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Hey, Italy had it's engineers. Hell, it's the birthplace of the enlightenment. Seems that it's strayed pretty far today, but still...

For sure, I just meant that, you know, in the South, we don't really go by the rules anyway ;)

Ha, that's for sure! I'd go so far as to say it's more chaotic and corrupt that Romania. Odd how different the north is vs the south of Italy

It is yes, and I prefer the South (not about the corruption :P )

The south has beautiful scenery, but by god it is dirty.

It depends on where you go...Big cities -as in any country- clearly are dirty (Rome, Naples...), but not the smaller ones. I mean - to make a French comparison - just because Paris is dirty is doesn't mean Marseille or whole France are too ;)

I've been around, toured Itally, and I dunno, the south looks worse than Romania in many places, and I don't mean just Naples, that place is just disgusting. And it's a shame too, as it does have great potential for beauty!

I don't think you could have toured more than me haha but I'm not saying it's clean either haha, but not as dirty as you make it sound. Yeah, Naples is indeed so dirty that loses any beauty and that's so sad. And indeed, Romania was pretty clean wherever I've been! :D