reading this somehow and it causes your heart to show you what other people are feeling.
Let's just see what I know to be true:
- Yes, there is activity right now coming from our biggest volcano, Agung.
- Yes, thousands of people have been evacuated from the no-go zone, in the perceived impact zone of an eruption.
- Yes, we have had increased seismic activity (I have woken up multiple times to the house shaking!)
- Yes, animals have been seen coming down from the volcano.
And all that said, it sounds like we may have an eruption coming soon...
- There are specialists over there on constant watch.
- There is non-stop coverage from people on the ground.
- The airlines are closely monitoring the situation and the airport is still functioning.
- The government is enacting precautionary measures to ensure minimal loss and is working closely with families who were evacuated.
- Days are going on as normal for those outside of the no-go lines.
There are tons of tourists over here on holidays, here for weddings, joining retreats, letting off some steam, getting jiggy with it, you name it! Bali is a paradise hot spot for people to come to for a myriad of reasons with its unique diversity.

Now, you're scaring them with your headlines telling them to reconsider travel and all that jazz.
The government says everything is fine and flights are operating as normal so now you've got Twitter all clogged up with panicking tourists and worst, panicking family of tourists... and that's just not good for anybody.
So, in closing, can you just fly in and take a look for yourself or stop copying and pasting from each other to report properly?
People are putting their trust in you! You are their connection to front lines.
This isn't a joke, these are people's lives here we're talking about. I'm sitting in my house far enough away that I shouldn't be in danger but there are people who aren't in the same situation. Real live people have been forced to leave their homes as a safety measure and are in need of loving thoughts in this unpredictable time!
Let's all pray and send loving energy and thoughts to beautiful Agung and all those who may be affected here on the island.

I know! You could finish your mom's travel story ;)
Sorry the media is being ... all media like. It really gets old. And it is very stressful.
LOL HEY! I just had a thought. Could you get your mom to take care of JBL when she comes back to visit ... via Hong Kong?
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Hi :) You're right, I should try to work on that! The power was out all yesterday which made it a bit difficult as I didn't have my lap top charged (the one day!) but I can try to put something together today ;)
Speaking of earthquakes... the keyboard is rattling with the tremor we just got here now. It's been just like that, but the media is, well like you said, media like and blowing it all out of proportion. Hopefully it ends up being OK and that everyone stays safe!
As for JBL- she would need to have it on her while going through but there's one thing I know, she will never be convinced to go back to Hong Kong so I don't even think I should bring it up haha <3
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Very good point ;-)
Medias like everything else exist by the attention we have on them...I withdraw my attention from them, and I focus on what I want and what gives me a feeling of well-being instead of fear...not easy to do as we are really surrounded by things or persons that display negativity and fear, because this is so easy to tell horrible stories and say see I was right
I'm happy that you will be safe because of your energy, whatevever happens around you...fear attracts alike, yet so does cheerfulness and peace, tht's really good news,
we can not prevent the crows from screaming but we can prevent them from making their nest in our head ;-)
Let's get some jolly breazy to help ^_^
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Hi @barbara-orenya, I just LOVE this post! Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a heart felt response! As my name suggests, I just love having these heart-to-hearts with people <3
When I was letting fear (that I collected from the media) have control over me, everything was becoming overwhelming seemed like only hurt and devastation would come. But now that I have decided not to let it take me over, the sky is clearer and I am free to be happy, worry-free :)
It's crazy how much power fear can have over us, but more so how much power we can have ourselves if we don't give into fear! =D
I have never heard that quote before but I simply love it, and the unicorn character, is my favorite! Thank you for being such an angel and sending me this lovely positive light today! <3 I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
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Great post and the media are so maddening with this and other weather issues like the hurricanes. The feed the negativity by building up as much fear as possible. I've done releasing fear on these and it's always huge.
I didn't realise they were getting paid per click on their news articles, life is unreal at times!
Sending much peace and calm to you, Bali and the volcano, may it be Divinely calmed down!
What a fantastic place to live - wow my dream!! :) Enjoy the sun and your white sand beaches - Heaven! <3
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Yes it's true, they maddened me to the point of this post. I just can't get behind their exaggerated claims, trying to toss everyone into a snowball of panic. It's not helpful no matter how you look at it! I know this and yet, panic struck me so I feel for those who have family and friends here as the worry must be incredible!
I guess not everyone is getting paid per click so maybe that was unfair, but most are! That's how the ads work, they pay based on traction, measured by clicks (just a bit of marketing info fyi lol)
Thank you so much for your sweet kindness, this is what Bali needs, not fear and panic!
Bali is a dream and this won't be the end of it like some would have us believe ;) At the moment, all is still well and the sun is shining! <3
Thanks again for your beautiful comment! Have a wonderful week!
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I know the feeling, I get maddened too at things that are just so wrong, out of integrity and causes damage and I'll leave it at that or I'll start a rant!!
The media coverage of the hurricanes over the caribbean was unreal, I felt like they didn't care how the islands got bashed, it was just a way of creating more hype and fear for when it hits USA mainland!
I do energy work on these type of issues and releasing the fear is huge and can take a lot of intensity out of the storm or volcano, so please do keep me updated on Bali, I don't watch the news, events that need help usually find me through friends! :)
Sending lots of peace and calm to Bali and all the fear being generated and to the volcano. Actually I do have an audio to release severe weather that you might like to play whilst the volcano is so active.
Bali looks a dream, may it continue to me a little piece of Heaven on Earth!
You're welcome and have a wonderful week too. <3
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Oh my goodness, wow! Thank you @michellecarter! I am so happy to receive this message and positive light! You are an angel! I can't wait to have some more time to really look over your whole site and what you do, at first glance, you are someone I am so happy to come into contact with as I am always trying to learn and be exposed to more healing modalities!
What a wonderful, sincere connection for which I am grateful of! <3 Hope you have a fantastic weekend! At present, the volcano is being flirty but still hasn't shot off yet so that is good!
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You're welcome @heart-to-heart!
Thank you for all your lovely comments and I'm so pleased my message had uplifted you! Please do ask me any questions you have about my work, either here or in chat, I'll be most happy to chat with you.
Good to hear the volcano is only flirty and not full on. I'll keep working on it, and do let me know how it is. I do energy work on global issues that people let me know about and keep updated on.
Have a fantastic weekend too! <3
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Wow that is just fantastic to hear! The world really needs some love and light in this time of global uproar! Thank you for this important work and healing! <3
I would love to connect with you more! Healing and learning to heal others is something I am incredibly passionate about! Sounds like we were meant to come together <3
Let's keep in touch and thank you from the bottom of my heart for the thoughts and energy sent to us right now!
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Yes it certainly does! You're welcome and thanks for your appreciation. <3
Yes let's connect more that would be great. I love chatting to people interested in healing, I seem to be meeting some lovely people here, so yes the universe is at work! <3
You can check out this post I did about ways to channel healing:
I feel your loving energy! Yes we will keep in touch, you can message me anytime! Much love <3
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Also being caught in the same Volcano situation, I know how you feel when it comes to worried family. I am not sure what kind of stuff they are saying back in the states. But I hope the amount of stress and worry they cause people is worth all that money they are making
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It's seeped over into American news as well, I saw it in all of the big news titles... wreaking havoc all over the place to make us stressed out! The US news seems to be dramatizing everything whereas the Indonesian gov't is trying to deescalate the stress so tourism isn't affected. We'll just have to wait and see!
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Why any reasobable person would still own a TV or buy the MSM garbage in paper or internet form is beyond me.
Their rule of fear shall be their demise.
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I hear you! I don't have a TV or a radio (which is making my mother paranoid) however, I got attacked by warning ads on my social media which caused me to look into this and lead us here. It's insane and I agree with you. Bringing attention to their lies and drama will bring them to an end, in my hopes!
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This deserves some attention. Upvoted and resteemed :]
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Thank you so much! I don't write too much on cases like this, I generally avoid it but when it's smacking me in the face, I feel it's important to call attention to what's truly going on and call out the people involved!
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The difference between Pompeii and Bali is they are spelled differently. So, it's going to be alright! :)
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Great! Sounds like some solid logic =D I'll take it!
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Wow. Your departure will be fun ..
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I climbed Rinjani in 1994 while Anak Rinjani ( the small one in the caldera) was erupting! Of course it was forbidden, so we sneaked through the park gates before dawn, so no guards yet. Camping on the crater rim, having the ground shake under you with every eruption, kilometer high fountains of fire and ash, what an experience! Not many sights in life do beat this beauty.
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Wow, you do like to live on the edge ;) I have climbed a couple of active volcanoes before but am not too interested in going near this one from the local's recollection of the last time it popped off! It's possible I may be able to get some drone footage though, so should be interesting to see from that perspective. I also am calmed to hear that they've evacuated those in the area of impact which was a huge fear!
Where are your pictures? I would love to see that!
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When I started on my 5 years trip in 92 I decided against taking a camera, because I did not want to have the camera between me and the moment. So my pictures are in my head.
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Darn, I need to figure out how to get inside of it, so I can see them too ;)
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Correct post
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Wow super stressful indeed!
As I said my prayers are with you and I bless you to be safe whatever the results may be.
Bless it be~*~
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You're lovely @quinneaker, thank you for the thoughts, I really believe they have ensured no one will be in harm <3 PS congrats on your amazing opportunity speaking at Steemfest <3
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Bless it be~*~
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