Travelling alone

in travel •  7 years ago  (edited)

For one person this is the ultimate freedom, for the other one the ultimate horror.

Travelling by yourself, Do you like it or not?


Packing your bags, going to the airport, getting through customs and then the wait before your actual departure. Do you prefer doing this all by yourself or do you prefer having some company with you.

When I look at myself, I do not mind being on the road by myself when in terms of public transportation. There is always enough to look around to, and otherwise a good book is always your company. Also writing blogs is not a bad idea to pass the time when you are in full wait. Editting and adding pictures can be done later, but the actual writing does not need anything. A notebook on your phone is already enough, and everybody travels with their phone right?

Travelling by train is my favorite form of transportation and I guess flying my least favorite. But realisticly if you have to make some miles, those planes are damn convenient. Now I dont like flying that much (this is about the understatement of the century), and in this I really like having a buddy with me. I act like a fool while flying and someone who says 'Karin, we are okay, relax now' just really helps hahaha.

Training is also giving you enough to see, and I must admit I am appreciating taking the bus also more and more.

Have you ever heard of the Flix busses before?


These buscompanies all over Europe offer ridiculously cheap trips. Im talking 20 Euro cheap. And with really comfortable seats, coffee and wifi on board, who needs a travel buddy with that?

But what is your idea on how your trip should look like?

Is your trip business related? Then all of these things are most likely non applicable, because the boss will pay your trip and the main goal is getting the job done and getting home as soon as possible.

But if you want to do nice stuff while having some time off, do you prefer having a buddy with you? Or is your idea of ultimate freedom not having to deliberate with anybody?

Ive been on the road for a bit by myself now these weeks, and I can honestly say that I do not like travelling by myself. Also the previous times that I was on city trips by myself I never found it as enjoyable as travelling with a buddy.

For me sharing the experience is doubling the fun. I absolutely do not mind going somewhere by myself, and I am also a very easy talker, but I can not seem to fill my days properly when I am lone-roading.

Eating is just for taste and filling the belly, and not for the dining experience. So a fancy dinner I would not do so fast by myself I guess.

Seeing a nice building in a city is done faster. You enjoy, you take a picture, you leave. In general the same happens when you are with more people, but for some reason everything takes longer then.

Only nature is enjoyable by yourself I find, but safety is an aspect to think about before heading towards the woods. At least tell somebody before you are heading out, so someone knows when you are missing.

What is also strange...

Is that when I am are travelling by myself, I have the urge to be outside all the time. See, explore, discover. This on it self is not so strange of course, you want to use your traveltime as good as possible. But when you are in your hotel/ hostel/ guesthouse with a buddy it is often already cool to relax a bit there, while the solitaire traveller in me tends to run out all the time.

The experience is just different!

Well, I have told you my perspective on travelling by yourself. But I would love to hear yours. How do you feel about travelling by yourself?


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I have done my share of both travelling alone and with company. I now prefer travelling with company. It is just more fun to share the experiences. You also eat better when you have company. Alone, it is just to take nourishment, not to enjoy the experience.

Haha I totally agree with the eating part. You take more the time for it and talk about the experience while eating :)

For me if the option is there: travelling with a partner all the way!

I often travel by myself because it’s hard to find the ideal travel partner. For me the ideal travel partner is someone who has time and is ok staying in one location for a week or two and is ok being independent when our desires don’t line up. So if I wanna just hang out at a cafe and he wants to go some particular place we can split up for the day. I like having independence cause it’s easier to meet people, and you don’t have to bend to others wishes all the time, some of our friends have very different prerogatives than we have. But it’s really fun to catch up at the end of the day and if something is awesome enough, you can go back to show your friend.

Maybe that is already enough indeed. Mind your own stuff during the day and then come to evaluate about it and to make new plans.

Yeah for me that is a part of the fun I guess. Telling (or more rambling) about how good the day was over dinner or a drink.

You or tipping on something there. When your travelpartner is NOT that ruins your travel!

Ik heb verschillende malen solo gereisd. Het was raar in het begin, maar een van de beste beslissingen die ik heb genomen om mezelf beter te leren kennen. Want je bent verantwoordelijk voor jezelf (eten, drinken, slapen, kleren (laten) wassen, hoe en waar verder reizen).
Al snel had ik de smaak te pakken... ik verbleef voornamelijk in hostels, dus eenzaam was ik niet echt.
En als ik dan alleen was, dan vond ik alleen lunchen bijvoorbeeld niet zo aangenaam.

Dat geloof ik dat het een van de dingen is waardoor je jezelf leert kennen en ik denk oprecht dat het goed is voor iedereen om eens een keer te doen!

Maar idd ik vind het gewoon niet zo gezellig! Maar bij mij blijkt de helft van de fun te zijn om het te delen en zeker alleen eten vind ik echt heel suf, terwijl ik echt een enorme voedselliefhebber ben.

Ik bedenk nu ook dat ik voor de alweer voor de derde keer naar een nieuw land ga verhuizen. Over jezelf leren kennen gesproken ;)

Dus idd ja zeker een keer doen! Maar van mij hoeft het niet meer

I am a bit jealous on guys who travel(ed) the world on their own. When I was younger I was not brave enough to do this. Also for the same reason as you wrote, I want to share the moments with a buddy. Now I am traveling with the whole family, this is fun too.

I would prefer that any time. Sharing is caring, seeing something special and reacting on it together.

I thin a lot of people are jealous on those guys but I always wonder of some of those guys have a bit of an opinion like me about it that they would rather do it together actually

I guess most people always think about the other side of the story.

I usually travel on my own but on the other hand you need someone to take photos of you in various places .

hahahahah! Yeah thats why you never see me in pictures I guess hahah

I am a solo-all-the-way girl. Or was, till I became a mom. It's been a HUGE adjustment for me to travel with others, and still love nothing more than hitting an anonymous hotel room alone with no one else's agenda or curiosity to worry about except my own. :)

Aha! I admire you for that, I can not seem to fill my time and enjoy as much as I would with company.

I need to learn some stuff from you I guess!

Amazing brother