Conversation in marsutka:

in travel •  6 years ago  (edited)

Rozhovor v maršutce:

<V Gruzii je velký problém alkoholismus.

U nás v Čechách taky.

<Ne, u nás je to velký, velký problém. Mému bratrovi sebrali řidičák za alkohol. Jezdí opilý normálně, ale jen chtěl přeparkovat auto a naboural.

To mě mrzí..

<V pohodě, koupil si moped, na ten řidičák nepotřebuješ..


Conversation in marsutka:

<In Georgia, alcoholism is a big problem.

In the Czech Republic, too.

<No, here it is a really big, big problem for us. Police took away the driver’s license from my brother as he was drunk. Well, he was driving drunk normally but that time he just wanted to park the car on the different place and unfortunately hit another car..

I'm sorry ..

<Nah it is fine, he bought a moped, you don’t need the driver’s license for that.👐

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