And soon after the rainy season will start. Finding the fountain will be his perfect youth. Everyone will run towards the fountain to drink the sweetness of the water. But not only the fountain, the rainy season is also a good time to visit Tanguar Haar. In the rainy season, the vast area of Tangua haor in Gonzar will be filled with water. As far as the eyes are visible, the vast blue waters will be seen in the eyes. So, the name of Tanguar Haor can be kept in the upcoming rainy season.
However, wherever you travel with the fountain, be careful that you do not harm the place. Especially in haor / fountain / jhuri will not refrain from indulging indigestible objects. If possible, if there is any incomplete object in front of the turn, then collect it and place it in a specific place so that there is no damage to the fountain / bushes / haor ...
How to go:
Sunamganj bus from Dhaka. From there to Tahirpur by leguna / auto. Then get lost in the middle of the blue watercourse by trapping the trawler.