Travel The World without Breaking The Bank

in travel •  8 years ago  (edited)

Check out My Interview with The Dollar Vigilante, Jeff Berwick!

I've been living out of a small suitcase for the past two years. The same one my cousin gave me in return for a knockoff Vera Bradley beach bag that I bought from Walgreens (thanks Barbra!). I've become strangely attached to this suitcase. It's grey with a hard shell that's covered with decals that say"Exit", "Danger High Voltage", "Bikram Yoga", and the newest addition "Sayaq-Seqe Paragliding". It's become my unique type of charm bracelet that travels with me everywhere I go. I have yet to name it so I still have higher levels of crazy to achieve. At this point my baggage has become the one constant in my life, I suppose that's something most people wouldn't like to admit.

To live a life full of travel- the way I do- means to live a bit uncomfortably. It means giving up pretty much everything that makes you feel safe and secure in order to go somewhere new and different without fully knowing what's in store for you when you get there. Albeit, this is a relatively luke warm sacrifice, nonetheless it is a struggle to travel. It is this very struggle that people tend to forget or don't even realize when they see those gorgeous photos of far away places.

That photo is the finished product of many hours of stress and planning and budgeting and hiking. It's the crowning jewel for many travelers. It's the evidence of our badass...ery.

You may be wondering how I'm able to afford such adventurous trips. Like I said before, a life of travel is a life of sacrifice. I'm certainly not wealthy, nor do I come from a wealthy family. I don't own a car, rent an apartment, purchase fancy things, or go out to eat often. I spend my money always in consideration of the next trip I want to take.

At this point it's become borderline obsessive but it's a mindset that enables me to go where I want to go.

This is How I Budget for an Epic Trip

1. Buy the Ticket

I begin checking as early as I can before I plan to leave, preferably around a month in advance. I look for dates that are significantly cheaper and then go to the discount websites like, and and enter the cheaper dates found on That is how I find the real deals.

If you find yourself in a position to be bumped from a flight in exchange for a voucher, take the flipping voucher, it's free money! American Airlines gave me $500 in exchange for waiting 4 hours for the next flight.
And if you aren't shy about being ruthless for a cheap flight somewhere, keep in mind that often times after things like terrorist attacks, or otherwise bad publicity in a certain country results in majorly discounted flights.

2. Book a Hostel

This is where budgeting really kicks in. Yes, that luxury hotel sure looks nice with its heated swimming pool with a swim-up bar, A/C, couples massages and continental breakfast, but isn't the point of your trip to leave the hotel and have an adventure? Don't you want to experience other cultures?

Thanks to the scary movie Hostel and it's many sequels I think many of you are aware that there are places that exist which serve as the perfect lodging for travelers. Hostels typically cost anywhere from $8-$30/night and they give you the basics: a bed, a shower- hot water is NOT always guaranteed, a free breakfast (which typically consists of some type of bread and jam and your choice of hot drink) and the always important wifi.

Hostels are great for travelers because they aren't designed to keep you around. They encourage you to go out and explore. Then you can return and tell your bunkmates all about it while at the same time you'll learn from their experiences as well. If you want a real travel experience go ahead and splurge on that $10 a night hostel. You might get lucky and find a decently prices private room at a hostel which is great since you won't have to deal with 8 other strangers snoring all night long.

Another great way to save money on lodging is to check out AirBnB.

This one is also great if you can find a deal because you'll be with locals who can tell you a lot more about the area and you'll probably have a much more productive time than if you were wandering around aimlessly.

I'd love to exchange some SBDs for a room in foreign countries. Any Steemians who are interested private message me on my username is heiditravels.

3. Find an ATM

Skip the exchange counters at the airport and withdraw money from an ATM at the airport. I suggest at the airport because it's a safer place then on a random street out in the city. The fees from the ATM are more than likely less expensive than the exchange counters. Also like I suggested in my previous post I'd advise you to withdraw as much as you can or as much as you'll need in order to avoid having to make repeat trips and collecting more exchange fees.

4. Use a Travel Friendly Credit Card

I highly suggest using a credit card that offers zero foreign exchange fees and also gives you miles for all purchases. I've also looked into the Xapo and BitPay cards. Bitpay is a pre-paid card that you load with your bitcoins. This card is back by Visa so you can use it anywhere Visa is accepted, although it applies a 3% fee for purchases outside of the U.S. and $3.00 fee for ATM withdrawals outside of the U.S. Xapo is generally the same, except it charges $3.50 for ATM withdrawals outside of the U.S.

Hey @ned @dan @dantheman , when can I start using a steem card??

5. Get to the Grocery Store

First thing I do when I arrive and throw my bags on my bed is to head out to the local market. I try to limit spending on restaurants whenever I can and that means hitting up the grocery store for things like bottled water, fruit and vegetables that I can snack on if there isn't a kitchen available. I enjoy eating healthy so it's an added bonus if my room or hostel has a kitchen that I can use to cook. My go-to snack to make is homemade hummus, it's incredibly easy and healthy and it fills you up so you'll feel satisfied for a good chunk of the day with energy to burn.

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For travel cash I would suggest things like or other sites that allow you to meet people in very safe places and trade BTC (Probably STEEM) for the local currency.

I was recently in London and Riga, Latvia where I used bitcoin to buy my girlfriend and I's plain tickets on Baltic Airlines and drinks while in Riga. My girlfriend is Latvian so she has a EURO debit card that I would just refill periodically by trading btc for EURO or Pound that would be SEPA'd into the debit card account. I was blown away the amount of people ready to trade cash with you (Great online reputations) all over the world.

Hey, @heiditravels - You said you was going to be interviewed by me when you came to Perú, how come you did not follow up on our agreement from Did you not travel to Perú? Because I live 3 minutes from places you have been and would have brought you on National Television, but you did not even make an effort on contacting me, so I wonder - did you really travel to Perú this year, or did you pose in front of a green-screen in USA?

people get busy fyrst :/
Much love, but it is hard to get people on man because they are all very busy. I know! :D

Very cool. Thanks for sharing, I'll be taking advantage of this time! kan du selge btc og få rett på konto dagen etter :)

This post makes me so happy! For someone who is clueless on this stuff it makes me so excited to see that there are options. I have plans to go to San Diego next month and for just a week and just the hotel alone, it's going to cost me 900.00 !! I decided to see if there were any hostels nearby, And there is one right next to my hotel at only 30.00 a night! I can't cancel this time But next time I'm getting a hostel for sure!

Thanks for another good posting and the sharing of your knowledge and adventures. Great photos too! Namaste :)

still see your post look attractive until now, and I enjoy it

Travelling in Style!

Looking great, Heidi ;D

Great Post as Always ! KEEP IT UP !
"It's the evidence of our badass...ery." lol
YOU ARE that evidence !!!!

Discovered your page from @DollarVigilante recent posts, now a follower!!

bellissima ragazza

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Paolo, che fai, guardi le ragazze ora? Se ti richiappo lo dico alla tua moglie: lol

Fantastic tips. Life should be lived and that is what you're doing.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I've been following your posts for a long time and I actually just posted a comment about you on a post of @dollarvigilante 's about how much of an inspiration you are to take hold of your future and never lose that sense of adventure as well as just how much potential steemit has to fuel that desire and the life-changing ability it has. Once I begin my travels, your posts are going to be an additional guide that I will refer to when considering what may be the best options (and cheapest :P) for my travels, as well as what to avoid and what to look for to enhance the experience.

Keep up the great work and keep the travelling up; I always love to see where you've headed next and where you intend to travel in the future. I want to see more of the world than I have and your stories are nothing short of a true inspiration!

P.S. - I love hummus, especially with roasted peppers and garlic! Homemade is even better, as you can finesse it to your liking!

Yes @heiditravels....... a Steemcard would be a great thing i agree !! I guess we can but wait and see !! Nice post ! ; - )

I like your energy on every picture! I think that is the reason everything is working when you travel even if it isnt. :)

Interesting post. I like your life style!


👍 beautiful pictures, have fun ur travelling @heiditravels

rest assured there is always money budgeted for vinho verde tho <3

One more reason why I love Portugal, the economical vinho :)

very amazing pictures @heiditravels

Nice Post@heiditravels! No fear the whales will be up-voting this post in approximately 14 mins or so:) They gotta get max curating reward 1st lmao! I enjoyed the tips may use them, cheers!

Awesome stuff!
Always cool to see :D

Steem card is a really cool idea!
I'm currently doing an experiment for the Visa Shift Card and the Bitpay card ;D

If you ever make your way to the Philippines, I have a condo you can rent using SBD :)

Awesome :)

I wonder if Visa Shift would add STEEM Dollars..

Wow nice trip very economical thanks to share great tips this package is very economical for all but especially for students.

You should think about using Revolut, there are no exchange costs when changing currencies, and you get instant notifications on your phone when money is taken off.
Also the card they send you works anywhere MasterCard does.

I'll have to look into that, sounds pretty good, thanks!

Great post! I can relate in many ways!

Very nice photos! Could you tell me please, where is this place?

This was taken at a small place called BonJouir it's a small lodging area that I found after walking about 2 hours along the beach starting at "The Point" in Teahupo'o Tahiti :)

Wrote down to list - "places to visit".

If you want a real travel experience go ahead and splurge on that $10 a night hostel.
First thing I do when I arrive and throw my bags on my bed is to head out to the local market.

Make sure to check the bed first before putting your bag on it. Many hostels in Asia and even some in Europe have had cases of bedbugs. You do not want them to take up residence in your bags.

good sound advise post - always enjoy your posts and travel

Great guide @heiditravels. As someone who is looking to GTFO as soon as possible, the world is now my oyster (as they say), or at least, it will be very soon. There are a lot of handy tips here that will come in useful for my preparations and voyage. Have bookmarked for later referral.Thanks for sharing this :)

Hello Heidi! You're living the dream!
I've got the Xapo card which is very nice because it is directly linked with my Xapo wallet and I don't need to load it.
Also I have the GoldMoney prepaid mastercard which I like a lot. If you have a BitGold (now GoldMoney) account you can use this card as well.
Here is my link:
Thank you for the tips. Specially the vouchers tip, I'll keeping that in mind.
If I ever use it I'll come back to publicly thank you :)

Steem Card or "I would like to pay in Steem" .. hum

Lol.....good job and i really wish you all the best and enjoy life as much as you can! It is awesome that you can travel thanks to steemit (because i travel a lot and believe me i have to work a lot to spare money but you certainly already know that) and it shows all opportunities that steemit can bring to "everybody...(not so sure lol) and honestly, i was not so wrong when i wrote this past article

Travel the bank without breaking the world
Nice post

Nice post. Have you ever used Couch Surfing? I have a verified account and have hosted people from Germany and the Netherlands so far. Everyone who has stayed with me so far has loved it. I taught an 18 year old German woman who was staying with me how to shoot a tactical rifle and several handguns, and how to ride a snow mobile. We also rode my horses at an indoor riding area as it was winter here at the time. I have an acreage in British Columbia Canada, and intend to have another one in Central America next year. You are welcome to stay with me anytime!

This post by @ash might be useful to you:

Blessings on your journey!

Awesome info! Thanks girl. I'm planning a trip to costa rica soon this article was helpful :) Question... does the link actually work? I cant seem to get on it? @heiditravels

@heiditravels Very cool, thanks for sharing.

Wow! I'm new and learning about steemit, and I've gotta say you're the biggest inspiration I've seen lately (and believe me, I've looked in many places)

Thanks for info. Travel freely.