Old Pollok House and its Amazing Gardens

in travel •  7 years ago 


Today we were gifted with some half decent weather and decided to go for a bit of a gad about somewhere. We decided on Pollok House.

Pollok House is a large Georgian stately home located in the massive Pollok Country Park in the south side of Glasgow in Scotland. Glasgow is littered with parks but this one takes the biscuit for sheer size.

The house is set in some ridiculously grand grounds which are open to the public. It looks out onto the River Cart and is a little magnificent.


The grounds are divided up into many areas. To the left is the small maze garden.
Don't worry, I didn't get lost!

The house was owned by the Maxwell family who were quite obviously as rich as fuck. They lived there for over six centuries. I don't know if that was the same people in a vampyric immortal sense or generations of inbred sub royalty with small chins and beady, darting eyes...

To the right of the house some grand stairs leading off to some well manicured, walled gardens.

Ahhhhhh, yonder lies a grassy sea

Of course, where there is a sea then there should be a fine boat for sailing.

And look! A little lighthouse.
Obviously to warn the maids when the master of the house had imbibed a little too much brandy and fancied parting something other than the grassy seas of his estate.

Beyond the grassy sea lies a rectangularly bound path leading too the dinosaur garden.

We all liked the dinosaur garden. There were lots of bizarre plants and at any moment I expected some reptilian creature to bound out and paw at my happysacks with hungry hands.


But no. Only the dead lay here

Signs beckoned us onward from the Dino garden towards a copse of trees. What was going on here, fairies you say?

Why indeed. We stumbled upon a fairy garden!



Compete with a cunningly carved dragon, slumbering under a pile of gold coin.

And that ended our visit to Polok house after my daughter had a dramatic meltdown over the fact that despite their being many fairy houses there were no actual fairies.

I daresay if she was of an older age she would have claimed to have been sold a pup but still, a fabulous day out was had by all. I hope you enjoyed the pictures!

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A venerable building with a wonderful park..... wonderful pictures!!

Thank you. It is truly a stunning old house and location!!

Love it!! :0)

WOW! Fantastic pics! What a amazing place!

Cheers mate, it really is awesome!!


Really!!! Awesome!!

I like your post very much, time to relax with the fairies :)

Well thank you. It is that time indeed!

Nice gardens in an expensive piece of real estate.
Nice that it's open to public.

I like that fact too. You can wander around at will!

fabulous! I really do have to get to Scotland some day soon!

Oh yes indeed, it's a great place!

Elegant house and wonderful gardens! Thanks so much for sharing!

You are very welcome, thank you for looking!

You're welcome! ;)

I would totally live there. But I wouldn't want to clean it. lol

Yeah me neither, the was a photo inside of the staff back in the day and there were about fifty of them!!

Looks a good day out.

It was not bad at all!!

A fairy garden with no fairies? Damn! But I really liked your story

Thank you! Yes, it was a little disappointing that they hadnt attracted any of the little easties into their fabulously hobbit like houses! :O)

Interesting post and beautiful pictures!

Thank you! It was indeed a beautiful place!

Very cool!

Cheers mate!

Excellent ride dear friend @ meesterboom, that place is a real trip to the past, the magenes are beautiful, I could not say which is better, I really liked the dragon carved on the floor, thank you very much for this beautiful gift

You are most welcome. I think the dragon was the best part too!!

lack of live dinosaurs or fairies is a definite minus but a cool looking place still

It was well worth the visit. My daughter will never forgive them for the lack though... Lol!!

Wonderful gardens!

They are, it's a delight!

A little magnificent? That place looks like it was plucked straight out from a fairy tale!! I love every shot, but I have to say that the gorgeous shot of the tulips (?) is my fave (yes, I'm picking favorites now, deal with it labyrinth and fairy forest) You even managed to find the wreckage of ye olde SS BOOM (don't think you can slip that past me, dude ;) ) Man, the things people could do with money haha

I like how your daughter had a meltdown over there being no actual fairies. In my opinion, she's in the right. Blasted false advertising!

Labyrinth is cross. Labyrinth plots revenge against those who favour others above he!

The tulips! Yeah that was a great shot. It was sunny and I could barely see my phone screen so wasnt entirely sure how it would turn out!

I really sympathised with her whilst also shaking my head and trying to look like a proper dad

And I knew you would spot the boom!

I've had my fair share of labyrinths. Heck, I've even lost my shins in one! So, you know what, I changed my mind. The labyrinth is the coolest. All hail the labyrinth!

That was shot from a phone?! Now, I'm even more impressed!! I mean, labyrinth is still tops though :/ Labyrinth for life.

One day, when your daughter becomes the Prime Minister, I'm sure she would enforce laws to evict fairies who don't occupy their homes as intended. I mean, that space could be better used for gnomes or elves and such.

She has a sideward cast to her eye. I fear for us should she ever gain power!

Lordy ho, once I get in character I can't stop!!

Now that you mention it, Perhaps I should complain on behalf of the gnomes and elves being under-represented

HAHAHA! I'm very interested to know how her reaction would be years from now once she discovers that her father talks about her that way.

Being lost in our characters is awesome. We don't even know what' real and what isn't! Justice for gnomes and elves! Occupy Old Pollok!!

Oh no... You have me there. It's the blockchain! Nothing is forgotten!!! Yikes!!!!

Even when our memories fade and our bodies have turned to dust, the blockchain will still be alive, and will remember everything. It'll remember your recipes, it'll remember my rants, it'll remember your black cats, and every stain in our pants!

Poetry! I charge you with the sin of POETRY!

amazing mansion! :)

It is quite, very grams inside too but i thought i would save that for another day!

A good post. I followed. Follow each other!

Well go on, how can I refuse!

Herself refused!

Surely not ;0)

Very beautiful gardens... even a place for Hobbits! It's nice to see an old stately home so well taken care of.

It's in remarkably fine condition. It's odd finding it in the middle of a city! Lots of local people haven't been or even know of it bizarrely enough. I particularly liked the Hobbitness of the fairy houses!