Traveling soon ? Follow the next posts then - Part 3 (last one😅) -( Dubai <=> Adelaide)

in travel •  6 years ago 


Hello Steemit friends,

I thought about writing the whole airlines-airports experience first then I put a different topic about Adelaide itself.. So whoever is interested in only knowing about airlines and stuff and not interested to know about the rest of the trip doesn’t get lost in the posts lol .

Previously in Intro, Part1 and 2 I wrote about the trip from Dubai to Melbourne .
I also mentioned the amazing guy we met there and the night we spent there.
Next day we had the last flight in this trip from Mel to Adelaide on Tiger Airlines
Everything was fine as I remember the staff members were nice .
So last trip was cool and the airport was relaxing somehow too !

So till here we r done with the first part ( Dubai -> Adelaide )

NOW it’s the return …
Its as follows :
Adelaide - > Mel
Mel -> KL
KL -> Kotchi
Kotchi -> Dubai

Just the opposite of the 1st trip

After the time we wasted in our first trip in getting the check-in bag and how annoying it was with the kids (lines lines lines lines ) everywhere we go and not all the airports are kids friendly which means it doesn’t mean anything having 2 kinds in the line , its absolutely fine there is no priority for ppl with kids .

So we decided that we will fly to KL and take the bag from there and ship it to Dubai since the shipping from Aus was REALLY expensive . Plus we already had one night stay in KL and the shipping office in the airport so no big deal.

So we took tiger airlines again from Adelaide to Mel , but they were so strict with the weight , they even weighted the tablet and said no its 7 kgs each so for the 4 of you it should be 28 and nothing more so even the pillows that you use on board around your nick was weighted 😂😂

Anyways we passed this , arrived to Mel and had the next flight to KL.. we slept the night there in Tune Hotel it has a tunnel from the airport to the hotel with A/C so its cool .

We tried to book one of the hotels inside the airport itself , they provide that there but since we had to clear immigration for the bag they said no the checkin desk open only 3 hours before the flight so we can’t check in again and go to the hotel inside ,so Tune was perfect pick then.

Nice hotel to stay the night there anyways , staff are nice and cool as well , but you only pay with Malaysian Ringgit , no USD no other currency …

Anyways second day we went to the Airport , used the checkin machines to do the checkin urself ( I just forgot what we call them 😆😅) we got the boarding passes

We asked the staff there ok what to do next to just move on and go wait in the lounge , the guy there said u have to go to the desk still to check something anyway we went there and here is the real nightmare we had in this trip ..

Staff Member : Where is the Indian Visa ( It says here your next stop is India)
My husband : Ok here is mine but we already shipped the checkin bag and we wont clear immigration there its just a 3 hours transit
Staff Member : Ok Sir but only you not your family !
Husband : Excuse me !
Staff Member : Yes they have to have a Visa each one of them to India , its your destination as it appears to us !
Husband and me now : Ok we did the same with 9 hours transit from Dubai and they were fine !
Staff Member: Yes its different from Dubai
Us : HOW ?
Staff Member: we don’t have agreement with the other airline so we don’t take it as a transit you will clear immigration
Us: We wont
Staff Member: You will !
Us : Can you contact the immi there and make sure we wont !
Staff Member: We don’t make calls !
Us : What if we got you the confirmation from the indian immigration there !
Staff Member : Even if still we wont let you on board !

I called the Indian embassy and the immigration at Kotchi , I told them about the situation the lady from the embassy and these are her words ( I am 100% positive you wont need to clear immigration at the airport , I don’t know WHY AIRLINES KEEP ASKING THE PASSENGERS for VISAS WHILE WE SAY YOU WONT NEED ONE !!!!!!!!! ) and then she said I really can’t help from here but let them call the immigration there !

While doing all that I called also KIWI !
I had a 30 mins call with them and my flight should be after 2 hour by now
The girl stick to the ( we asked you for visas for all the countries ) and I keep repeating its not about the country ITS AN AIRLINES AGGREEMENT
The country donest need a visa from me its AirAisa not India but at kiwi yes they are nice but yes they r well trained not to act mistaken
They will hear all the yelling you do and take all the anger ( I didn’t insult anyone I was frustrated but didn’t insult the girl and wan’t mean to her)
They r trained to take all the anger and say sorry for the inconvenience mam ( she even got the courage to tell me the relevant Dept will get back to you from now up to 48 hours ) !!!!

I told her my flight should be in an hour and I got nothing all what I got a new offer and u will pay 3600 Euros to go back to Dubai will buy you new tickets

I told her ofcourse if am going to buy anything that wont be from you anymore ! and sorry you can’t file a complain or take any refund !
One more evidence its Kiwis responsibility that AirAsia said if (new delhi or another airpost) they wont mind but Kotchi they don’t have agreement with the airlines there so they cant let us on board .

Of course you can Imagine my 2 kids whipping the floor out of stress and crying and and and
And AirAsia and Kiwi they just say ( You wont be on board ,,, we said get Visa)

For me as egyption to issue a Vias for India it takes 7 working days buy the way and It can’t be online I had to go to the embassy there and issue one !

We lost the flight and one after ofcourse
We checked the airline at the airport that time Emirates were around 11K AED
Oman Airlines 10K
We checked online for the Saudi Airlines we found a last call deal for 5K
It’s a loss for us anyway but that was the only waY to head back to Dubai –
I cried from the stress that day specially that my daughter had few accidents
I was Frustrated!!!!😣😣😣😣

We headed back to Tune hotel spent another night and left with the Saudi airlines next day ..
1 word to them ( Perfect)

I recommend it to anyone highly recommended !

Nice staff they managed everything to dubai and that’s it , I remember one of the staff on AirAsia on board I was checking the timing before take off and before I turn off the mobile she literally ( Shouted and ordered me to TURN OFF YOUR MOBILE NOT FLIGHT MODE ) with pointing with her finger I felt like a child with a bossy teacher !!! ofcourse not all of them like here we had some nice ppl too . but her way was shocking !

When I arrived to Dubai I called Kiwi again to ask about what happened the manager said we mentioned that you need to get a visa to everywhere
I told him the embassy said we don’t need !
The whole call was around that ( then we ended up your problem is with the embassy ! not us not AirAsia ) I told him the embassy of the country you said I need visa too while the country told me no you don’t
Do you mean they r wrong and u r right I should call the embassy because the blame on them, he simply said (YES)!

Kiwi and AirAsia I believe NEVER AGAIN (Horrible Horrible Experience)
I am so sorry if these posts weren’t fun, I meant to tell everything so anyone is thinking about taking the same experience has to know what to do or what might face!

Posts in Australia will be fun don’t worry hehehe 😅😅

Part 1 -》

Part 2 -》

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