Let calmness be your language.

in travel •  7 years ago 

Nothing is so aggravating than calmness. -Oscar Wilde

The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, his influence, his power of good.Calmness of mind is the most beautiful jewels of wisdom. -James Allen

Just like this picture of mine at one of the beautiful sandbars in the Philippines, I would say calmness is indeed at its best. In the middle of vastness and deepness of Bohol sea, there lies a beautiful sandbar, screaming its beauty and calmness. Fine sugary white sand will welcome you at this paradise. For a short stay here, i enjoyed the crystal clear water and most importantly I have realized something, that i should be like this sandbar. I should stay calmn in every chaos and struggles that life may bring. And that the most beautiful jewel I could wear is calmness. 💙

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Thank you for sharing the beach! I love how pink the sand is. There are beaches with sands so dark it seems to suck the summer away, they are beautiful in their own rite. As I sit with the snowflakes falling-- I am enjoying your post!

thank you. 😃