My first trip to Europe, Lisbon1欧洲之旅第一站里斯本1

in travel •  7 years ago 

IMG_4616.JPG时隔半年,回忆起我的欧洲旅行第一站,想起来还是兴奋的,所以就从葡萄牙里斯本开始分享吧。刚拿到欧洲签证是非常兴奋的,终于可以去我梦寐以求的地方。里斯本真的是一个很美的城市,古老又淳朴,我喜欢它那弯弯曲曲的石阶小巷,色彩强烈的建筑物,载歌载舞的热情的葡萄牙人和美味的食物 After a lapse of six months, recalling my first trip to Europe, I was still excited about it, so start sharing with Lisbon, Portugal. Just got the European visa is very exciting, and finally can go where I dream. Lisbon is really a beautiful city, ancient and honest, I love its winding alleys, colorful buildings, passionate Portuguese dancing and delicious food

To introduce some fun and attractive local attractions
黑马广场和凯旋门Arco da Rua Augusta
商业广场(就在穿过凯旋门后的一条街)Praça do Comércio

附近超级正宗的葡挞 very authentic Portuguese egg tart nearby Praça do Comércio
古老的电梯(圣如斯塔升降机)Old elevator (Elevador de Santa Justa)
佩德罗四世广场(又名罗西乌:Praça de D. Pedro IV(Rossio)IMG_4615.JPGIMG_5021.JPGIMG_5023.JPG当地的特产手信(罐头鱼—每一个包装都有自己出生的年份)
Local specialty hand letter (canned fish - each package has its own year of birth)
里斯本美食:最出名的就是这里的烧烤沙丁鱼Lisbon cuisine: the most famous is the barbecue sardines

Portuguese wine, very cheap in the supermarketIMG_4819.JPG里斯本的夕阳!Lisbon beautiful sunsetIMG_5014.JPG
载歌载舞的当地居民!Singing and dancing peopleIMG_4777.JPG
Lisbon Travels 1 wrote here, I hope everyone will like, the next one continued · · Thank you for watching!IMG_4663.JPG

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