Exploring George Town // Bouldering @Project Rock // Penang // Malaysia // 2018

in travel •  7 years ago 

** Exploring George Town // Penang travel video // Sightseeing // Rock climbing at Projectrock **

After beautiful islands of Thailand, we moved to Malaysia and stayed 4 days in George Town, Penang. This is an amazing mix of Malaysian, Chinese and Indian cultures! We've tried local food, visited many temples and even did a day of bouldering! Yes, I found a climbing gym in Penang - Project Rock. It's a bit outside of George Town, but I would still highly recommend to not be lazy and go for a good bouldering session in this small cozy gym!

More information about prices and location here: https://projectrock-penang.com/

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Dreams by Joakim Karud https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud
Road Trip by Joakim Karud https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud
Miskais by Vejopatis https://soundcloud.com/cold-tear-records/vejopatis-miskais
Walk by ikson: http://www.soundcloud.com/ikson
Magic Forest by Egg Nebula http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Egg_Nebula

Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library

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