Day 2 in Paris for Team Beck - a visit to the Louvre

in travel •  8 years ago 

The Plan

On the agenda for Day 2 of our 4-1/2 days in Paris: we planned to go to the Louvre then take a cruise down the Seine (thank you, Paris Pass - both of these are included in the package), and see whatever we would see in between.

After our first triumphal round of Paris tourism the day before (see a post on that here and another here), we felt far more confident with the local transport system and ready to face another day of determined sightseeing and experiencing Paris armed with our Paris Passes and dogged feet. Our plan was simple: take the bus from the 14th arrondissement to the Louvre, enjoy the Louvre for as many hours as we could cope with, then take a well-deserved tour boat cruise down the Seine River to get a feel for the layout of Paris from the perspective of this winding river.

We were ready to see sights like this exquisite fountain in the Place de la Concorde (Place of Peace, if I'm not mistaken). Here's a detailed shot of one of the elements of the fountain, followed by a view of the overall piece viewed from the river side.

Place de la Concorde fountain closeup

Place de la Concorde fountain

And for those who've watched the Tour de France cyclists circle the obelisk during the final race of the Tour de France, here's how it looks across the plaza and closer up. There are less tourists at the obelisk during Tour...just saying....

Obelisk across the plaza

Obelisk closer up

Getting there would be a cinch, right?

Totally! We would take the bus directly to the Louvre to save our feet for the museum. We would skilfully apply our lessons of the day before to seamlessly travel from our Airbnb directly to the Louvre, using the public transport ticket (on the left in the Paris Pass kit below) we now knew how to deftly flick into the bus and metro ticket readers. Lots of adverbs.

Paris Pass

Not quite

We missed our bus stop by four stops.

We got off at the Place de Breteuil instead of the transfer point (can't remember where that was supposed to be), and almost immediately had a bit of a culture clash between those who navigate by using maps (the paper ones you unfold and try to keep straight in the wind) and visual cues like landmarks and streetsigns, and those who have faith in mobile phones and Google Maps (Madame Google) to navigate.

Emma and I quickly decided not to let a good mistake go to waste. We delighted in the small beauties our goof allowed us to see close up. We walked through this lovely area taking photos of Parisian balconies and avenues, past the Invalides and finally across one of the many bridges over the River Seine to the Place de la Concorde.

Here are a few photos to give you a taste of that first unplanned leg of the day.

Place de Breteuil

That's @tim-beck at the with the beautiful golden dome of Les Invalides in the far background and, well, the back of the statue of Louis Pasteur in the immediate background.

Here's a proper photo of the Louis Pasteur statue:

Louis Pasteur statue

Image source: by Siren-Com Own work CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL, via Wikimedia Commons

Getting the Paris big picture

Eiffel Tower in the distance

Here Emma is looking down one of the roads which radiate from the Place de Breteuil. We start to get a sense from the ground of the genius of the urban planning which incorporates long straight avenues linking great monuments and allowing kilometres of sightlines. Yes, that is the Eiffel Tower in the distance, our first view of it that day.

Getting the Paris picture close-up

And we also got a sense of the more detailed beauty of this city. Balconies are just one example of how Paris dresses herself up.

Typical wrought iron balcony

This is typical of the wrought iron balcony work we saw as we walked towards the River Seine. Nearly every one was a work of art and craftsmanship.

At the Place de la Concorde and through the Tuileries

After what one of our party deemed to be a ridiculously long walk, we arrived on the other side of the River Seine, close to our goal of the Louvre. However, we couldn't help it - we spent quite a bit of time simply basking in the beauty of the Place de la Concorde, a wide open space populated with hundreds of tourists and featuring some of Paris' most iconic sights, including the fountain and obelisk shown at the beginning of this post.

Obelisk in the Place de la Concorde

A short walk through the Tuileries gardens built up our anticipation for the experience of the Louvre.

Tuileries gardens - aerial view

Image source: by Martin Robson (Flickr: 20130809-IMG_7327) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Tuileries gardens

Tuileries gardens approaching the Louvre

At the Louvre!

And voilà, enfin, there we were!

Louvre pyramid

It seemed like everyone had the same photo idea - but that didn't stop us from doing it too.

Louvre pyramid in hand

@tim-beck decided to channel his inner Thinker by Rodin.

Tim the Thinker

In the Louvre

Once Emma and Tim have loaded their camera photos, I'll post separately on the artworks we saw there - yes, including the Mona Lisa. Some jostling of aggressive tourists was required for that viewing.

After the Louvre

Exhausted and happy after our four hour ramble through the Louvre, we made a beeline for the first seats we could find.

Happily sitting down for a few minutes

But the day wasn't done. We had the boat cruise to do! Until the next post, Steemians!

List of posts on our August 2017 trip

All photos by Linsey Dyer, Emma Beck and Tim Beck except where otherwise credited

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Nice post @ kiligirl
I loove Paris! this post reminded all of the nice things we saw in Paris. Thank you for sharing ;)
And yes! With no transportation, you can walk in many kilometers! me and my fiancé walked 23 kilometers when we were there :D

Upvoted and followed you.

Glad this post reminded you of some lovely memories, @inuk! I'm not surprised you walked that far 😅. Thank you for your support!

Looks like a great trip! I have been in Paris a few times because it's pretty much close to me. I have even lived in France for a bit when I wanted to experience nomad lifestyle - it is an lovely place.

Indeed it is, @mrpapuga! We had a wonderful time. It must have been delightful living in France. 😊😊

Hi Kiligirl, I must say it looks lovely in Paris. Why not take advantage of the moment and enjoy the beauty around you. The iron work and plants make the row houses so inviting. The gardens, water fountains and the Oblisk then The Louvre. What a day. The inner thinker looks a bit worn out! It doesn't look too busy with tourists, but If you had to beat back the crowds to see the Mona Lisa then it must have been. You all look happy and relaxed as you tour the city. Well done my friend! Now for your river cruise! Love Ellie Mae🐓🐓

Hi, Ellie Mae, we did well by going there on a Friday. We passed by there the next day and the whole Louvre courtyard was overflowing with humans! Glad we did it in the order we did. The inner thinker was really cranky and out took quite a bit of effort from Emma and me to get him into holiday mode 🤣🤣. Thanks for coming by. Wishing you an excellent night and terrific day tomorrow 😘😊😊.

O my how lovely and took me back a few years. I was visiting him in U.K. and flew over to Paris for a week. He surprised me for the weekend, and after I picked him up at the Eurotrain, we went for dinner and drank a whole pitcher of beer. Then we kept seeing the Eiffel tour and could not find it every time we climbed off the tube it sat on the other side. This was very funny to us, enjoy Paris it really is worth it.

I can see how the Eiffel Tower could have gotten the best of you in that situation, @bigbear! 🤣🤣 A pitcher of beer could play havoc with anyone's sense of direction. Maybe the Tower really was jumping from one bank to the other. 😉

We managed to mess up public transport so many times (my favourite trick was picking the wrong direction for the bus) but we got the hang of it in the end and learned the value of the wisdom of three. It was all part of the fun in the end. Glad you enjoyed your trip there, and thanks for sharing a bit of comedy!

The fountain is absolutely beautiful. I have never seen anything like it before with its intricate design with gold and green. I also really like the look of the Obelisk with that sharp clean golden point at the top.

I don't know if Tim is trying to make a thinking pose or one of someone after a long day and is fed up with taking all these photographs haha, I can't wait to learn about what the boat trip was like @kiligirl

Glad you enjoyed the fountain and obelisk photos, @arckrai. Standing in front of these priceless works really took our breath away.

As for Tim and the thinking pose - a bit of both! He was fed up with the walking and waiting to get into the Louvre but inspired to do a Thinker impression while everyone around him was "holding" the pyramid in their hands.

The boat trip was awesome and I'm looking forward to getting photos from Tim's and Emma's cameras for that post (lots of gorgeous bridges). I was taking pics with my cellphone, which I have to say does a respectable job and is very forgiving of the photographer, but I'm sure they got some truly great shots.

Thanks as always for stopping in, @arckrai 😊😊

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

J'adddddddorre paris :)
Paris its an awesome city , Amazing photos enjoy yourself
Merci Beaucoup :)

Moi aussi! Et merci beaucoup, pareillement 😊😊

Thanks for sharing some beautiful photos of Paris, @kiligirl
It is so clean. Wow! I hope one day, I get a chance to visit.

Glad you enjoyed the photos, @mphil. Paris is such a photogenic city it's hard to take a bad photo of it. I hope you get a chance to visit it sometime! Thanks for stopping by 😊😊

I'm glad you're there and you have the opportunity to visit these tourist attractions! I hope you can visit all of Paris

Hi @amedeo, thanks for the lovely wish. It will have to wait until the next time, as we left Paris Monday 14 August after 4-1/2 wonderful sightseeing-packed days. We managed to pack in a lot! My original plan (not a particularly clever one in retrospect considering my travel companions are not early risers) was to post each evening we were there. Since the earliest we ever got back to our Airbnb was around 9:00, the first time I was able to prepare a post was after we got home from our entire holiday last week. 😊😊

Oh, that sounds great! I appreciate these words and you have time to tell me. You are a very nice person

Gosh it's so beautiful how nice it must be to be in the moment. Those images took my breath away.

So glad you enjoyed them, @kristyyd. I'm not sure it's possible to do justice to such a beautiful city. Everywhere we looked there was something else to make us say wow. Thanks for stopping by! 😊😊

"Gay Parie!" wow, your euro vacation posts are killin' it! (-: peace

Thanks so much, @clumsysilverdad 😊. Appreciate it! And wow, a peace wish coming from you - a different kind of thanks 😊😊

every historic statue, why naked. the question always crossed my mind! travel fun @kiligirl

Excellent question, and one for the art historians because that one is beyond me. Maybe they found skin easier than clothes? Thanks for stopping by, @alif01 😊😊

Was that a real gold coat on the obilisk, and the magic carp?

Another excellent question to which I don't have an excellent answer, @cloudspyder! We were wondering the same thing. Close up, it looks like gold paint...which I guess is gold, isn't it?

The dome of the Invalides is definitely covered in gold leaf (not paint) - quite extraordinary. On our bus tour they told us how much the gold leaf weighs, but we didn't have our notebooks out so I'd have to look that one up again. The number is BIG.

Thanks for stopping in! 😊😊

Great shots, the obelisk is really impressive.

Thanks, @catonwheels! I appreciate it. That obelisk has fascinated me since I first saw it I don't know when, but many years ago. There's a series of plaques there explaining how the original "exporters" (some might say thieves) took it down from its original placing in Egypt (hope I got a photo of the explanation...will have to root around) then shipped it to Paris and installed it in its current seat. Quite a feat of engineering and amazing it didn't get damaged. I'm not sure if the original in Egypt was gold-capped - it would be great if someone knowledgeable about Egyptology could chime in here.

Something that we can not forget where a place we have ever come to bring a distinct impression of an inner satisfaction so good post that you present greetings from us from Indonesia

I'm so glad you could pick up on our happiness at being there, @zainalabidin. Thanks for stopping in and for the greetings from Indonesia! 😊😊

The louvre looks incredible

It was amazing inside and out 😊😊

nice photos

Thank you, @minecrew 😊😊

Team south africa for the win



Thanks for stopping in, @amanrazz! 😊😊