peak triumph in papua indonesia - travel indonesia

in travel •  7 years ago 


Puncak Jaya Regency is one of the districts in Papua province, Indonesia. The capital of this district is located in the district of Kotamulia. Its name is taken from Gunung Jaya or better known as Puncak Jaya. On October 29, 2008 Kabupaten Puncak was expanded from this regency.


Based on the Act, Jayawijaya Regency is located on the meridian line 137 ° 12'-141 ° 00 'East Longitude, and 3 ° 2'-5 ° 12' South Latitude, which has a land area of ​​52,916 km², is the only District in the province of West Irian (at the time) whose territory was not in contact with the shoreline.


Puncak Jaya Regency was established based on Government Regulation Number 52 Year 1996 concerning Formation of Puncak Jaya, Paniai, Mimika and Name and Movement of Capital City of Paniai Region II Region in Region IK Jaya Province. Further reinforced by the enactment of Law Number 45 Year 1999 concerning the Establishment of Central Irian Jaya Province, West Irian Jaya, Paniai Regency, Mimika Regency, Puncak Jaya Regency and Sorong City.

Along with the development of governmental administration and to shorten the range of service control, Puncak Jaya Regency has been expanded based on Law Number 7 Year 2008 regarding the Formation of Puncak Regency. Currently Puncak Jaya District consists of 8 districts namely:

The Noble District
Ilu District
Fawi District
Mewoluk District
Yamo District
Tingginambut District
Torere District, and
Jigonikme District


While the number of villages that originally consisted of 67 villages, to further maximize services to people who are isolated in the hinterland, in the next development has been done pemekaran kampong from 67 villages to 302 villages that is based on Regional Regulation Puncak Jaya Number: 2 Year 2008.

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