RE: 15 Ways to Leave the Country if Donald Trump Gets Elected

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15 Ways to Leave the Country if Donald Trump Gets Elected

in travel •  9 years ago 

I apologize if you are offended by my words this was a democracy everyone has a different idea once I apologize if I have said something that is not good for you to hear,
when problems clinton say we 've never had a woman president hit me feel annoyed because when I compare what campaigned bernie so is much different when its bernie pronounce policy when compared clinton speech was bernie not deserve to lose
so I apologize if I interrupt your friends

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You did not offend me at all. I am just having a discussion and sharing. If I seem overbearing I apologize. I've spent a lot of time researching these guys. Going on about 9 years for some of them. So I can be pretty passionate. YOU did not offend me. If people bash Trump and Hillary I tend to be silent as I can see they realize both of them are corrupt. If they pick only one then I usually make some kind of comment. They are both bad choices. We actually may be facing some of the worst choices we've ever had.

And actually this isn't a democracy. It's a republic. They like to use that word but I can't find any Democracies in the world. Sometimes the term Democracy is used in lieu of Democratic Republic but that is kind of redundant.

We are supposed to elect representatives. Sadly it's hard to do that when they have us convinced we must be either red or blue. :)

Bernie was very different. He even attacked Hillary as a criminal and he was right when he was running. I am VERY disappointed in the fact he endorsed her. If she was in fact a criminal as he stated he should have refused to endorse her. That is the correct thing to do. He did do what a career politician would do though. So while I did like Bernie more than Trump or Hillary I lost a lot of respect for him when he endorsed someone he stated and knew was a criminal.

EDIT: And as far as friends... I've never spoken to you or anyone else I was just talking to before. I do have a few friends on here that I've spoken to before. @kaptainkrayola, @kidsysco, @timendainum, @theanubisrider, @kellywin21 - I think that's it for the people I know from outside of steemit.

thank you my friend
well, I also wonder why would bernie endorsed Clinton when he had said repeatedly clinton is criminal when he said it would be endorsed clinton no pressure at all on her face,
I am very happy discussion and sharing of experiences but I am also scared if I make other people hurt