Steemit Is Taking Me To The Ocean

in travel •  8 years ago 

As a little girl, I looked at photos of the gorgeous ocean. A place I'd dreamed of going, The seemingly endless body of water, Full of fascinating creatures.
Shipwrecks, And mystery.

My heart fell for the ocean.

I have never loved the color blue, But the ocean just seems so pure, So perfect.
As a kid I always looked at picture books, I was born into a very poor family. I had 2 siblings. A family of 5 isn't HUGE. But it was expensive.
We never went on those family vacations.
We hardly went anywhere as a family.

Sadly I was born in Utah, Which is far from any ocean.
We went camping at lakes, But it didn't feel like the same thing ,Lakes are green and dirty.
Oceans are clean and blue.

There is an abundance of life in the ocean,
I feel like lakes have less life.
Less colors, Just green, gray, and browns.
The ocean is a rainbow liquid.

I got lucky when I got older, My Grandpa was nice enough to take all of us on a road trip to Disneyland.
I appreciated this! Don't get me wrong.
But my heart wanted to see the ocean

We saw the ocean for two seconds. My mother worries too much, She's afraid of everything.
I bolted towards the ocean, I wanted to jump in it and play. She screamed at me and pulled me away from the gorgeous water and sand.

"Get out of there! You'll be eaten by a shark"

I tried to explain to her that it's not as common as she thinks it is. But she refused to listen.
I was forced back into the car and we drove away.

I never had the money to go back.
I've been through a lot of weird situations. Those things always end up attacking my bank account.
But I kept the ocean in the back of my mind.

Must go to California...

Must go to California...

I made an attempt earlier this year, I jumped on a plane and went to San Francisco.

Bad move

Throughout my life, I thought all of California was this scorching hot Oasis. When I arrived in San Francisco, Our hotel was only a block from the ocean.
the air was cold, It was cloudy in San Francisco.
The ocean is warm right?

I ran into it. and realized that the ocean was freezing cold.
It hurt my body, and caused hives (more on that in another post)

I couldn't deny myself the ocean any longer. I stayed in it as long as I could.

I was amazed by the power of the waves, I was so happy!
People complain the ocean is too salty! What does it taste like?

I licked the ocean water

Not too bad...

I guess I'm used to the great Salt Lake, Which is painfully Salty.

Eventually I had to pull myself from the ocean water,
It was too cold.
Everyone on the beach wearing their coats laughed at me and my dad who desperately wanted to play in it.
We were two Utahns who were trapped far away from the one thing that brings us the most joy.

I've been determined to go to Southern California. Where it's ACTUALLY warm year round.
I can't believe we made that stupid mistake.

Steemit is making it happen.
My dream of seeing the ocean is coming true next month! I've been saving to pay off some debt and do a short vacation to California.

All funded by Steemit.

I couldn't be more ecstatic. That a social networking site is so generous. The community so beautiful that they are making this possible!
So many people roll their eyes at me.

"It's just a body of water"

Maybe to you!
You have no idea how much I've wanted to see the ocean, How many books I've read. How much I've studied.
The ocean is a dream come true for me!

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It's awesome that you are able to live your dream, thanks to your hard work here on Steemit! I'm sure you will take tons of pics and share some with us. :D

People in the comments are sharing their ocean stories, so I'll wade right in and play in the waves with y'all. :)

I was born on an island, a very large and Long Island, so there were many beaches to enjoy on the north and south coasts.

Then I moved to the tropical Southern end of a Florid peninsula and lived very near the east coast which has hundreds of miles of beaches to explore.

Now I'm inland and it takes 4 hours to get to the beach by Car and there is no straight Line highway to get there. I've been back about a half dozen times but I miss being able to go whenever I want.

So I look forward to hearing about Your trip and seeing Your pics! :D

Hehe I will take tons of pictures hehe :)

Aww man Florida! I gotta see Florida sometime! Ever run into giant snakes?
That sounds so much fun ehhe!!
You need to move closer to the ocean so you can go whenever you want again!

i found your post so inspiring and to hear of your undying need to be immersed in the cobalt blue ocean i understand totally, as i have myself always had this same need of bonding with the ocean !! I bought a small sailing boat 17 years ago as a way of escaping the bustling madness of Paris, the town which i had lived for ten years !! I realized how lucky i have been in my life to make my ocean walker dream a reality !! I was very moved by this part especially " I bolted towards the ocean, I wanted to jump in it and play. She screamed at me and pulled me away from the gorgeous water and sand." so sad i thought and i truly wish now that finally you get your dream so simple and yet so apparently unattainable till now !! I am looking forward to hearing of your feelings of this moment when you are finally reunited with this Ocean of dreams !! Bravo on financing it with your Steem dollars by the way, thats the ticket right there !! ; - )

Aww thank you! Your comment is amazing, I love what you did with your life! I could see myself doing that. Thank you hehe :) Steemit is changing my life so dramatically <3

my pleasure, was a very touching post for me i will say !! It has not been so easy as living truly on a boat on the Ocean requires a massive investment time and energy, doing anything else becomes almost impossible !! So ye it would seem the Steem could be the perfect tool for us sentient souls of life that we clearly are !! So yes get Steeming and never , i mean never let go of your dreams !!

Hehehe I won't!
I can't imagine living on a boat! You are at complete mercy of the ocean, That would be an interesting feeling, You are also somewhat confined to that boat if you are away from land! I hope to try that one day.

aaaaahhhh yes, i see you begin to see the realities of the Ocean, its so much more powerful than you can possibly imagine, and when you are there in the darkness on your believe me " little " boat, you feel very small, humble and yet totally alive and part of the Universe in its full meaning !! I love it, why i don,t really know, but i do as well ! Yes a strange thing life on the sea i can tell you !! ; - )

I grew up on the prairies too and never saw the ocean until I was 20. Have fun!

Aww! Yeah it kind of sucks. It's nice that there are different environments everywhere, But at the same time, Some places are so out of reach lol.

The boonies suck. You can say it :P

Heeh I wouldn't know! I don't consider where I live a Prairie heheh! I do have mountains lots of them. I live in a "Bowl" So I can go hiking. That is one good thing about Utah. BUt I do want to go to the states that are more flat LOL
Georgia maybe?

I grew up in Siberia and sometimes also dreamed about the ocean. I was attracted by the ships. The wind, the sail, the freedom. You are your own boss. And sail where your heart desires. Just like Jack Sparrow ;)

I'm very glad you're approaching your dream, Kaylin. I hope this will give you new food for inspiration and creativity! And we'll see your amazing posts about this boundless rainbow world.

Hehe I want to be a pirate!!
You grew up in Siberia! That is so cool! I love that everyone is sharing about themselves hehe.

Thank you so much for your support! It makes me so happy.

you want to be a pirate really ??? hehehehe !!! be careful what you wish for my dear !! ; - )

I grew up in 100 km from Black sea coast. Weekends we have spent at the coast but every Saturday first glance of the Sea from my parents' car window was exciting.

I love that :) I can't wait to see it from the airplane I hope I dont' die of excitement.

I love that :) I can't wait to see it from the airplane I hope I dont' die of excitement.

I grew up in southern CA so I was fortunate enough to see many lovely beaches while living there. When you get there, I highly recommend that you check out Matador Beach in Malibu or Carmel if you're heading up north. Both places are stunningly beautiful!

Have a great time!!! :)

I will heheh :) Thank you so much!
I will try to go to lots of beaches hee you are lucky you've been in that environment.

No problem! Oh, and we expect to see a Steemit post with all sorts of amazing pictures by the time you get back from vacation! ;)

Oh you will! Knowing my workaholic nature, I'll probably be posting my 4 a day even while on vacation. Although I'll probably write those ahead of time. LOL

The first thing you notice is the smell of the ocean. If the wind is right and coming in shore then you can feel that ocean breeze which is something to embrace. I grew up in New Zealand so the ocean is all over but i never have and never will take it for granted:)..hope you enjoy it!

Ohh I can't wait ! I'm so glad you don't take it for granted. Nature is so amazing and we should appreciate all of it hehe.

The first time you put your toes in the sand and wait for the wave to wash up and reach your feet you will be in love:)...I would go to the beach daily, but not to get tanned,lol..I would go just to walk in the sand. Walking along a beach so the water hits your feet every time a wave comes in is awesome. Looking out to the ocean will give you some very surreal thoughts and sometimes you get lost without knowing it. If you ever get a chance be there when the sun comes up and goes down, that is when the real magic happens.

yes that is true concerning the sunrise and sunset over the ocean, but the ocean will always be a place of magic and enchantment, almost at any time as she has many faces i can tell you !!
The Ocean gives life and indeed makes one feel alive too !!

Oh good! I don't like tanning honestly. Sunblock is my best friend.
Gosh I can't wait for that!! I want to spend 90% of the trip on the beach.

I saw the ocean for the first time last year. Spent 3 months on Hawaii.
The waves are awesome!
When a 10 feet tall wave crashes on top of you and kicks you back to the shore. Now i wanna go back :D and play with the waves.

Hehhe OMG that sounds so scary but fun too! Those waves can be mega powerful! I can't wait I want to go to Hawaii one day too :) But thats a bit too expensive right now hehe.

Yeah, it's expensive. I went from Estonia :D So half the world away.
But the first thing I did is get a job, got an apartment with 10 traveling friends and lived there for 3 months. A "working vacation" so to speak. When I got back I had basically not lost any money. Everything I spent I earned back.

That is amazing.
I would love to do that! I don't mind working, even if it was a basic entry level job. I feel like with that mindset you can travel as much as you want.

This inspires me because if we can send someone to the ocean through social networking I ask myself can we send someone to go impact this enviroment in a positive way. I appreciate the love you have for our ocean lets make an effort to clear it of plastics from bottles and industrial waste.