My story : Visiting the White House During Christmas

in travel •  9 years ago 

 I recently had the opportunity to do something that I hadn’t  even thought about before — visiting the White House during Christmas.
I visited Washington, DC to take part in the White House’s first ever  Travel Blogger Summit, focusing on making study abroad accessible to  more students. While the summit itself was an exciting, inspiring event  (and stay tuned for more on what I learned and who I met!), one of the  biggest highlights for me personally was getting to see the White House  decked out for Christmas. 

 So many Christmas trees! So many decorations!
Visiting the White House isn’t as easy as rocking up and waiting to  get in. For American citizens, you need to submit a request through your  congressional representative. For foreign nationals, you need to submit  a request through your embassy in Washington, DC. Requests must be made between 21 days and six months in advance.  Tours are self-guided, and you get to walk through the East Wing at your  own pace and peruse a pamphlet filled with information. You can technically visit the White House year-round — but I  recommend that you try to do it around Christmas to see the decorations. 

Now — why should you come to the White House during Christmas as opposed to any other time of year?

Because it’s beautiful. The Christmas decorations at  the White House are legendary — classic, elegant, and the rooms are  enveloped in the most wonderful scent of pine. Definitely more Martha  Stewart than an avant-garde presentation, but in this environment,  classic is exactly what you want. (Plus, giant sculptures of White House  dogs Bo and Sunny!) 


 Because of the history. 

The East Wing of the White  House, as you can imagine, is full of history dating back centuries.  It’s great seeing it first-hand in an environment that has been home to  the people who shaped the country we live in today. 

 Because of the guides. 

The tours are self-guided, but  Secret Service officers are present throughout the rooms, giving  historical tidbits. These aren’t the stereotypical officers in dark  glasses — they were fun and friendly and I ended up chatting with  several of them. 

 Because you can take pictures. 

Usually, you can’t take pictures on a White House tour, but Christmas is the only time of year that you’re allowed to do so. 

 Because of the photo ops. 

Need a shot for your  Christmas card this year? Pose underneath the presidential seal with an  American flag on one side and the Blue Room’s enormous America the  Beautiful-themed Christmas tree behind you. 

 Still, there are caveats. 

It’s so hard to get good  pictures. Our group had been told that cameras were not permitted,  though they technically are permitted during the Christmas season, so we  were restricted to our phones. It’s very crowded inside, so it’s hard  getting photos without anyone in them, and you can’t get too close to  the decorations themselves, so it’s difficult to get any kind of unique  photos. Everyone ends up with the same shots. Even so, though — very well worth it. 

What to Wear to the White House

It depressed me when I Googled “what to wear to the White House” and  found lots of threads saying how it was okay, you didn’t have to dress  up, it would be okay if you wore jeans and sneakers. OF COURSE you should dress up!  This is our country’s highest office! It’s a show of respect — and if  you’re not going to dress up here, then when are you going to? I went for a dress and blazer combo with black pantyhose and pumps.  Stylish, yet relatively conservative, which is how people dress for  business in DC. (My personal method was to choose a dress that I could  see the First Lady wearing — and she would totally wear this!) Hell, make a day of it! I went to Drybar for an early-morning  blowout, and if your visit is scheduled for later, you could drop by  Sephora and get a free 15-minute makeover. Why not? This is the time! Yes, theoretically you could walk into the White House wearing old jeans and a hoodie, but really, don’t be that girl. 

The Takeaway

I never knew how much I would enjoy seeing the White House all decked  out for Christmas! It was really a magical moment to be in such a  special place at such a beautiful time of year. I was thoroughly giddy  the whole time. I’m so glad I had this opportunity, and I can’t recommend it highly enough to all of you. 

Essential Info: White  House visits must be arranged in advance through your congressional  representative if you’re a US citizen and through your DC embassy if  you’re not a citizen. Visit to find your representative. Visits can be arranged six months to 21 days in advance. Click here for more information on White House visits, including what you can and can’t bring inside. Christmas season generally begins in early December, though the specific dates can vary year by year. Call ahead to make sure. Photos may only be taken during the  Christmas season. Otherwise, mobile phones are permitted, but you may  not actually use them in the White House. For more information on the 2015 Christmas decorations, click here. 

Where’s your favorite place to visit during the Christmas season?

Thanks for visiting.
have a nice day :)
Kate McCulley 

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Great post! By the way, you can center your images by surrounding them with <center>https://yourlinkhere.jpg</center>

hmm.... I clicked on the link and it didn't work.
did some google. do you mean ?

thanks mate
oh thanks for you info i will try later mate
hope you have a nice day

Your post is very interesting. The most exciting for me was a visit Moscow Kremlin. You should see it ! :)

Great post but just linking to your blog and facebook and twitter doesn't prove this account is actually yours. You could easily verify it by tweeting "I did a post on steem" so we know you say who you say you are.

This is just to prevent that someone created this account, copied all the pics just to make a profit off of someone else's expense. Hope you understand.

Also it would benefit your post a lot more if you would verify.