Checking in from Elizabethton, TN.

in travel •  7 years ago 


No wifi at my sister's house, so just checking what's going in here from the McDonald's in Elizabethton, Tennessee.

Elizabethton is basically the same town as Johnson City, TN, which is the birthplace of bluegrass music, so we're deep into eastern Tennessee's southern culture, and it's beautiful.


The beautiful @mslight2016st is here by my side enjoying a McDonald's hash brown.


We stopped by a Korean restaurant today for lunch, to see what that was all about. The food was definitely "Americanized" (sweeter, saltier, bigger than genuine Korean cuisine) but was still satisfying, all things considered.

After the American/Korean experience, we walked down the street to a local coffee shop which is famous in the area, and which makes their own coffee. That was not a disappointment at all! Good coffee, super-friendly staff, and that country, historic, All-American feel.



Everything's great but....I gotta get out for a run! Left my shoes up in Indiana! DoH!

Thanks for checkin' in.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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nice to see your lovely family @kafkanarchy, hope you have a very fun filled end of the year.

Thanks, @trucklife-family. Wishing you and your family the same!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I love that area of Tennessee, actually I think that I have driven through Elizabethton once. Looks like a great place to visit!

I was born in Pikeville KY, so love all of the mountains and peacefulness there. @mslight2016st Mrs @kafkanarchy84? I'm so confused lol. Have a great visit!

Thanks, @jbcoin.

That's correct! Me and @mslight2016st are hitched!

Yeah, this area of TN is really nice. Didn't know you were a Kentucky boy!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'll be sure to follow her also! You have a beautiful family, and it's nice to finally meet them all! The first pic of everyone in front of the "Made in Tennessee" sign is great!

I've spent most of my life in central Ohio, but love to visit relatives in eastern Kentucky, when I can. We've also done a little camping through the Smokey Mountains. That was a great time!

Thanks so much, @jbcoin. Smokey Mountain camping amping sounds like a blast!

You're the best @kafkanarchy84! Thanks for all of your support in my posts!

Nice family having fun together. How in the world are you surviving without wifi? Lol

I'm not! HAHA. At McDonald's every day!

I think you enjoyed many fun.
Life is too small. So enjoy it as long as possible.

Make a nice New Year's Celebration in your life. Forgetting all sorrow, welcome to the new year.

Thank you, @nxtfuture. You too.

Very happy if there is a chance to drink coffee with family. Thanks for sharing @kafkanarchy84.

well u was enjoying it fully and eat some tasty foods and after coffe hope it was ur some best and wonder tour @kafkanarchy and what about ur running i think u was start it 5 month ago

Bet you can find some good whiskey or moonshine distilleries around that area that offer free samples!

I know! My family doesn't drink though, so I'm not sure my suggestion to visit would be enthusiastically received. ARGGHH!

It shows you really had a nice time...i love this expression

The food was definitely "Americanized" (sweeter, saltier, bigger than genuine Korean cuisine) but was still satisfying, all things considered.

Happy holidays

Happy New year

Happy New Year, brother.

Have a nice to enjoy this vist congratulation for this tour enjoy with a coffe. And its a very beautiful place

yes its a realy good place

Like to see such a happy family with full enjoying mood...stay always with such happy moods... dear friend.... Also good wishes for the coming years... May God bless you.....

Just remember if you start to hear some banjos in the distance you might want to turn and walk the other way. Don't forget to pick up some good ole mountain dew while you're there to shove it to uncle Sam.

Haha. I'll watch out. Not lookin' to get into any Deliverance type shit!!! :)

I think you enjoyed many fun. this amazin্ photograph

Surely now you have a good idea about the Koreans, I know as much as the Koreans are friendly and that the coffee that you went to, they themselves will produce coffee and confirm that the quality of their copy will be much better.

You are so sweet :))

nice post

thanks for share your experience.

Great photography,,,,

Outstanding perfomance .
Thank's for sharing

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