First Day of '25, Last Day of '24 // Canadation D-7+8

in travel •  2 months ago 


Greetings, travelers!

I've been trying to post about each day of our travel, but obviously I'm getting a bit late on my schedule since it's the fourth day of this New Year and I'm creating this post about both the last day of twenty-twenty-four and the first day of the twenty-five. You probably know how we humans tend to be tired on the tomorrow of New Year's Eve, and I am no exception; I spent the first day of this year really happilly chilling inside my cousin's house to keep away from the freezing cold of Calgary. I already miss that city.


We saw the fireworks with a really special neighbor from where we were: Calgary's Peace Bridge, illustrated on the picture above. It was amazing to be there again, but on a really singular event. The picture bellow shows the place where they launched the fires from.


I'll maybe start posting my Canadation journal, whose name was inspired by my beloved Coringation, telling you and my future self about two days in one post, unless I have something really interesting to share with you. Maybe this way I can catch up with the current day :)

I already wrote About My First Post of 2025, but I wanted to spread some more love in this text again. We have the opportunity at every moment on this existence to choose to do good. I hope you try it out, at least the best you can. Cheers for a good year for Hunanity

This simple post is dedicated to my dear brother, whose head is in this post's header photo <3

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