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Where is this? Looks breathtaking!


One day I am going to vacation there my friend @kashaya, what is the name of this place and where is this place?

MGARR, west part of MALTA, a Southern European island

where is that?

The Northern Region of Malta in the Mediterranean Sea

Wow. These are some beautiful shots. Who took them?

Thanks, I take all my photos

I want to hike there so badly .

Awesome photos I love it!

I love the colour of the sea in the first photo.
Can i use it for my cartoon art?

Pls check my blog for photo's from other Steemians who let me do my thing on their photo's.

I wouldnlove to be here its so peaceful

It’s out of this world really amazing

This post is so dreamy <3

my dream :(

Wow kerennya pemandangan yang ada postingkan,jangan lupa kunjungi post saya upvote ya

Again the simplicity of your recent posts is amazing. Your photography speaks for you with words that the best writers could not put on paper. I can't wait to see more of your work!