The Loggia: A little bit of Venice, in the heart of Heraklion. Get your camera ready!

in travel •  7 years ago 

If you have strolled in Heraklion, you surely have come past this impressive Venetian building, located on the square of Saint Titus & 25th August Street.


image by Jason H

The Loggia is an imposing Venetian building, that after an extensive restoration functions as Heraklion’s Municipality. Its first floor is formed into a hall for official ceremonies and the weekly meetings of the Municipal Council.

The Loggia used to be the official meeting place of the nobles, used as a combination of chamber and an aristocrat’s club. It was constructed in 1628 by F. Morosini, the same person who constructed the homonymous Fountain.

After the Turkish occupation, the building was used as Crete’s Treasury.

Many years afterwards, the newly independent Crete proposed that the building would house an Archaeological museum. Unfortunately, the building was not considered safe so that plan was abandoned. Later on, in 1904 they started demolishing the Loggia, because it was considered to be very dangerous for the people passing by.

Officially the restoration started in 1914, and after many adventurous years and two World Wars, the restoration works started afresh and were successfully completed. In 1987, the efforts were awarded a prize from the “Europa Nostra” for the “most successful restoration of a historical building with a modern use in the Greek area.”

The Loggia is considered to be one of the most attractive and elegant Venetian buildings in the city and a must visit spot when in Heraklion.

At a Glance:

  • Loggia is one of the finest and most elegant monuments of the Venetial Period.
  • The Loggia is now used as the City Hall of Heraklion.
  • The current Loggia building is the fourth one. The previous were either abandoned or destroyed.
  • The current building was constructed around 1628 by General Provisioner of Crete, Francisco Morosini (Yes, it is the same who constructed the Morosini Fountain a few meters away)
  • In 1987 the monument has been awarded a prestigious prize for the most successful restoration of a historical building with a modern use by the International Organization “Europa Nostra”

Extra Tips:

Make sure to wander inside its walls to admire the architecture, feel the vibes and take some charming pictures!

At the evenings you will see local youngsters to do some skate boarding or break dancing.

Historical Sources … via Explore Crete

According to historical sources, the first Loggia of Heraklion was by the sea, exposed to winter storms and gales.
In 1325 the nobles of Chandax applied to Venice for a grant of land away from the sea to build a new Loggia. The application was approved and the second Loggia was built opposite today's building.
The third Loggia was built in 1541 on the site occupied by the present building, but it was smaller.
The fourth and final Loggia was built in 1626-1628.

With info from Heraklion's Municipality

image by Jason H

Reviews from TripAdvisor

By Belgo96 - Australia

Elegant loggia in Heraklion

If you have been to Italy and particularly Florence, this might not impress you so much but as far as loggias go, it is an >attractive and well kept one, situated right in the middle of Heraklion. It is now used as the Town Hall. It has survived the various (somewhat) recent conquerors of Crete to remain intact. It is considered one of the, if not the most attractive Venetian structure in Heraklion.

By BarbieMegaTraveller-Sydney

Great Venetian architecture - free to walk through

This is a beautiful building located along the main shopping street (25th August Street), close to the Port end. There are plaques with information inside and it's open to walk through at all hours.

The inside of the building (the offices) change their use from time to time, but that's not the interesting part, it's the free walk through part that is lovely. At night time it's a popular location for people to meet, gather and has a great vibe.

By Crownpoint G Hill – London

Beautiful Renaissance building, courtesy of the Venetians

It's amazing that the Ottomans left the building standing. It's a must see in the middle of Heraklion.

By Ikanders0n - Minneapolis

Nice to walk through

It is quite pretty, but with many of the heraklion buidlings, its worth the quick stop and photo opp, but don't expect to spend much time to gather too much new info there.

By Anita H – Linconshire UK

Lovely piece of architecture.

Only stopped to take photos as we walked past... wish I'd wandered inside too now. A beautiful and unusual building in what is now a generally rather ugly city.

Reviews from Google

By Murray Dedman

This building is the town hall. It is a beautiful building but there is only a little description of the building and very little to explore.

By Yannis Samatas

Η Λότζια είναι το πιο κομψό ενετικό κτίριο στο Ηράκλειο, που χτίστηκε περίπου το 1628 από το γενικό προβλεπτή Φραγκίσκο Μοροζίνι. Πρόκειται για την τέταρτη στη σειρά Ενετική Λότζια που ανήγειραν οι Ενετοί στο Ηράκλειο της Κρήτης, ενώ οι 3 προηγούμενες δεν σώζονται.
Ήταν το κεντρικό κτίριο της πόλης, όπου λάμβαναν χώρα συναντήσεις πολιτικών και άλλων επιφανών πολιτών της πόλης κατά τη διάρκεια της Ενετοκρατίας, ενώ λειτουργούσε και ως Λέσχη Ευγενών.
Σήμερα το είναι το κεντρικό κτίριο του Δήμου Ηρακλείου στεγάζει το γραφείο του Δημάρχου τα γραφεία αντιδημάρχων, διοικητικές και οικονομικές υπηρεσίες και την αίθουσα που συνεδριάζει το Δημοτικό Συμβούλιο.

(Translated by Google)

The Loggia is the most elegant Venetian building in Heraklion, built around 1628 by the General Francesco Morosini. This is the fourth in the series Venetian Loggia erected by the Venetians in Heraklion, Crete, while the three previous are not saved.
It was the main building of the city, which were held political meetings and other prominent citizens of the city during the Venetian period, while operating as Club Nobles.
Today it is the main building of the Municipality of Heraklion houses the Mayor's office of the deputy mayors offices, administrative and financial services and the room where the City Council meets.

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I love Crete. Very nice post.
Just a friendly advice... add tag Crete in your post.

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