The Best Travel Destinations in April Part 2! (Haas Picks)

in travel •  7 years ago  (edited)

Let’s travel the world and experience the best destinations all over the world, ready to go on a trip?

The world has so much to offer and even after four years of traveling I only saw 13% of the globe! My biggest problem is to find a way in which I travel an earn money at the same time, so if you have any suggestions they are welcome.
But me trying to travel more is not what this post is about, this post is about the best travel destinations to go to in April! This post take will take you to My own country the Netherlands, Vanuatu, Tanzania and USA.

Party time
Party time! Sounds good! But where? Before I did my research for this post I never heard off Coachella but now I wonder why? Its massive! Head over to Indio, Southern California to see some serious big names.
The festival ground is hot, the weather is really enjoyable and festival is much more than the music, its about getting together celebrate and connect! There is a rock, paper, scissors championship. Beers for everybody and just enjoying being there. The festival runs for two weeks! So there for sure will be a day that suits your agenda!
Atl-J, Beyonce, French Montana and many more are waiting for you.

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I just love wildlife, maybe because here in the Netherlands we are not spoiled and don’t have really impressive wonders of nature! I would love to travel to Africa one day and focus on seeing wildlife think that is really spectacular.
Go to Tanzania to the smallest national park to get a close in counter with one of the 100+ Chimpanzees! They are somewhat accustomed to humans so if you arrive at the Gombe Stream you have great odds.
There is an option to stay overnight at the park as well, everything from a hostel to luxury tents are available to extent this wonderful memory some longer! April is one of the best months to visit the park, so let’s go.

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When I worked on Cruise ships we visited Vanuatu quite a bit and I was able to see this unique showing.
The most bungy jumpers can be find on Pentecost Island , up to now you probably think you can bungee jump everywhere in the world right? But nothing van be matched by this!
Every year in April the islanders build tall wooden towers and jump off!
So if you like excitement and are not afraid of watching it, head over. Before the islanders jump they will share their deepest thoughts because it could be their last jump. Want to know how it looks, this fascinating way off bungy jumping, you know where to go now.

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Finally a spot in the list for my own native country the Netherlands! My biggest secret is that never been to the Keukenhof but I am for sure planning on going this year and post about it!

The Keukenhof is all about Tulips! The Netherlands is one of the biggest exporters of Tulips in the world, every year around 2 billion of them are shipped to all over the world!
The Keukenhof is the world largest flower garden and opens around 6 weeks a year, it just started and will run to mid-May. The sight is only 35 km away from Amsterdam so it’s an easy visit once you are here, who will join me?

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Thanks all for stopping by, where would you go? Hope you enjoyed the second part of the best destinations to go to in April! Don’t worry there is one more part coming so there is something for everybody!

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Wow, this looks like an interesting place to go - Pentecost Island. Do you know if they allow tourist to jump from their constructions? I will share my deepest thoughts first, of course :)

hahah dont think so, they practise for years and its real culture there, but if you really want go for it haha!
Will try to go to the Keukehof this year, so many tourist go there, so its time for me to show up.
Thanks for stopping by Eva

Keukenhof looks beautiful! I see it is in the mid of May, if the bitcoin goes up I might join you haha :)

you can book your ticket the cryptos go up as we speak! lets hope it stays that way and we can all travel

I've been to Coachella and it's a blast. The only bad part is that it always happens during a massive heat wave.

If you do go to Coachella make sure to stop by Joshua Tree National Park and grab yourself a coffee and slice of pizza in the town of Joshua Tree.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your tip! that what I want, people that love to travel helping each other to have the best time!

Seems like tons of fun! Have you been to Burning man as well? That's kinda hot too (so I've been told :P)

I been to Las Vegas a few times also when Burning man was, many people go from there to the spot, I am not really into festivals so decided not to go

I've never been but a good friend goes every year. He "lives" in the homebrew beer camp. It says fun but he warns of dust everywhere and I mean everywhere.

nice! looks super good! hope you enjoyed it

Nice blog my friend! Its crazy but ive never been to the Keukenhof even im a Dutchie also! That will change soon cos my gf will staying here in the Netherlands for 3 months from end of this month! Its on the to do list!

Fijne avond!

Nice! enjoy your time together, great that you are able to spend months with her here. Will go to the Keukenohf aswell this year

Thx ! See you @ the keukenhof ;-)

wonderful post I would like to go to africa because I love nature and animals would like to see a lion hunting.

Thanks for stopping by again my friend, next post will be about animals only! so you wil llike that one for sure

nice post!:) Every spring I think about Amsterdam! it’s my small dream to see all these tulips!:)

you should visit Amsterdam is so nice!

You visited very interesting places. The wooden towers I have seen only in the television. All your pictures a very very amazing.