Study Abroad: Florence, Italy

in travel •  7 years ago 

My first three weeks abroad are already over and I just got back from my first weekend trip to a different country and it feels very right to finally sit down to write after coming back “home” to my apartment in Florence. As my roommates and I piled into the taxi from the airport we were all practically bouncing off the walls of the car with excitement to be back home. It’s crazy how much comfort we felt just from hearing the Italian language and driving through the tiny streets of Florence.

I’ve had the most amazing three weeks and so far I’ve already:

spent 33 hours in Italian class

booked 4 weekends trips (been on 2 of them and 6 others are in the process of being planned)

walked 151 miles

made 7 amazing new friends and

eaten countless plates of pasta, cups of gelato, and glasses of wine.

For my classes, I’m taking travel photography, my Elon core capstone, and 8 credits (so 3 hours a day) of Italian. It’s slightly overwhelming at times because I'm also in a slightly more advanced class but I am looooving learning the language and really can't wait to be able to speak it enough to get by. My cab driver to the airport this weekend was a sweet Italian lady who made me speak in Italian the whole ride since I'm going to be living here for so long she thinks I need to speak it all the time. I agree. But definitely need to work on actually implementing that idea. We talked about my family, living in Florida, the difference in the taste of an Italian tomato that has spent it’s life soaking up the Tuscan sun vs one that was grown under the clouds in Scotland, and the the classes I’m taking. I can understand Italian muuuuch better than I can speak it but it was still very cool to have somewhat of a conversation with her.

We only have classes Monday-Thursday which is amazing for traveling on the weekends but definitely already making time fly by. It's terrifying that I'm already entering week FOUR of being here. It makes me so sad thinking about leaving, I never want this experience to end.

Food suggestions so far…

Trattoria Za-Za

Giannino in San Lorenzo

Gelateria Dei Neri


Libreria Brac (vegetarian restaurant)


Ditta Artigianale (great breakfast)

Mister Pizza (BEST gluten free pizza)

Gusta Pizza (I cant eat anything here buuuuut I don't have to to know it’s everyone’s favorite)

#RAW (vegan restaurant very close to Gusta Pizza if you need a different options like I do lol)

All’Antico Vinaio (the lines for these paninis can stretch the entire block. The sandwiches are amazing but ~pro tip~ pick a super random time to get one and you won’t wait in any line at all)

La Terrazza (rooftop cafe on top of a department store with the beeeest view)

Shake Cafe (super American but sometimes that’s just what you need)

La Menagere (great for coffee and breakfast but also an amazing bar with live music at night)IMG_9668.jpg

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